Newly Diagnosed after Hysterectomy

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Re: Newly Diagnosed after Hysterectomy

Post by ColSkiier36 »

I am new here, does the "quote" go before or after my reply? Sorry- Thank you Molly for the information, I think I am going through feelings of being angry, and feeling mad at myself for not listening to my gut about the surgery. There are so many things my Dr. didn't tell me and I didn't research. I am going to write her a letter and send it to her about my condition because if I don't then she won't be aware. I think many women don't go back to the gyn and let them know. This has basically turned my life upside down, and I fear for my job and marriage. I have a desk job and it is unbearable to sit, I am having my Dr write a note to my boss indicating I need a stand up work station. I just pray I can find something to bring me relief. My aunt is an OBGYN I talked to her before my surgery for hours, she never mentioned this as a possible outcome, when I told her what I've been going through she said she has never seen this in 38 years of practice, I asked her how she performed her hyst, she said "the old fashioned way" and if the woman absolutely needed one, she doesn't believe in laparoscopic procedure. My current Dr said he sees women with this condition who had a lap done, one women just had her gall bladder removed by lap and had this issue. Interesting. :cry:

molly wrote:Hi,

I,m from the Uk and have also had an unnecessary laparoscopy and hysterectomy which sent the pain from manageable to dreadful, like you I trusted the doctor and rushed into it as I wanted to get on with my life, huge mistake.

I read somewhere a long time ago a paper written by Prof Robert who leads the team at Nantes, that pelvic surgery has been proven to exacerbate the irritated nerve. It's a travesty that more gynaecologists are unaware of the potential damage they can due when uncertain of the cause of pain.

I wish you well on your journey,

Regards Molly
Pelvic Pain started 2008 Endometrosis diagnosed May 2012 Partial Hysterectomy w/ left ovary removal Nov 2012
Urinary issues and pelvic floor issues Sept 2013 InterStim Trial May 2014 (worked but opted for no surgery)
Diagnosed Pudendal Nerve Damage May 2014 Diagnosed Urinary Retention May 2014
Currently exploring options to heal!
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Re: Newly Diagnosed after Hysterectomy

Post by janetm2 »

I hope you can find some help here and treatment to at least lower your pain. I took the "Letter to Medical Prfessionals" from the FAQs off the homepage and gave it to all the doctors (colon-rectal surgeon, Internal medicine, etc) I saw before getting PNE and even since (gyne - my pain was rectal so never even talked to her beforehand) to educate and make them aware. Can only hope it helps someone down the line.
2007-08 pelvic muscles spasms treated by EGS. 6/27/10 sat too long on hard chair- spasms, EGS not work Botox help, cortisone shots in coccyx help, still pain, PT found PNE & sent me to Dr Marvel nerve blocks & MRN, TG left surgery 5/9/11. I have chronic bunion pain surgery at age 21. TG gave me back enough sitting to keep my job & join in some social activities. I wish the best to everyone! 2019 luck with orthotics from pedorthist & great PT allowing me to get off oxycodone.
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