tramodol withdraw?

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Re: tramodol withdraw?

Post by momof3bigguys »

well today is 5 full days without tramodol..still feel CRAPPY! :( the headache is horriable!! it comes and goes all day long..;( still want to throw up but havent in 2 i guess thats progress..getting bouts of what feels like vertigo?? im a little concerend ,bc i would think at this point i would feel ALOT better!!?? i refuse to take it again just to start this process all over ..just wondering how long these symptoms are going to last??

also i have been doing alot of thinking and i have been on some type of narctoic for almost 8 months..i went thru percocet,oxycotin,vicodin,loratab,then between i did neurtron?? WOW thats ALOT of drugs..wondering if this withdraw is so intence bc of all of the rxs i took?? then suddenly STOPPED all of them!!!?? i did some research on narcotic withdraws and i have ALL OF THE SYMPTOMS..;(
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Re: tramodol withdraw?

Post by HerMajesty »

Sounds like more of a general withdrawl from long term opiate use then. If I understand correctly when you use any narcotic (or tramadol) your brain gets "lazy" and stops making its own neurotransmitters; plus the opiate receptors in your brain become more numerous, so you probably have a little ways to go to heal. Gabapentin is not a narcotic and would have nothing to do with it, but it sounds like this is not all just the tramadol either. It is the cumulative brain changes for the whole 8 months. Since you weren't taking a drug with a very long half life like methadone, you should have had the words symptoms in the 1st 72 hours and will steadily improve over the next week or two. Everyone is different but withdrawl for short acting narcotics is usually intense for 2-3 days and then unpleasant for 1-3 weeks.
pelvic pain started 1985 age 14 interstitial cystitis. Refused medical care from age 17, did GREAT with self care for years.
2004 PN started gradually, disabled by 2009. Underlying cause SIJD & Tarlov cysts
improved with PT & meds: neurontin, valium, nortriptyline, propanolol. (off nortriptyline & propanolol now, yay!)
Tarlov cyst surgery with Dr. Frank Feigenbaum March 20, 2012.
Results have been excellent so far; but I won't know my final functional level for a couple of years.
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Re: tramodol withdraw?

Post by momof3bigguys »

yea i think so bc this is ROUGH!! now on day 6 and still dealing with this headache..its not as sever but still really going to call my GP in the morning (i took a week off work) to see if he can help me with this..maybe he can give me a RX for headaches,bc motrin doesnt touch these!! :( im glad its not 24 7 though.its bad for 10 minutes than its good for 10 praying each day it gets better!! i just hope im not stuck with this now on top of my original problem..;( im having a little bit of anxiety over these headaches im scared there going to last!! :( i just keep telling myself,its going to get better!! i went for a walk yesterday and have TRIED to maintain my normal routine and get thru this..going to do some research into natural healing methods and try that route for awhile because these narcotics are just too darn rough on me..;( going to ask my PT next week about doing some type excersice that is safe for me i know how important that is..i REALLY miss that i was so devoted to it for so long now it seems like im either sick,or in pain or just spaced out..not a good way to handle all of this..
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Re: tramodol withdraw?

Post by momof3bigguys »

day 9 and feeling so much better so far..up till yesterday i have had a horriable headache with my quiting tramadol and all opiates COLD turkey after 8 months of taking them on a daily basis!!!!!! today its just there!! its something i can handle..;) wow 9 days of hell!! im sorry it was very,very tough..i fought with myself on a hourly basis..i would tell myself 'this will get better, NO MORE PILLS' it was very hard bc i would think god if i just took a few this horriable headache would go away and everyone would stop asking me whats wrong now lynn..;(
having pudendal neulgia is tough on so many levels..1st the PAIN that doesnt quit then the meds that either do NOT work or cause such horriable side affects you wonder if there worth taking..well im HOPING and PRAYING everyday i get closer to feeling normal have a wonder holiday weekend.. :P
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Violet M
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Re: tramodol withdraw?

Post by Violet M »

Great to hear you are feeling better. ;) Have a nice 4th of July and try not to get a headache from the fireworks. :lol:


PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: tramodol withdraw?

Post by momof3bigguys »

today is day 17 and im about 90% done with the withdraw..;) thank god NEVER AGAIN WILL I EVER TOUCH TRAMADOL!!!
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