The Dr. Drew Insulting Women w/ Pelvic Pain Debacle

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The Dr. Drew Insulting Women w/ Pelvic Pain Debacle

Post by Antonia »

This is truly horrible! If I'm posting in the wrong place, as I've tended to do since surgery, please let me know (or move, if you're an admin.) For those here who are more activist oriented, or if this just makes you really want to speak your mind about the utter ignorance of this man, Drew Pinsky, and his thoughts on pelvic pain disorders all being "garbage bag disorders" that are all due to psychological problems and not actual medical pathology, please join the fray! He chalks this caller's fiancee's entire pelvic pain up to a "somatoform dissociation", which he claims is due to her having been sexually abused as a child (the caller admits this, transcript below). They then joke about pelvic pain being the result of sex with the "Blurred Lines" guy and/or Dr. Drew himself. Hey! Pelvic pain is SOOOOO hilarious! :evil: :evil:

This blogger has the transcript: ... w-pinskey/:

Caller: My fiancé has a multitude of diagnoses. She has IC, Endometriosis, lactose intolerance. She has no stomach lining. I mean, a bunch of things going on.
Mike: No stomach lining? Is that real, Drew? Can that happen?
Dr. Drew: No. And by the way, IC is, I assume, interstitial cystitis?
Caller: Yes
Dr. Drew: These are all, these are all sort of what we call functional disorders. Everything you mentioned, everything you mentioned, are things that actually aren’t discernibly pathological. They’re, they’re just sort of what we call “garbage bag” diagnoses. When you can’t think of anything else, you just go, “oh it’s that.” So it then makes me question why is she so somatically preoccupied that she’s visiting doctors all the time with pain and urinary symptoms and health symptoms and all this stuff. And that makes me wonder was she sexually abused growing up.
Caller: Well she..and it’s funny you say that. She actually almost refused to go to a doctor until I begged her to because she was in so much pain. In the 3 years we’ve been together, she’s only seen a doctor maybe twice.
Dr. Drew: And she has 4 different diagnoses in 2 visits? Pretty hard to get that.
Caller: Well, a lot of them happened before she and I were together, but yes she was-
Dr. Drew: She went to see lots of doctors before you.
Caller: She-
Dr. Drew: Trust me, she saw lots of doctors before you were together to get those diagnoses. Was she sexually abused growing up?
Caller: Yes. Not growing up, no-
Dr. Drew: Okay, magically, magically, wait, hold on! Wait a minute!
Emily: That took, like, 16 minutes to say yes.
Dr. Drew: When people have unexplained pain, particularly pelvic pain, it’s called somatoform dissociation, and the only way her body, which was suffering during those early experiences can tell its tale of woe is with pain. And she really needs to see a trauma specialist not a urologist. You know what I’m saying?
Caller: Okay.
Dr. Drew: So really work on that. It’s a real thing.

And a call to action has gone out, mainly amongst those with endometriosis, a bit from others with IC (which I also have, but these are the two he mentioned, in addition to lactose intolerance?!?!?), and there are now multiple articles (I'm not sure if the language in this one is acceptable here, but google Dr. Drew and "jezebel", because they have the video) and a facebook page demanding an apology:, not to mention his own page on facebook which has been inundated with women suffering from endo, IC and other disorders demanding an apology from the man:

Please, if you are so inclined, jump in on any of the various forms of social media (there's a #EducateDrDrew hashtag going on on Twitter still) and let this man have it!

Pain starting at ischial tuberosity 2013 (minor hamstring tendon tear); labral tear July 2013, referred pain to groin/bladder. Sept. 24th '13, tore my abdominal muscles and adductors at the pelvis; pain and spasms so bad I couldn't stand, walk, or go to the bathroom; misdiagnosed until Jan. 27th 14; double procedure 4/3/14, hip arthroscopy & muscle repair. One adductor still driving me nuts. Slowly working my way back to health & working to educate more about pelvic injuries/pathologies.
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