
Discuss different Pain Management Options; Medication options including side effects and Worldwide variances in names etc.
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Post by KC17 »

Has anyone tired this or its generic versions? I was just prescribed 25mg a night and was wondering if anybody has ever had good results with it?
Pain started suddenly April 2010.
3T MRI w/ Dr. Potter, January 2011 shows bilateral impingement of the dorsal nerve of the clitoris.

Unsure what to do next because my pelvis is a mess.
Tiny Dancer
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Re: Elavil

Post by Tiny Dancer »

Yes, I had good results from it. And it did help me to get to sleep which is very hard with PN. But it does kill your sex life. So I just take 25 mg. when I need it.

Had PN since childbirth 1968
Had MRI,MRN,EMG,trigger point injections,3 steriod nerve blocks, pelvic plexus CT
Seeing Dr. Hibner Sept.29,2010
MEDS: Cymbalta 120mg, Elavil 25mg, Valium Suppositories, Fentanyl patch
Surgery w/ Dr. Hibner 3/14/11
Pain did not go away until I was given a steriod block to broken coccyx
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A's Mommy
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Re: Elavil

Post by A's Mommy »

How could anyone have sex with PN, lol? I hope some can!

I've heard that Pamelor (Nortriptyline) can sometimes work better than Elavil (Amitriptyline). I finally went to a pain doctor and he suggested I switch. Funny thing is, he didn't give me any reasons as to WHY I should switch. I asked him "does it constipate you less?" and he said he didn't know. So--- ummmm--- what's the point?!? :roll:
Daughter grew completely on left side of pelvis
Multiple uterine surgeries to fix uterine adhesions, septum, and endo
Had all the conservative workups done, 3Tesla (Potter), recovering from L sided TG (Hibner) 11/10, Botox 6/11 failed, bilateral anterior PNE decompression (distal Alcock's/perineal branch), Aszmann, Vienna, 10/11; dx'd with CRPS Type 2, 12/11, Ketamine @ CCF 2/12, doing 75% better PRAISE JESUS!
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Re: Elavil

Post by patti »

Hi A's Mommy,
It's funny,my doctor just prescribed me Pamelor to add to the Lyrica I already take. I tried taking one at night as prescribed (25mg). It pretty much made me a zombie the next day. I realize this needs to get into your bloodstream and may take a few days, but I stopped taking it cause the next week is too busy to be feeling this way. I will try again when I have a few days where I don't have to worry about being a zombie!

I would be interested in knowing if anyone has had relief from pamelor? And if so, did it make you feel the same way and for how long?

Take Care,
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Re: Elavil

Post by Faith »

I took Elavil for a while, but it made me so sleepy all the time. I could only tolerate 12.5mg. My doctor switched me to Desipramine (also a tricyclic antidepressant) and I can tolerate 50mg of it. It is less sedating and isn't supposed to cause as much constipation. I've read Nortriptyline is supposed to be the same way. Taking a tricyclic antidepressant at low doses definitely helps me sleep at night, most nights.
-11/08 vulvodynia began around conception of first & only pregnancy
-3/10 sacral/sitting pain began after SIJD manipulation
-Progressive widespread pain- central sensitization
-PT, meds, injections, botox, ESWT = debilitated.
-5/12 Potter MRI - scarring of left ST, coccygeous & posterior alcock
-12/12 - left FAI/labral hip tear surgery
2014-2019 managed w/ gabapentin, massage, and lifestyle mod
2020 - big flare up
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Re: Elavil

Post by HerMajesty »

Tiny Dancer wrote:Yes, I had good results from it. And it did help me to get to sleep which is very hard with PN. But it does kill your sex life. So I just take 25 mg. when I need it.

Rgarding sex, my experience exactly. I started on a low dose (5mg) and moved up to 10mg, to prevent drowsiness - 25 mg might be difficult to adjust to as a starter dose, may make you very sleepy. It worked great, and I lost 100% of my sex drive. If I were single, I would have stayed on that stuff forever. Being as I am married and would like to stay that way, I gave up on the elavil :(
pelvic pain started 1985 age 14 interstitial cystitis. Refused medical care from age 17, did GREAT with self care for years.
2004 PN started gradually, disabled by 2009. Underlying cause SIJD & Tarlov cysts
improved with PT & meds: neurontin, valium, nortriptyline, propanolol. (off nortriptyline & propanolol now, yay!)
Tarlov cyst surgery with Dr. Frank Feigenbaum March 20, 2012.
Results have been excellent so far; but I won't know my final functional level for a couple of years.
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Re: Elavil

Post by calluna »

I've taken both amitriptyline and nortriptyline - not at the same time, of course!

I found amitriptyline helpful to a degree, but the side effects were too unpleasant. The Pain Clinic suggested that I switch to nortriptyline as they've found it has much the same effectiveness (is that a word?) as amitriptyline, but is pretty much without side effects after the first few days. It is certainly much less constipating, and I am not bothered with drowsiness as I was with amitriptyline. I am taking 20mg at bedtime, and it is helpful.
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Re: Elavil

Post by KC17 »

I wanted to give an update about my results with Elavil.

I took 12.5mg for a week and I have now been taking 25mg for two days. I am taking it in combination with 75mg lyrica 1x daily. I have had fantastic results so far. I was in a major flare (7-8) when I started this medication, and I am now down to a 1-2 on most days.

I am experiencing dry mouth and constipation [but with IBS--I never know what to attribute that to :lol: ]. I also sleep like a log, it's wonderful. I don't feel like a zombie the next day either.

I'm hoping that I continue to see results, as I still have some urethral burning, sacral ache, and a weird pulling sensation intermittently.

Thinking of Everyone,

Pain started suddenly April 2010.
3T MRI w/ Dr. Potter, January 2011 shows bilateral impingement of the dorsal nerve of the clitoris.

Unsure what to do next because my pelvis is a mess.
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Re: Elavil

Post by angelafill »

Has anyone here gained weight on nortriptyline? I am eating less and less and gaining more and more... :(
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