Contact Details for Dr Renney

Coordinator for Houston Team, Surgeon - Dr. Ansell
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Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by Mod4 »

Dr. Ken Renney is the diagnostic physician and coordinator for patients wanting to have treatment in Houston, Texas. Other members of the Houston Team include Dr. Charles Popeney (Neurologist), Dr. James Murphy (Radiologist), and Dr. Lee V. Ansell (Neurosurgeon).

Dr Renney
Methodist Orthopaedic Specialists of Texas
1201 Brooks Street
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
281-690-4622 (FAX)

Dr. Renney's practice is now owned by a hospital, which wants all of the staff to have their internet material on the hospital website only. At this time he does not have a page on the hospital website. Dr. Renney's previous website is no longer in service. At some point his new website information will be announced.

New patients who wish to be evaluated for treatment by the Houston team should:

Call Dr. Renney's office. The number is (281) 690-4678.
Listen to the menu, and wait for the operator to ask how to direct your call. Ask for Shae Jones, Dr. Renney's assistant. This will take you to her voicemail where you can leave your message.
Leave your name and email address and a message that you want to contact Dr. Renney about PNE. Leave only your email address; do not leave a phone number. You will be getting an email in response, not a phone call.

Shae will send an email invitation to set up your free TeleHealth Connect secure messaging account for all of your Houston correspondence. If more than 24 hours elapses between your call and getting a response during the work week, please check your email's Spam folder to see if it got caught in there.

Dr. Renney will send you an email confirming your account and will arrange your phone consultation with him. If the results of the call indicate that you should come to Houston, he will email you the patient forms you need to fill out and the pre-requisites for your appointments. These documents were previously listed on Dr. Renney's website.

Some of the information you need to be seen in Houston isn't organized on one place on the internet during this interim time. It's available through secure messaging, until further notice.
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by KC17 »

I requested a phone consult a couple of days ago and in response they inform you of what tests need to be done before your appointment if one is necessary, and I wanted to share it with everyone in case they were considering the Houston Team, or in case the requirements have changed.

- Pelvis MRI attention lumbosacral plexus and S2 S3 S4 nerve roots
- CT scan of the pelvis with contrast
- A urological evaluation to rule out underlying causes of infection, cystitis, or other urological pathology
- Female patients need a recent gynecological evaluation
- All patients must also have a neurological evaluation

Pain started suddenly April 2010.
3T MRI w/ Dr. Potter, January 2011 shows bilateral impingement of the dorsal nerve of the clitoris.

Unsure what to do next because my pelvis is a mess.
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by JeanieC »

Hi Krista,

I was evaluated by Dr Renney in the spring and these were the requirements then, except that Pelvic MRI without contrast was specified. When I had my phone consult with Dr Renney, he told me that a urology evaluation would not be required for me as I was not having symptoms in that area, so you might wait until you actually speak with him about your symptoms. It would not do any harm to make an appt with one though, as I know it can be hard to get in for first appts if you don't already have a urologist.

I was given an appt in Houston about 2 months after I spoke with Dr Renney on the phone.

Hope you'll tell us how things go for you and thanks for posting this information.

Diagnosed with left side PN by Dr Renney, March 2010, after over 2 years of searching for help
Left TG Surgery, Dr Ansell, August 2010, failed to relieve pain
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by DrRad »

Have been trying to get in touch with Dr. Renney for relative who has severe pudendal neuralgia and needs surgery. Followed the guidelines for contacting Dr. Renney, but the link in the email did not work. Called back his office and left another message and now no response. Any other ways of contacting? Please PM me if you have additional numbers or emails.

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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by Celeste »

I would go back to your email that you got from him and retry it; I did a test sample for him when they got the new software, and I know that the security code you have to cut and paste is pretty long. It's possible that you left off a character. If this still does not work, call back and let them know you re-tried it. I understand your frustration, but the system really does work. To answer your question, no, there isn't another way to do contact. He wants it all to go through encrypted email.
PNE as a result of childbirth, 2002. Treatment by the Houston team, with neurosurgery by Dr. Ansell in 2004. My left side ST and SS ligaments were found to be grown together, encasing the pudendal nerve.

I am cured. I hope you will be, too.

There are no medical answers on the forum. Your only hope is to go to a doctor. I was very happy with the Houston team, which has treated the most PNE patients (well over 400), more than any other US provider.
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by DrRad »

Sorry Celeste but if you read my post you would see that I already phoned them, and yes I did try it more than once (dozens of times actually). In the end I realized the problem, and entered information saying that I was in the United States. The HealthVault program doesn't work if you are not in the US of A.
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by Celeste »

DrRad wrote:Sorry Celeste but if you read my post you would see that I already phoned them, and yes I did try it more than once (dozens of times actually). In the end I realized the problem, and entered information saying that I was in the United States. The HealthVault program doesn't work if you are not in the US of A.
Infinitely sorry that I didn't read your mind to know that you'd tried it dozens of times Dr Rad; I did read your post obviously in order to answer your question that no, there is no other contact method. Kindly forgive my misguided attempt to help; I won't trouble you again in such a way in the future.
PNE as a result of childbirth, 2002. Treatment by the Houston team, with neurosurgery by Dr. Ansell in 2004. My left side ST and SS ligaments were found to be grown together, encasing the pudendal nerve.

I am cured. I hope you will be, too.

There are no medical answers on the forum. Your only hope is to go to a doctor. I was very happy with the Houston team, which has treated the most PNE patients (well over 400), more than any other US provider.
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by JODDY »

Hi Krista, I am considering the Houston team and you said that they require the following tests:

Pelvic MRI Attention Lumbosacral Plexus And S2,S3,S4, Nerve Roots.

CT Scan of The Pelvis With Contrast.

Urological Evaluation to rule out underlying causes of infection,cystitis, or other urological pathology.

Neurological Evaluation.
I guess Dr Renny will tell me where I go to get the Pelvic MRI and CT scan of the pelvis.I already see Urologist every year for a prostate exam. The next step would be the Neurological Evaluation.I have insurance(medicare+a supplement).Would the insurance pay for the Pelvic MRI and the CT Scan of the pelvis?Or would I have to pay? Since I am a male, I left out the female part.
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Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by Violet M »

We just received the following message from Dr. Renney and the new doctor on the Houston team:

We need to let you know of an important change to the Houston program for Pudendal Nerve Entrapment patients.

Beginning May 1, 2012, Dr. Renney will turn over coordination of new PNE patient screening, scheduling and consults to Dr. Phillip Phan, a pain management specialist who is affiliated with Dr. Popeney. Dr. Renney will continue to coordinate follow up care for those patients who have been seen in Houston by him. Those patients already seen in Houston can still communicate with Dr Renney by Telehealth Connection.

Dr. Renney always found it very rewarding to assist patients with this condition, and this was definitely a difficult change to make.

The most important information is that your experience as a patient in this program will continue as before, with only a change to your point of contact from Dr. Renney to Dr. Phillip Phan. The screening, testing, blocks, specialty consults and surgery will be the same, all the coordination will now be with Dr. Phillip Phan. Please call his office directly at 832-553-1336 for appointments. Dr. Phillip Phan has been given all of the information needed to assist you. Again, all of your contact will go through Dr. Phillip Phan now.

On behalf of Dr. Renney, MOST wishes you all the best as you go through treatment for this difficult condition.

Phillip Phan MD
7700 Main Street # 400
Houston, TX 77030
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.

Re: Contact Details for Dr Renney

Post by cwb125 »

Has anyone tried this new doctor? I live in Texas and have found it difficult to find someone who can test for PN within the state.
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