dream chair and computer set up

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dream chair and computer set up

Post by Grace »

I'm trying tofigure out how many cookies I need to bake to make my seating dreams come true. I simply cannot sit, stand, or walk anymore. As a college prof and writer, it seems like my career is over because ofthis illness, but these options give me hope... But the $$$ are a bit out of line with my budget. (Sarcasm). I can't even afford a used lazy boy right now...

Dream chair: http://tinyurl.com/mydreamchair

Dream work station: http://tinyurl.com/mydreamworkstation

But I can still dream, can't I? :)
Anal/rectal pain began 12/12 | Pain advanced to entire pelvis by 2/13 |
PF PT 2/13 to 7/13 |Acupuncture 7/13 to present
Pain is CONSTANT, made worse by standing, walking, kneeling
UNBEARABLE with sitting |Cushions mock me
20+ years of fibromyalgia | Interested in not losing my marbles...
My goal: To find creative ways to live and work with PN, while pursuing wellness.
Posts: 121
Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:24 am

Re: dream chair and computer set up

Post by shana »

Oh wow! You found the goods!!! My friend bought me this really cute piggy bank I guess now I know what to save for!!! (I may need a few piggy banks though)

'08 diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis
'09 vestibulectomy-Dr. Goldstein-failed
'11 right labral repair and release-Dr. Coleman
2/10-8/12 severe depression, minimal dr appointmen
4 different physical therapists '08-'12 no improvement whatsoever
'13 pudendal nerve blocks-Dr. Chapman
More PT
Dr. Conway officially diagnosed PN/PNE 7/13
9/13 Bilateral hip repair Dr. Coleman
10/13-5/14 Major Depression, no dr appointments
More PT
6/14 Dr. Hibner confirmed diagnosis
Looking for help..hoping for answers
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Re: dream chair and computer set up

Post by Grace »

I'm telling you! I'm trying to explain to my insurance company that it is for medicinal purposes only... ;)

There are other options, I suppose...
Lemonade stands...
Yard sales...
Armed robbery...
Anal/rectal pain began 12/12 | Pain advanced to entire pelvis by 2/13 |
PF PT 2/13 to 7/13 |Acupuncture 7/13 to present
Pain is CONSTANT, made worse by standing, walking, kneeling
UNBEARABLE with sitting |Cushions mock me
20+ years of fibromyalgia | Interested in not losing my marbles...
My goal: To find creative ways to live and work with PN, while pursuing wellness.
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