Hope for Patients with Pudendal Neuralgia and Pudendal Nerve Entrapment

HOPE is a charitable organization that offers support and information to patients who have pudendal neuropathy (PN), pudendal neuralgia (PN), or pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE).  If you have come to this website it is probably because you are in pain or you know someone who is in pain.  Our goal is that after coming here you will be able to develop a plan of action that will help you get your life back. Our Mission

Health Organization for Pudendal Education is a Registered Organization with AmazonSmile. Click here for more information.   



The directors of this organization are Amanda, April, Stephanie, and Violet. We are all veterans of pudendal neuropathy and you can find us on our forum. We review the latest peer-reviewed literature and do our best to keep current with the latest information available to the PN community. Nevertheless, we are not doctors and we recommend that you seek advice from your medical professional for treatment.

Directors of the Health Organization for Pudendal Education, moderators of the forum, and health care professionals who serve as advisers serve strictly on a volunteer basis and are not paid. Pudendalhope.org is funded by donations.  Anyone can contribute.

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Information found on this website is offered for support and educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.
The authors of this website are not physicians and we do not provide medical advice. Users should consult a doctor.