
Health Organization for Pudendal Education is a public charity 501c3 tax exempt organization whose purpose is to provide relief to patients with pudendal neuropathy.

Three ways to donate:

  1. Make a secure credit card or Paypal donation.

  2. Donate using Zelle. For assistance on how to use Zelle, please go to the Zelle website for instructions and direct the donation to the following email address:

    If you would like to receive a tax-deductible receipt, please complete the contact form and request a tax-deductible receipt in the message box. Please indicate if you would like the receipt mailed to you through postal mail or emailed (you may need to check your spam email folder for the receipt).

  3. Mail a check or money order directly to:

    Health Organization for Pudendal Education
    8100 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Ste M-4 #730
    Albuquerque, NM 87113

    Checks should be made out to Health Organization for Pudendal Education. The only mail we will send you is a tax-deductible receipt if you request one. We will not mail you future requests for more donations.

Our Mission

The specific objectives and purposes of this corporation are to offer hope, support, and information to patients who have pudendal neuropathy (PN), pudendal neuralgia (PN), pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE), and related diseases.

Our goals are:
1.     To help patients obtain information and resources that will assist them in the decision-making process as they seek treatments for their illness.
2.     To maintain a list of names of health care providers who treat pudendal neuropathy.
3.     To maintain a website where this information is readily available to people with pudendal neuropathy.
4.     To provide an online forum for people to network with others who have pudendal neuropathy.
5.     To follow the peer reviewed literature on pudendal neuropathy and bring important new developments to the attention of forum members.
6.     To assist healthcare providers or others in obtaining funds for research of pudendal neuropathy and related diseases.

Information found on this website is offered for support and educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.
The authors of this website are not physicians and we do not provide medical advice. Users should consult a doctor.