Australian Physicians

Providers listed on this website are not endorsed by the Health Organization for Pudendal Education.  This list is offered as a public service for informational purposes only.

Dr. Adele Burgess is a Colorectal surgeon in Melbourne, Australia. She has a sub-specialty interest in pelvic floor problems. She conducts pudendal nerve testing, anorectal ultrasound, manometry, and on occasions sacro/coccygel manipulation. She offers Botox treatments and pudendal nerve blocks (with or without steroids). She also performs sacral nerve stimulation (neuromodulation) and pelvic floor surgery.

Ms. Adele Burgess
Level 7
10 Martin Street
Heidelberg, Victoria 3084
Tel:  (03) 9456 9077
Fax:  (03) 9456 9177
– OR –
173 Lennox Street
Richmond, Victoria
Tel:  (03) 9456 9077
Fax:  (03) 9456 9177

Prof. Thierry Vancaillie is currently doing PNE surgery after working with Dr. Bautrant in France.
Prof. Vancaillie has an International reputation for innovative procedures in gynaecology. He is Assoc. Professor of endogynaecology.
The clinic is known as the Pudendal Nerve Diagnostic and Treatment Unit

Thierry Vancaillie MD (Belgium), FRANZCOG, PPFMANZCA
Gynaecologist and Pain specialist
Director of the Women’s Health and Research Institute of Australia
Tel: 61 1 300 722 206
Fax: 61 2 9382 6244

Dr. Les Roberts is a neurologist in Melbourne Australia. He is available to conduct the pudendal nerve motor latency testing.

Dr. Les Roberts
St Vincent’s Health
P O Box 2900
Victoria 3065
Tel: (03) 9419 1933

Dr. Tim Pavy is a PN aware doctor and is the head of the Anesthesia and Pain Management at King Edward Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Tim Pavy, Head of Anaesthesia & Pain Management
King Edward Memorial Hospital
Western Australia
Tel:  (08) 9340 2222 (within Australia)
+ 61 8 9340 2222 (if outside Australia)

Dr. Peter Courtney is a Pain Management specialist who also is very PN aware. His practice includes General Pain Medicine utilising diagnostic and theapeutic injections of spine and sympathetic nerves. Radiofrequency neurotomy, trigger point therapy and hypnotic relaxation techniques.

Suite 14
166 Gipps St
East Melbourne, Victoria 3145
Tel:  (03) 9417 6625


The HOPE organization does not endorse any of the providers listed on this website. The list is offered as a public service

Information found on this website is offered for support and educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.
The authors of this website are not physicians and we do not provide medical advice. Users should consult a doctor.