2 Nerve Blocks

Nerve blocks using many techniques, and medications - options discussed in detail
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2 Nerve Blocks

Post by Searching »

Hi All,
I consider myself lucky given some of the stories on here but I am clearly not my old self. I started getting symptoms back in June 2013. Finally diagnosed myself, largely from this site! Got myself referred to Dr Baranowski in London who confirmed that he was pretty certain that I had PN.

My symptoms largely centred around numbness rather than pain, also erectile dysfunction. Had 2 nerve blocks - 1 in early Jan and another in early Feb. The effects of these have now pretty much worn off and I'm a bit concerned to find that my symptoms seem worse than before. I rarely ever had pain but now I seem to get dull aching and pain in the perineum and occasional shooting pain in my penis. It's not extreme - during the day it's barely noticeable the majority of the time however at night, if/when I wake up I often can't get back to sleep for the low level, continuous throbbing... When I 1st go to bed I can't really feel it but as I inevitably drift out of sleep during the night I find that I can't get back to sleep as it's there, throbbing... Is this normal?

Prior to PN I used to cycle (a hell of) a lot, some running and the gym. This reduced to 3 or 6 miles of walking per day, depending on whether I worked to and from the station. Prior to the nerve blocks this wasn't a problem but now it seems to cause some problems which is worrying

Dr B said that if I felt it was necessary I could try pulsed neurofrequency modulation.... What does everyone think of this? I see that it can help for several months at a time however since the nerve blocks seem to have aggravated things a bit I'm a bit hesitant.

Am due to have physiotherapy tomorrow... Not sure what that will involve
mary jane
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Re: 2 Nerve Blocks

Post by mary jane »

you can try....although I always say just because it worked for someone else doesn't mean it's going to work for you
tiny bartholin infection triggered vulvar nerve pain.
Diagnosed vulvodynia Sept '13 (no burning but electric shocks, paresthesia, aching, buzzing)
Feb 14- Taking 50 mg Ami/Elavil
May 14-pain free with 50 mg Amitriptyline and 300 mg Pregabalin. Back to normal
Dec 15- weaned off all medication, pain free, wearing skinny jeans
April 17- pain returned, Amitriptyline 50 mg. Something doesn't make sense in my diagnosis.
Currently treating depression and anxiety
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Re: 2 Nerve Blocks

Post by chrissy »

Yeah I'm under Dr B and in the exact same position as you. Had 2 nerve blocks first made me worse second improved on the first but still worse than before I had them. Now trying to decide whether to have PRF. Probably will try intensive physio and lifestyle changes for 6 months first as like you I am worried about getting worse. To be honest I'm disappointed with the options but Dr B reckons I don't have a quick fix option but that I can improve with physio so I'm trying to put my trust in him.
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Re: 2 Nerve Blocks

Post by Searching »

chrissy wrote:Yeah I'm under Dr B and in the exact same position as you. Had 2 nerve blocks first made me worse second improved on the first but still worse than before I had them. Now trying to decide whether to have PRF. Probably will try intensive physio and lifestyle changes for 6 months first as like you I am worried about getting worse. To be honest I'm disappointed with the options but Dr B reckons I don't have a quick fix option but that I can improve with physio so I'm trying to put my trust in him.
Dr B referred me for physio too... Where are you having it? I've been referred to CHHF... The woman there is a pelvic area focused physio, she gave me an all over examination, said that my left hip and leg muscles are weaker and stiffer than the right. This is prob because I had a bike crash in 09 and landed quite heavily on the right side. I was a bit disappointed that she didn't really have any specific PN related advice though...
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Re: 2 Nerve Blocks

Post by chrissy »

I think I will be going to the pain centre in Walton (Liverpool)
I was very wary of the psycho pain counselling bit but suppose I will give it a go
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Re: 2 Nerve Blocks

Post by Searching »

chrissy wrote:I think I will be going to the pain centre in Walton (Liverpool)
I was very wary of the psycho pain counselling bit but suppose I will give it a go
Why were you wary of the pain counselling? I find it quite useful, although I've only been in once... It was nice just to be able to talk everything through. Dr B may be an expert in PN and nerve blocks etc but he doesn't have much of a bedside manner
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Re: 2 Nerve Blocks

Post by chrissy »

Just felt like its not going to make me better talking about it so why bother! You are right about Dr B though haha
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