Ins. or disability paying for travel expences

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Ins. or disability paying for travel expences

Post by kat »

I have a stupid question.
Since we are all traveling to specialists that live everywhere but where we live, has anyone found a way to get their travel expences covered? My disability only pays my bills and there is none left over for meds or travel and Ins. does not cover travel expences so I'm wondering if there is some magical trick anyone is useing?

A magical money tree perhaps?


Born with pudendal and obtorator neuralgia. 32 years of being misdiagnosed.
Surgery with Conway 7/14/10. Internal burning cured!
Currently in PT for many pelvic floor issues due to having PN for so long.
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Location: Rhode Island

Re: Ins. or disability paying for travel expences

Post by wendy7 »

Hi Kat,

I wished I knew of something, but right now I don't. Hopefully someone can answer this for you and see if there is any way to get travel expenses paid.

Take care,
Unlilateral Surgery 9/27/07 - Dr. Conway
Redo Unlilateral Surgery 10/15/10 - With Dr. Hibner AND Dr. Conway
Results - Fantastic!
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Re: Ins. or disability paying for travel expences

Post by make-it-stop »

I don't know who would pay the medical expenses, but I'll tell you what I did to minimize my expenses for my trip to Phoenix to see Dr. Hibner and get my Kalinkin MRI. I'm sure you've heard that you can get a pretty deep discount on hotels when you negotiate/name your own price on Priceline. But some people don't like Priceline because they don't know which hotel they would get/how far it would be from where they want to go. I went to and that forum helps you identify which hotel you would be getting and for what price others have gotten it for. So I got a room at the very nice Hyatt Regency for $47/night. Also, since I had to fly to another city to see my PM doctor at some point, I made the trip into a three-way flight and hit both cities, instead of two round-trip flights. I used the light rail system in Phoenix instead of renting a car or using cabs. Still, that was a $400 trip that I can't afford.
5/11: burning in all areas innervated by PN; self-diagnosed PN
5/11: pelvic floor PT (PT #1) did not help after 2 sessions; she gave up
12/11: Kalinkin MRI doesn't show anything significant
12/11: Consult with Hibner; agreed with PN diagnosis, likely due to tight pelvic muscles
12/11 - 12/13: Tried 4 other pelvic PTs - tbh, they weren't great - no results
1/14 - 11/15: pelvic PT with PT #6 (better results, feel about 30% better after 2.5 years of PT)
Related conditions: MPS, S.I dysfunction
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