Surgery with Dr Azsmann

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Violet M
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by Violet M »

Earl wrote: I have maybe what is a board question. I started this topic as 'surgery with Azsmann ' and now I've steered it all over the place to probably something that should be called , "Surgery with Dr Hibner" . Yet there is a lot of information on this topic that would be missing if I started a new one. What would you recommend?
Earl, maybe you could start a new thread on Sugery with Hibner and link to this thread -- so people looking for info on Hibner patients will find it more easily. Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by rea »

Earl wrote:Ive read in Dr Hibners surgery information packet that one of the causes of pudendal neuralgia can be from a spinal abnormality. How can the pudendal nerve, which originates from branches of S2 and S3 ,be affected by vertabra S1 and above? Earl
I have a female in my family, age 26, that recently started having back pain and severe burning in her "private" area. That's how it was described to me. She also cannot stand underwear touching her. She cannot sit, drive, etc. The neurosurgeon found herniated disks and are planning to do surgery, saying this is her problem. I sent word about what I know about the pudendal (having the same question as Earl). For her sake, I hope I'm wrong and I know this is so rare. I did however, have a brother-in-law that developed symptoms after a fall. That was 10 years ago. He kept it from my sister but after my symptoms developed he shared his story with me. He had went through test after test. They were married for 10 months. He died almost one month ago.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by Earl »

Hi Rea,
I had 5 different neurosurgeons opinions because I questioned ,by my own research ,whether the spine could be my problem. Only one surgeon thought my genital issues could stem from the MRI findings of my lumbar spine. If the surgery he wanted to do would have been conservative and not a 3 level fusion i would have went with it but it would have had the potential to cause many more problems and never touch my biggest concern. If this family member of yours could deal with her herniated disks with a proven surgical procedure first to see what becomes of this other problem, it would help her diagnosis. I would recommend more than one surgeons opinion before a surgery because their success rates are not great either and I do question his opinion on whether it would help her problems. Violet and Helen have researched this same subject and may have further advice.
That is so unfortunate about your brother-in-law not ever finding answers before he died.He was quite young right?
Never give up! Earl
7/09 penile numbness, sitting discomfort after injury 2 weeks post vasectomy.Neurologists MRIs and urologists. 2/10 Dr Antolak steroid injections ,PN diagnosis. 3/10 MRN. 12/11 Periformis /pudendal surgery Dr Filler . 5/12 "Headache in the Pelvis " . 9/12 Potter MRI .11/12 Dr Hibner -Botox,Sclaritization, nerve block .Worsening.Scheduled for Right TG Surgery with Dr Hibner April 2013.
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helenlegs 11
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by helenlegs 11 »

Good advice Earl, a second opinion is a good idea.
I was also offered a spinal fusion, which I declined but then I've had a bad back and knew the differences in how this pain affected me.
Of course some people may have both problems spine and pelvic. I just wish that pelvic imaging could be perfected (even if not quite perfect would be good) At least the pelvis and any problems there would be on a level 'pitch' with the spine, and good or at least better decisions could be made.
It might be a good plan for her to at least see someone who is PN aware tho' rea, but then that's all added expense of course. Are the herniated discs impinging on any nerves at all do you know? If not I would definitely reserve judgement and get a second opinion if possible. So sad about your Brother-in-law rea.
Take care,
Fall 2008. Misdiagnosed with lumber spine problem. MRN June 2010 indicated pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. Diagnosed with complex variant piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal entrapment's by Dr Filler 2010.Guided piriformis botox injection 2011 Bristol. 2013, Nerve conduction test positive; new spinal MRI scan negative, so diagnosed for the 4th time with pelvic nerve entrapment, now recognised as Sciatic, pudendal, PFCN and cluneal nerves at piriformis level.
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by rea »

I haven't been on here much because my SI joint has kicked in and the pain is unbearable at times. I'm getting worse but still do not plan to have the surgery. Thank you for the condolences of my brother-in-law. His story of pudendal nerve symptoms was heart wrenching.
Earl, if memory serves me correctly you're having surgery this month. I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by Earl »

Thank you Rea. Yes I'm leaving in the morning for Phoenix and will have surgery the 11th. I hope and pray I get better and not worse.I will see Loretta on Wednesday and hopefully confirm that this surgery is the right one to fix my problems. I have read a post by Alipasha that some men developed penile numbness because of the surgery. That scares the living daylights out of me. I haven't read anyone else saying that and I hope its rare but then the chances of having PNE in the first place are slim too and I have it .
7/09 penile numbness, sitting discomfort after injury 2 weeks post vasectomy.Neurologists MRIs and urologists. 2/10 Dr Antolak steroid injections ,PN diagnosis. 3/10 MRN. 12/11 Periformis /pudendal surgery Dr Filler . 5/12 "Headache in the Pelvis " . 9/12 Potter MRI .11/12 Dr Hibner -Botox,Sclaritization, nerve block .Worsening.Scheduled for Right TG Surgery with Dr Hibner April 2013.
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by nyt »

Good luck on the 11th, Will send prayers your way.

Regarding numbness. With both of my surgeries with Dr. Hibner my numbness was initially worse. The numbness from the right side took nearly 1 year to go back to my baseline levels. The numbness from my left side in September is starting to improve. Things that help, time, pelvic floor PT, botox, Ketamine infusions and Lidocaine infusions. If you get numb don't get discouraged as it can take some time to recover from this surgery.
2/07 LAVH and TOT 7/07 TOT right side removed 9/07 IL, IH and GN neuropathy 11/07 PN - Dr. Howard
6/08 Obturator neuralgia - Dr. Conway 11/08 Disability, piriformis syndrome - Dr. Howard
4/09 Bilateral obturator decompression surgery, BLL RSD - Dr. Howard
9/10 Removed left side TOT, botox, re-evaluate obturator nerve - Dr. Hibner
2/11 LFCN and saphenous neuralgia - Dr. Dellon 2/11 MRI with Dr. Potter - confirmed entrapment
5/11 Right side TG - Dr. Hibner 2012 Left side TG - Dr. Hibner
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by rea »

Earl has had his surgery and I hope all turns out well. You mentioned PT, ketamine, etc. If I'm a candidate for surgery I worry about the post-op procedures. I live so far from any facility that could do the PT. I'm at such a low in hope and such a high in despair. Life falls apart and the pain just keeps coming. Watching life pass me by. Sorry, this has been a rough month for me both physically and emotionally. I found out that my ex fiance (e with accent) has moved on and has another woman living with him. She's a teacher also. What am I saying? I WAS a teacher before disability. D***n nerve. Falling apart isn't going to help but how do I stop from doing it when everything is gone? Sorry guys. Such a downer, I know. There's always hope I just don't feel it right now.
Symptoms began 6/27/12. Diagnosed with Vulvodynia.Estrace and Lidocane with no relief.
Uretha enlarged Aug. 2012. MRI of Lumbar in Sept. 2012.Normal. Did MRI 3 Tesla of ischial spine to Sacro Spin- Normal. Houston-Nerve Block 10-31-12 & MRI (MRN) entrapment of perineal branch, more on right side. Dr. Hibner- block of perineal branches and sclerozation w/relief over 1 month. SIJD/Piriformis Syndrome Left Side. Gabapentin 2400 mg.
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Violet M
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by Violet M »

Rea, I didn't have much in the way of post-op procedures -- just a bit of PT but I don't think it had a major bearing on my recovery. Time and rest with lots of ice were some of the most important post-op "procedures" I had. One of the good things about teaching is that you can stand up to work so hopefully you will be able to get back to that in time.

It's normal to feel down and worried about the future though so you certainly don't need to apologize for that. We understand where you are coming from. ;)

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
Posts: 47
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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Post by Earl »

Well I should be updating you all on my recent surgery but I chickened out at the last minute. Here I was all excited about going on and recovering but I had some real questions about the risks and also more clarity on a positive diagnosis that I have PNE . I came down with a sore throat the night before my surgery and decided that was my answer to at least postpone my surgery till April 8. I had come to Phoenix a week early hoping for a visit with Dr Hibner before surgery but he's a busy man and I couldn't see him till yesterday (over a week after my canceled surgery date) . He said he couldn't really ease my fears on the risks of incontinence and penile numbness caused by the surgery. He said regarding the numbness maybe 5 percent and that is the reason for surgery one side at a time.I guess maybe it would be only half numb?? I have a bad lumbar spine, a inquinal hernia surgery ,appendectomy, and vasectomy on the side bothering me which makes me uncertain about my diagnosis. Dr Hibner is a super nice surgeon and is very busy. I feel he is the doc for a surgery . I just wish these other possibilities could be ruled out and don't know where to go to find out. Any advice or information to ease my fears on risks would be great
7/09 penile numbness, sitting discomfort after injury 2 weeks post vasectomy.Neurologists MRIs and urologists. 2/10 Dr Antolak steroid injections ,PN diagnosis. 3/10 MRN. 12/11 Periformis /pudendal surgery Dr Filler . 5/12 "Headache in the Pelvis " . 9/12 Potter MRI .11/12 Dr Hibner -Botox,Sclaritization, nerve block .Worsening.Scheduled for Right TG Surgery with Dr Hibner April 2013.
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