Padded Toilet seat raiser

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Padded Toilet seat raiser

Post by Poppy »

I just ordered one of these because the toilet is the only place i can sit without pain. It's about 4 inches high and the same size as a regular toilet seat. Don't know if it will work. has anyone tried one? ... 646_p.aspx
1985 diagnosed fibro; 1990 hysterectomy with bladder suspension;2000 T12 (Maigne ) syndrome; urticaria and angioedema; sjogrens syndrome; adhesions; pelvic pain; two herniated discs in neck.
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Re: Padded Toilet seat raiser

Post by Amanda »

Thanks Poppy for the link to this great site.
Many PNE'ers would prefer to sit on a toilet seat than anywhere else...its not very sociable though to have one in the living Room!
I like many others am far more comfy sitting on a toilet seat....Ive written many emails while sitting on the loo...not going at the same time I must add!!!!
PNE started 2003 following Vaginal Hysterectomy, pelvic floor repair and right oophorectomy; eventually after many tests had BilateralTG surgery Nantes 2004; following this tried many other treatments including 7 day epidural, ketamin infusions to no avail; Trialed and was implanted with a Neurostimulator in 2007- Dr Van Buyten Belgium, this has enabled me to manage my pain much better.
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Re: Padded Toilet seat raiser

Post by Poppy »

It doesn't actually look like a toilet seat. It's PVC covered foam but unfortunately I found it too soft. It squashed down to nothing
1985 diagnosed fibro; 1990 hysterectomy with bladder suspension;2000 T12 (Maigne ) syndrome; urticaria and angioedema; sjogrens syndrome; adhesions; pelvic pain; two herniated discs in neck.
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Re: Padded Toilet seat raiser

Post by LottaNerve »

I'm sorry it squashed down on you Poppy...
I don't know if this is helpful, but I the solution we came up with was a regular padded toilet seat that goes on top of a riser.
The riser doesn't have handles or anything on it... It screws down tight on the bottom half of the toilet and then the padded top seat fits right on top. It was an inexpensive riser - I think we got it at a medical supply store... I could try to send you a photo if you really want to see what I mean!
1995 First symptoms of PNE and IC
8/2010 Dr. Hibner, left TG- failed surgery.
3/2011 & 10/2011 - Dr. Dellon, left dorsal/perineal neurolysis -also failed.
1/2012 3-day ketamine infusions. Pain-free for several days! Bladder flared from IC.
11/2012 Intrathecal pain pump (bupivacaine, clonidine, morphine) Dr. Joshua Prager, UCLA.
2/13 My pain is reduced!
5/15 Living life again!
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Re: Padded Toilet seat raiser

Post by Poppy »

I know what you mean. I don't need the riser. I wanted the padded seat (U shaped) to see if it would allow me to sit on my scooter or in my wheelchair
1985 diagnosed fibro; 1990 hysterectomy with bladder suspension;2000 T12 (Maigne ) syndrome; urticaria and angioedema; sjogrens syndrome; adhesions; pelvic pain; two herniated discs in neck.
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Re: Padded Toilet seat raiser

Post by Faith »


I use a donut cushion (cut out a little more) that is duck taped onto a plastic toilet seat. It's not perfect, but it's the only thing that always me to sit even a few minutes right now. Good luck!
-11/08 vulvodynia began around conception of first & only pregnancy
-3/10 sacral/sitting pain began after SIJD manipulation
-Progressive widespread pain- central sensitization
-PT, meds, injections, botox, ESWT = debilitated.
-5/12 Potter MRI - scarring of left ST, coccygeous & posterior alcock
-12/12 - left FAI/labral hip tear surgery
2014-2019 managed w/ gabapentin, massage, and lifestyle mod
2020 - big flare up
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