Found someone treated with a steroid epidural

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mary jane
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Found someone treated with a steroid epidural

Post by mary jane »

well, she had only vulvar pain,....but was caused by the pudendal nerve

"Pudental Nerve Causes the Pain
I have a success story that may help some of you. I have read here & other places that sometimes the pudental nerve causes the pain some of us are experiencing. My vulvar skin is fine, and I have never experienced the skin splitting. I did have unbearable pain (burning, stabbing) in the vulvar and urethral area and extreme urinary frequency (sometimes every 5 minutes) with bad burning on urinating. I have been to 16 doctors. I do not have a urinary tract infection – been checked multiple times. Have been to 2 PT’s who deal exclusively with women who suffer like this – got temporary relief, but the pain always came back. 10 days ago I had a steroid epididural (epidural refers to an area of our spines and is not – contrary to what I thought – exclusively something doctors give to women giving birth.) My pain went away instantly and has not returned. The doctor (a physiatrist) says I had inflamation that was causing the nerves in my lower spine to react inappropriately and caused all the pain. He says one shot may be enough to stop the inflamation (and the pain) or I may have to repeat the procedure. It can be done up to 4 times yearly indefinitely. I asked what the steroid was and he said Kenalog. I feel like he has given me my life back. I wake up smiling every day. Goood luck to all. I hope this info helps some of you."

source: ... uses-pain/
tiny bartholin infection triggered vulvar nerve pain.
Diagnosed vulvodynia Sept '13 (no burning but electric shocks, paresthesia, aching, buzzing)
Feb 14- Taking 50 mg Ami/Elavil
May 14-pain free with 50 mg Amitriptyline and 300 mg Pregabalin. Back to normal
Dec 15- weaned off all medication, pain free, wearing skinny jeans
April 17- pain returned, Amitriptyline 50 mg. Something doesn't make sense in my diagnosis.
Currently treating depression and anxiety
Posts: 309
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:40 pm

Re: Found someone treated with a steroid epidural

Post by Rosemary »

Hi Mary Jane

Just to mention that Kenalog is also used in pudendal nerve blocks - here is a thread where i asked a question about the steroid i was given in a transvaginal nerve block done at my local pain clinic - it didn't give me any pain relief but maybe it works for some and may be something you want to try. Violet answered my posting and explained. ... sed#p34730

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