Insurance & Medicare Confusion

Discuss here about Medical Disability claims and Insurance possibilities for PN treatment options
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Quilter 2
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Insurance & Medicare Confusion

Post by Quilter 2 »

Hi to all;
In Sept. I'm supposed to be able to get Medicare now that I've been okayed for disability. What I would like to know is, will Medicare pick up the rest of the surgery bill after it goes through my husbands United Health Care Plan? The SS office says no, the ins. office says they don't know. Since Sept. is still more than 3 months away, the SS office won't give me an appt. to discuss this. I would really like to know if I have to come up with 20-30 grand that UHC won't pay. I'm told, since I'm on my husbands ins. that the bill will automatically go to his ins. first. I'm thinking, that if I'm on Medicare A&B, you usually have to pay 100.00 or more per month. Therefore if you're paying for this ins. shouldn't they pay also as a co-ins? I would love to get a straight answer from SS but I simply can't.
I was under the impression that once you were on Disability the medical bills were taken care of. I guess I was wrong. Other than the little check per month, why be on disability. I guess at this point, I'm not sure why I fought so hard for disability.
Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated.
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