A huge "Thank You" to Pudendal Hope

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A huge "Thank You" to Pudendal Hope

Post by GregT »

Hey, I approached Violet and Hope about helping my PN buddy, Gary, for financial help a good while ago (several months). Gary was and is pretty much by himself and had been a 10 year success story of PN surgery performed by Professor Robert in 2003. But, due to what Gary believed was a reaction to excessive exercise about 10 months ago, his symptoms returned suddenly. Gary and I emailed each other over a period of months, first getting him an appt in Nantes, Fr. in late June, and then all the way up to his visit to Nantes. Gary was really hoping for surgery because of his almost instant cure from previous surgery. But, Professor is very careful about doing redo surgeries, so for now, Gary just had testing, injection and consultations, etc. He told me that all of his medical expenses were paid for by Hope, which is ALL OF YOU. I can't thank you enough for this website. While there have been PN websites before Hope, this one is so professionally done and has such widespread support that they can do something so wonderful as pay for someone who just couldn't come up with enough money just for testing in France.

Thank you to everyone who either has given donations or who spend their extra time helping out with the website or just supporting others. Everyone gives in their own way, and I'm deeply touched that you helped my friend Gary.

Had surgery in Nantes, France in 2001 with Professor Robert. I advocate physical therapy with PTs who specialize in the pelvic floor. I also advocate injections to help diagnose PN and I am in favor of having PN surgery to release the nerve when the diagnoses points to an entrapped nerve.
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Re: A huge "Thank You" to Pudendal Hope

Post by janetm2 »

Thanks for updating us on Gary, sorry redo was not available but glad he got the money needed for testing. Wishing you both the best. This really is a great website.
2007-08 pelvic muscles spasms treated by EGS. 6/27/10 sat too long on hard chair- spasms, EGS not work Botox help, cortisone shots in coccyx help, still pain, PT found PNE & sent me to Dr Marvel nerve blocks & MRN, TG left surgery 5/9/11. I have chronic bunion pain surgery at age 21. TG gave me back enough sitting to keep my job & join in some social activities. I wish the best to everyone! 2019 luck with orthotics from pedorthist & great PT allowing me to get off oxycodone.
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Re: A huge "Thank You" to Pudendal Hope

Post by GregT »


Hey, and thank you. The possibility for a redo is still there. I believe that Professor Robert wants to see if Gary's symptoms resolve. He did tell me that he'd done a redo not too long ago, so it is still a possibility. He just doesn't like to jump into it too quickly. I have a feeling that he will have the surgery sometime soon unless somehow his symptoms resolve.

Thank you.

Had surgery in Nantes, France in 2001 with Professor Robert. I advocate physical therapy with PTs who specialize in the pelvic floor. I also advocate injections to help diagnose PN and I am in favor of having PN surgery to release the nerve when the diagnoses points to an entrapped nerve.
Stephanie P
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Re: A huge "Thank You" to Pudendal Hope

Post by Stephanie P »

How wonderful that HOPE was able to help Gary in this way. And that you too have been there for him, Greg. Please keep us posted about Gary's progress. I was interested to hear that Prof. Robert will perform re-do surgeries in carefully selected cases. Best, Stephanie
Pudendal neuralgia, diagosed as ischial bursitis, from 1985. Worsened by fall in 2003. Bilateral TG surgery in Nantes 2004. Nerve flattened both sides. No improvement, still cannot sit.
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