European Physicians

Providers listed on this website are not endorsed by the Health Organization for Pudendal Education.  This list is offered as a public service for informational purposes only.

There are a limited number of physicians around the world who treat pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment.  Click on the right country to find the nearest doctor.










United Kingdom


Dr. Oskar Aszmann has developed surgery to treat pudendal nerve entrapment of the distal pudendal nerve (dorsal nerve of penis or dorsal nerve of clitoris).  This is a completely different surgery than the approaches that treat PNE at the ischial spine and alcock’s canal.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oskar C. Aszmann
Director of the Center for Extremity Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Medical University of Vienna, AUSTRIA
Phone:  0043 1 40400-5616
Fax:  0043 1 40422-4810
The best way to contact Dr. Aszmann is via e-mail.


Dr. Oganes Dilanyan performs laparoscopic pudendal nerve decompression and LION procedures for severe cases. As an experienced pelvic surgeon, he operates on complex cases of deep infiltrative endometriosis affecting the genitofemoral, obturator, pudendal, and sciatic nerves, as well as the ureters, bladder, and rectum. Dr. Dilanyan founded the multidisciplinary pelvic pain syndrome team at Dilanyan Clinic in Moscow. He also consults and performs surgeries in Yerevan, Armenia.

Phone Number 1:

Armenian and English Languages:  +374 55 170303, WhatsApp: +374 55 170303 




Dr. Jacques Beco is an obstetrician and gynecologist who performs pudendal nerve decompression surgery using the perineal approach under endoscopic control (“pudendoscopy”). After the opening of the Alcock’s canal and mobilization of the perineal branch, Dr. Beco opens the clamp between the sacro-spinal and sacro-tuberous ligaments and cuts the sacro-spinal ligament with the wire loop of a rectoscope that uses high frequency electrical current.  Transposition of the pudendal nerve or of its branches is the last step of the procedure.  To see the video of the procedure click on :

Dr. Beco’s contact information:

HC Clinique Sainte-Elisabeth
Rue du Naimeux
B-4802, Heusy

Office address:

9a Avenue Hanlet
B-4802 Heusy
Phone:  00 32 / 87 23 01 69
Fax:  00 32 / 87 23 04 69

Dr. Renaud Bollens (Urologist) and Dr Fabienne Absil (Gynecologist) are specialists in Pudendal neuropathy syndrome. They have wide experience in pudendal nerve surgery, released by laparoscopic surgery. They have multiple publications on the subject in pubmed. Videos (full length) are available on their YouTube channels (Fabienne Absil or Renaud Bollens). For them the surgical decompression should be proposed early in this pathology to improve the prognosis. The minimal invasive technique allows them to try without major side effects related to the access. They believe that the pathology is mainly a functional problem and only a small percentage of patients will have severe pain, and that it is fundamental to diagnose the problem early before the painful syndrome to prevent the endpoint evolution of severe pain. For more information, please go to their information sheet for pudendal neuralgia patients. (Link to the information sheet – click here.) The best way to contact them is to send an email message to the following email address:

Dr. Jean Pierre Van Buyten is a leading expert in neuromodulation for patients with pudendal neuralgia.
Dr Jean Pierre Van Buyten
AZ Maria Middelares
Hospitaalstraat 17
Sint Niklaas
9100 Belgium

Tel:  00 32 3 760 2318 00 32 3 760 2318


Prof. G. Amarenco is a neurologist who administers nerve blocks for PN patients.

Service de Neuro-Urologie et d’Explorations Périnéales
Hôpital Tenon
4, Rue de la Chine
75020 PARIS
Phone: 01 56 01 76 12

Dr. Eric Bautrant is a pelvic surgeon in France who performs the trans-ischio-rectal fossa approach to pudendal nerve decompression surgery. This approach requires a small vaginal incision in women and a small incision between the anal area and scrotum for men. Usually the sacrospinous ligament is partially severed to relieve the compressed nerve but the sacrotuberous ligament is spared. To read more about his procedure click on this link:

It is best to contact him through e-mail.

Dr. Eric Bautrant

25, rue Victor Hugo
13100 Aix en Provence
Phone number: 04 42 37 38 07
Fax : 011 33 442373801

Professor Roger Robert leads a team of physicians from Nantes, France that diagnose and treat pudendal neuralgia. Prof. Robert developed the trans-gluteal technique for surgical release of the nerve. This team of physicians includes Dr. Labat, a neurologist that performs EMG, pudendal nerve motor latency testing and other tests to confirm the presence of PNE. Dr. Riant is an anesthesiologist that performs nerve blocks and assists in the diagnosis effort. Dr. Guerineau is a Kinestherapist and physical therapist that through his techniques, reduces muscle spasm thereby decreasing a patient’s pain level.  Contact is available via mail, please include your name, date of birth, address, phone number, a history of your symptoms, treatments that you have tried, and an e-mail address, if available.

Dr Riant. Pain Specialist and Anesthesist – Nerve Blocks
Centre Catherine De Sienne,
Unite de d’evaluation et Traitement de la Douleur,
2, Rue Eric Tabarly
44200 Nantes

Dr J.J. Labat. Neurologist & Urologist – PNMLT
Cabinet Neurologie
25, Rue Mauvoisins
44100 Nantes

Dr. Eric de Bisschop is a vascular physician and electrophysiologist who pracitices in Aubagne close to Marseille, France. He performs EMG’s and does EMG guided pudendal nerve and ilioinguinal nerve blocks.  Since November of 2009 Dr. de Bisschop has performed PNE decompression surgery using the perineal approach with a balloon probe, sparing the ligament.

Dr. de Bisschop works with his wife, Dr. Rajeshree Nundall who uses angiology to assess the pudendal blood vessels. If there is a pudendal nerve entrapment the blood vessels will also be entrapped since they travel alongside each other. Angiology confirms EMG testing and gives information about tissues including scar tissue after surgery. This is a link to Dr. Nundall’s scientific paper:

This is Dr. de Bisschop’s contact information – the best way to contact him is through e-mail:

55, avenue des Goums 
13400 Aubagne, 
Phone:  00 33 442 163 395 


Doctors Sylwia and Piotr Marianowski cofounded the branch of US based Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain in Warsaw, Poland.  Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain (AZCCPP) was founded by Dr. Michael Hibner in 2005 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Dr. Michael Hibner introduced many innovative techniques of treatment
for pudendal neuralgia, including physical therapy, pharmacotherapy injections of botulinum toxin to the pelvic muscles and pudendal nerve decompression surgery.

European Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain (EUCCPP) is a practice entirely dedicated to treatment of pelvic pain in both women and men at every step required: physiotherapy, botox injections, pudendal nerve blocks, pudendal nerve surgery (performed in Warsaw by Dr. Michael Hibner).

Doctors Sylwia and Piotr Marianowski are gynecologists with 25 years of experience in the field of women’s health. They consult patients suffering from endometriosis, pudendal nerve injury, vulvar pain, pain with intercourse (dyspareunia), pelvic pain after traumatic injuries, patients who were injured by pelvic mesh used in treatment of urinary incontinence and prolapse, and spasm of the pelvic floor muscles. Doctors Sylwia and Piotr Marianowski underwent extensive training at AZCCPP learning from Dr. Hibner on every stage of diagnostic and therapeutic process in patients with chronic pelvic pain. After receiving a certificate from AZCCPP they provide a high-quality of care to patients with this condition.

Tel:  +48 572 906 296
Instagram:  @dr_pelvicpain


Oganes E. Dilanyan, MD, PHD

Dr. Dilanyan offers laparoscopic pudendal nerve decompression surgery. There are pain management specialists on his team who offer pudendal nerve blocks.

At Dilanyan Clinic, a multidisciplinary team specializes in treating pelvic pain. This team includes experts from various fields, providing comprehensive care for diagnosing and treating pelvic pain and dysfunction. Here are the key members and their specializations:

1. Dr. Dilanyan is an experienced pelvic surgeon who performs laparoscopic pudendal nerve decompression and LION procedures for severe cases. He also treats deep infiltrative endometriosis affecting pelvic nerves, ureters, bladder, and rectum.

2. Dr. Izvozchikov is a neurologist and author of guides on pudendal neuropathy and non-oncological pelvic pain. He focuses on diagnosing and conservatively treating pelvic pain.

3. Prof. Fomenko is a neurophysiologist with numerous articles and monographs. She conducts various neurophysiological studies on pelvic pain and dysfunction.

4. Dr. Khashimov is a specialist in musculoskeletal and neural ultrasound, offering detailed ultrasound diagnostics of pelvic nerves and various nerve and muscle blocks.

5. Dr. Slobodyanyuk is a gynecologist specializing in treating pelvic pain in women, including vulvodynia and pelvic organ prolapse.

6. Dr. Toniyan is an oncologist-gynecologist specializing in deep pelvic endometriosis, oncogynecological conditions, and pudendal nerve entrapment.

7. Dr. Sedakova is a physiotherapist who performs pelvic and segmental high-intensity magnetic stimulation.

8. Dr. Surma is a neurologist and neurophysiologist specializing in transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating central sensitization.

9. Dr. Morozova is an immunologist treating patients with viral neuropathies.

10. Dr. Isagulyan is a neurosurgeon specializing in neuromodulation and pain treatment. The clinic also has specialists in Botox injections, neurostimulation, pelvic therapy, and pre- and post-operative care for pelvic surgeries. This multidisciplinary approach ensures effective treatment for complex cases of pelvic pain, providing comprehensive care and support for patients

Address 1
Street Name: 

Dilanyan Clinic 109544 Novorogozhskaya 8

City:  Moscow

State:  Russia

Phone Number 1:

English Language:  +374 55 170303, WhatsApp: +374 55 170303   

Phone Number 2:

Russian Language: +7 499 344 0303, WhatsApp: +7 916 657 6172

Email Address 1:

Website 1:

English Site:

Website 2:

Russia Site:


Dr. Marc Possover

Dr. Marc Possover has published numerous peer-reviewed articles on pudendal neurlagia.  He performs pudendal nerve decompression surgery using the laparscopic approach. He also performs the LION procedure which is reserved for  neurogenic problems in which an anatomical lesion cannot be treated. With the implantation of the lead tangentialy to the sacral nerve roots S3 S2-> S4/5, it covers all pudendal afferent fibers passing through the sacral nerve roots.

Dr. Bruno Roche leads a team of physicians from Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Roche is a surgeon specializing in coloproctology and perineal surgery. He was trained by Professor Robert in the trans-gluteal technique of surgical decompression. He works closely with Dr. Alex Cahana, an anesthetist and chief of the pain clinic. Dr. Cahana specializes in pain evaluation and infiltrations. Dr. Joan Robert-Yap performs pudendal nerve motor latency testing and handles any neuromodulation treatment that may be required.

Unité de Proctology
Hopitaux Universitaire de Geneve
1211 Geneve 14
Phone:  +41 22 372 79 34
Fax:  +41 22 372 79 09

Dr Jean-Pierre Spinosa practices in Swizterland and uses Prof. Shafik’s technique for PNE decompression.

FMH gynécologie et accouchements
Médecin Chef adjoint Hôpital de Morges
Anc. Médecin associé, Unité de périneologie, Hôp. Univ. Genève
Rue des Terreaux 2
1003 – Lausanne – Suisse
00 41 21 3290980


Our multidisciplinary Spanish team, located in Madrid, capital of Spain is helping patients suffering myofascial pelvic pain syndrome, pudendal nerve entrapment and other pathologies with chronic pelvic pain.
Dr. Fernando Itza is a pain medicine expert and coordinator of this team.  Dr. Itza performs conservative treatments:  nerve blocks, perineural blocks, trigger point injections, Botox injections and neurostimulation.  He provides medication management for neuropathic pain.
A remarkable datum is that only 3-4% of patients suffering chronic pelvic pain are affected by pudendal nerve entrapment syndrome.
At this moment, we are sending possible surgical procedures to Dr. Bautrant in Aix-en-Provence in France.  The surgery will be done in Spain as soon as possible according to Dr. Bautrant’s availability.
Dr. Gomez, urologist, provides the first diagnosis and offers the intraprostatic injections when needed (according to Dr. Guercini’s technique).
Dr. Zarza, neurophysiologist, performs neurophysiological tests including:   pudendal nerve motor latency, bulbocavernosus reflex, evoked potentials, sympathetic-cutaneous response and electromyography of the external anal sphincter, the levator ani muscle or other muscles. In addition, he is able to carry out Botox injections and monitoring of neuromuscular blocks.
Our physical therapists team, led by Sol Hergueta and Laura Moraleda, is able to carry out pre-operative care and post-operative care for pudendal entrapment.  They are specialized in treating myofascial pelvic pain syndromes, for example, levator ani syndrome.


Dr. Itza’s office
Calle Profesor Waksman, 8. 3ºA
28036 Madrid. España-Spain
Tel:  + 34916391056
E-mail: (Dr. Itza)


Dr. Tibet Erdogru

Prof. Dr. Erdogru performs robotic and laparoscopic pudendal nerve decompression and transposition surgeries in males and females. Prof. Dr. Erdogru and his TEAM evaluate pelvic pain patients as multidisciplinary approaches with different perspectives in the areas of neuro-urology and pelvic pain management with pain specialist (algologist), neurologists, orthopedics, gynecologist and pelvic floor physiotherapist. In his own practice, he evaluates the patients with detailed history, Pudendal Neuralgia Questionnaire (IQPD v1.1) and physical examination, laboratory analysis, EMG, and pelvic MRI focused on the pudendal neurovascular bundle region and Alcock’s canal. He also performs anti-inflammatory prolonged hydrodistension cystoscopy and bilateral pudendal nerve block for the treatment of interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome. And he treats intractable painful bladder syndrome and pudendal neuralgia patients with laparoscopic selective pudendal nerve neuromodulation.

Phone: +90 (549) 804 0308

 United Kingdom

Dr. Andrew Baranowski is a urogynecologist that performs nerve blocks. He generally is in the practice of diagnosing and treating uro-genital pain related issues.

National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG
Phone: 020 7837 3611

Dr. Thomas Carlstedt

This link provides information about this doctor who is performing Pudendal Nerve Surgery in the UK.


Dr. Michael Durtnall:  Doctor of Chiropractic, Master of Science, Fellow Royal College of Chiropractors (Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation) Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine Registered Chiropractor and Specialist in Performing Arts Medicine UCL Chairman Sayer Clinics:  London Kensington W8, Cavendish Square W1 and Moorgate City of London EC2. Sayer Coccyx and Pelvic Pain Team perform treatments listed in our pelvic pain link:
Treatments:  Spinal and Pelvic Manipulative Therapy
Pelvic Floor Trigger Point and Pudendal Nerve Active Release Techniques
Digital X-ray Posture and Gait Analysis
Manual Pelvic Physical Therapy and Postural Rehabilitation
Low-Intensity Laser Therapy
Sayer Coccyx & Pelvic Pain Clinics:  London
Manipulation & Physical Therapy
Eight Sunningdale Gardens
London, W8 6PX
Tel:  020 7937 8978


Dr Gareth Greenslade is a consultant in pain medicine and part of ‘The Bristol Team’ whose interest in pudendal neuralgia took them to Nantes, France in 2009 to study with Professor Roger Robert.

He administers guided nerve blocks to PN patients and can refer for decompression surgery if required.  His team offers a multidisciplinary approach to pelvic pain which includes cognitive behavioural therapy, pain management techniques, and medication.  Sacral nerve stimulation and spinal cord stimulation is also available for suitable patients.
Dr. Greenslade is the Specialty Director for Pain Services, North Bristol NHS Trust.
He is based at:
Hospital: Nuffield Hospital
3 Clifton Hill
Mobile:    0797 441 2933
Landline:  0117 9688312

Dr. Bharati Vyawahare is a Consultant in pain medicine and anaesthesia at Wythenshawe Hospital since 2013. She has experience in treating adult male and female pelvic pain conditions (pudendal neuralgia, vulvodynia, bladder pain syndrome, endometriosis, mesh-related pain, etc.). She is also experienced in treating low back pain, neuropathic pain, complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia and post-surgical chronic neuropathic pain.
Dr. Vyawahare is a member of ‘Chronic Pelvic Pain Panel’ at ‘European Association of Urology’.X-ray guided procedures offered: caudal / lumbar epidural, nerve root injection, coccyx injection, sacroiliac injection, hip joint injection, ganglion impar, lumbar sympathectomy, radiofrequency denervation and pulse radio frequency.Ultrasound guided procedures offered: pudendal nerve block, obturator internus, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral nerve block & spermatic cord injection, and trigger point injections.

Languages spoken: English; Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Punjabi

Contact Details:

Wythenshawe Hospital (NHS)
The Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle (Private)


Mr. Christopher Wong, MB BCH PHD FRCS is a consultant surgeon in Bristol and part of ‘The Bristol Team’ with Dr. Gareth Greenslade, consultant pain specialist, and Mr N. Patel, consultant neurosurgeon. Their interest in pudendal neuralgia took them to Nantes, France in 2009, to study with Professor R. Robert.
Dr Wong performs pudendal decompression surgery using the TG approach. He practices at:
Spire Cardiff Hospital and Spire Bristol Hospital.
Contact details:
Tel: (to make a private appointment) 01179732562
Private secretary tel: 01173706360
E-mail: christopher.wong@nbt.nhs.ukAND
North Bristol NHS Trust.
Secretary: Angela Turner, telephone no. 0117 3406505

The HOPE organization does not endorse any of the providers listed on this website. The list is offered as a public service

Information found on this website is offered for support and educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.
The authors of this website are not physicians and we do not provide medical advice. Users should consult a doctor.