Increasing pain

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Re: Increasing pain

Post by shana »

4 1/2 days post block and my pain is back tenfolds. I'm having sharp hot stabbing pain vaginally and in my labia through my buttocks to my coccyx and sometimes in my thighs. Its just awful! I was told it could get worse and after the first block I did start with new symptoms but I was hoping that would be it. The only pain killers I can tolerate ate over the counter and they barely take the edge off. I tried tramadol a few times and it does help the pain but I get such excruciating headaches its not wort it. Anything stronger than tramadol is even worse. I'm pretty good with pain as I have a very high tolerance for pain, I guess I learned how to function with pain at a young age as I've had chronic headaches which are not migrains since I'm 13 so I learned to deal with the pain. Besides all thng my hip pain is back as the relief has worn off for that as well.

I do have something posative to share (though unrelated but I like to count my blessings) I've been getting horrible headaches when I would lay down for the past 6-8 weeks. I went to my family physician who was baffled "that's weird usually they get better when you lay down) and dismissed them as stressed. I was sleeping sitting up the pain was so bad so I went to a neurologist who found nothing wrong and sent me for an MRI. That was clean as well. Meanwhile I had a scheduled cleaning at the dentist and he took X-rays and tells me the root canal I had done last year is infected it needs to be taken care if right away. So I made an appointment this past Thursday by the endodontist and he asks me has the tooth been bothering me? I said no but I have been having these headaches maybe its related. He said its possible but we won't know till we are done. He cleaned out the infection filled the tooth with antibiotics and put me on penacilin for the infection and sent me home. That was Thursday. Friday night when I payed down to go to sleep it hit me my head is not hurting!! I'm laying down and my head is not exploding!!

All I keep thinking is why didn't I have the cleaning scheduled earlier. But I'm happy headache is gone I'm able to lay down in peace. (Tooth now hurting but that's to be expected) and the strange thing is the tooth wasn't even hurting so if I didn't have the cleaning scheduled when I did the problem would have continued even longer

Now if only the rest of my pain had such an easy fix.....

'08 diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis
'09 vestibulectomy-Dr. Goldstein-failed
'11 right labral repair and release-Dr. Coleman
2/10-8/12 severe depression, minimal dr appointmen
4 different physical therapists '08-'12 no improvement whatsoever
'13 pudendal nerve blocks-Dr. Chapman
More PT
Dr. Conway officially diagnosed PN/PNE 7/13
9/13 Bilateral hip repair Dr. Coleman
10/13-5/14 Major Depression, no dr appointments
More PT
6/14 Dr. Hibner confirmed diagnosis
Looking for help..hoping for answers
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helenlegs 11
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Re: Increasing pain

Post by helenlegs 11 »

Sorry this has all been such a triple whammy shana but at least you just have the pelvic pain to deal with now, not good as we all know but a slight positive. All I can add is that at least they will be able to glean valuable information from the positive results from the blocks you have had to take you on to the next step,
Hope things improve further for you.
Take care,
Fall 2008. Misdiagnosed with lumber spine problem. MRN June 2010 indicated pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. Diagnosed with complex variant piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal entrapment's by Dr Filler 2010.Guided piriformis botox injection 2011 Bristol. 2013, Nerve conduction test positive; new spinal MRI scan negative, so diagnosed for the 4th time with pelvic nerve entrapment, now recognised as Sciatic, pudendal, PFCN and cluneal nerves at piriformis level.
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