PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by Maha »

Hello, everyone!

Well, after a long time of watching you behind the corner, I decided to make a first step and ask a few questions...

I'm currently living in one very conservative country, so all my visits to the doctors were disastrous.
My husband and I moved from Europe one year ago, and that was very difficult period for me (and still is) so that was also the time of the begging of my story...

After few yeast and bacterial infection (local water is unusable, and causes huge problems), I started to feel my clitoris area extremely sensitive. In that time wearing tight pants was unbearable, and the smallest move makes me feel vulnerable and sensitive, and almost aroused. If you take in consideration my mental, depressed mood, which aggravate all the symptoms, I was completely desperate!

Today, things are much different but I am still wondering if I have some sort of PGAD.

My area around the clitoris is still sensitive, and sometimes I feel like there is some stabbing needle or thorn, causing seconds of pain.
If I see my husband, it is enough just to give me a cuddle, I'm turned on. :oops: (Ok, we want a baby, an he is a fatal man for me, but come on - in a few seconds?)

But, the thing that makes me worry is that I am very often aroused, without conscious thoughts. Actually, I suppose that it is not arousal, it is sensitivity that makes me think that it is some sort of arousal. I can calm, I can mitigate this feeling and when I am doing something I ALMOST don't feel it, but in some way it is constantly present and torturing me because I am thinking about that subconsciously and if I concentrate on it I can feel pulsating somewhere down.

During night I am great, and also during my period.

Reaching an orgasm is very easy for me (but it was before, also) and 3 or 4 orgasms are common. But, after this, my body wants more and I need a lot of time to be calmed. The day after, I will fell some discomfort, and yes, i will be more sensitive.

This situation and this problem lasts for almost six months, and I am worried about that and about possibility to have PGAD.
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by Violet M »

Hello Maha,

Welcome to our group. If the feeling you are having is unwanted, uncomfortable, and it won't go away then it sounds like PGAD. This is kind of a long discussion we are having but I hope you have found some suggestions that will help. At least you know you are not alone and there are others who understand what you are feeling.

Take care,

Violet M
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by hauben6 »

I am so glad this topic is being addressed. Twice this year, I suffered from a cold/flu that lasted for more than a week and I couldn't keep anything down...even my meds. A few days in, PGAD kicked in and I thought something was wrong with me; I am taking Gabapentin and Pristiq (and vicodin) and had no idea if these urges were from being sick, PN or from the lapse in my meds. Like most, I didn't feel comfortable discussing it with any of my doctors, but now that it has a bet it will be discussed.

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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by lightmail »

Just saw a program about pgad on tlc. Dr Goldstein in southern cal. recommends varenicline tartrate. It's for helping people quit smoking but seems to help people with pgad. I'm no dr. just saw this tv program about it. Check it out. .The show title was strange sex on the learning channel..It was about people with strange sexual problems. Please check with Dr. first. I don't know about side effects... Hope it helps..Robert
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by blasterkeg »

It can happen to guys too. It can be very embarrassing especially if you have customers around. Vicodin does seam to help take care of it like some people have said tramadol works for them also.
pelvic floor dysfunction
abdominal bladder and penis pain and rectal pain
pain from sitting and car rides
shocking and burning pain though bladder and penis
testicle pain
Miss diagnosed forever with "just passing a kidney stone" or "Prostate infection"
Pain all the time. Sometimes better most of the time it is not
Physical therapy did nothing to help
Current Medication Vicodin and Valium when needed
GABAPENTIN 600MG 1 a day
3 guided nerve blocks done 1 more possible
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by DoubleEdgedSword »

It's been awhile since I've stopped in here.. Short update on my home invasion perp..

I went to court on Dec 16th with my hubby and girlfriend for moral support. I was really nervous about reading my victim impact statement aloud in court but had psyched myself up for it for about a week. When the time finally came to read it before the judge, lawyers, perp and court staff, I couldn't stop shaking but my deep breathing exercises my counsellor taught me really helped. Not only did I read four pages without crying (my biggest fear), but I was able to pause a couple of times to look at the judge and the perp.. Especially the part where I told them all that I feel creepy in my own bedroom and can't be intimate with my husband in there.

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison with a rehab program. He must attend it, no choice.. He has 2 yr probation where he has to attend his meetings and get counselling too. And best of all, he can't come within 500m of me or my home..

While dealing with all this, my PGAD took a spot on the back burner.. It hadn't disappeared, but had subsided quite a bit. I was also worried about how I'd get through the holidays with family all asking questions, but it wasn't too bad. I didn't decorate this year, and in retrospect, I'm glad I didn't.

Now that I'm dealing with some issues related to the break-in, deadlines for insurance and such, my PGAD has spiked terribly. I've been a 7 or an 8 out of 10 for 2 weeks now. I really believe mine is stress-related. I get little relief at all from masturbating or sex with my hubby, perhaps 20 minutes or so. The Lyrica has been helpful at keeping a pain cycle away, but doesn't help with the arousal at all. It's been almost 7 months for me. It's difficult to deal with when it diminishes then spikes like this.. :(
On the road of discovery to see what is causing my PGAD.
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by DoubleEdgedSword »

I'm fighting against a pain cycle the past several days.. Not a full-blown one thank goodness, but uncomfortable nonetheless. Has anyone had breakthrough pain with Lyrica? I'm currently on 75mg twice a day and up til this past week it's been doing it's job. This past week I've had sore labia and some irritation to the opening of the vagina.. I don't have an infection. It feels like coarse sand/ground glass is pressing there.. Not a lot of fun. :(
On the road of discovery to see what is causing my PGAD.
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by marg »

HI everyone, I've been a while between reports as well, warm weather and a nerve block have given me about a 10% improvement, not much I know but anything on the up side is good. More details later .... at the moment I am wondering if anyone can explain why my 'outbox' shows messages when I believe that they have been sent (or hope so any way) The 'sent items' don't include these messages and they were important for me to send as private messages ..... any ideas??
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by marg »

and I forgot to say to DES that I am really pleased that you survived the stress of the trial ... good on you for speaking up (without tears) and I really hope that you get this next stage worked out so that you can get right on top of the stressful situations and have some relief... I'll be back soon
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Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder

Post by DoubleEdgedSword »

Thanks so much marg.. It was a difficult thing to do, but as my doc said, it would be cleansing and therapeutic.. It really helped me in moving on from the incident. I'm not yet where I need to be mentally, but by going easy on myself and taking my time, I know that one day it will all be a bad memory and not something I dwell on.. ;)

I still have one free counselling session on Tuesday, but after that I'm not sure what will happen.. I still may qualify for some sessions through Victim Witness Services, but I certainly can't afford to pay for my sessions after the expensive year I've had.. *sigh*

I'm happy to hear that you've got some relief from your nerve block and the warm weather.. Like you said, any little bit of relief is welcome! I hope that it continues for you. Thanks so much for the support too, I appreciate it!
On the road of discovery to see what is causing my PGAD.
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