Pudendal video

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Pudendal video

Post by rechbill »

Pardon me if this is not new news, but Dr. Filler has a couple of videos on nerve testing and surgeries on nervemed.com
He states that there are four locations that the pudendal nerve can be entrapped. New news to me! Bill
Fawn Reeves
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Re: Pudendal video

Post by Fawn Reeves »

I am going to tell my PT about this. He really seems to know what he is talking about. It would be great to know which area is causing my urethra to not open when it should. Thanks for posting this. Did you meet this doctor?
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Re: Pudendal video

Post by Injustice »


This Filler really seems to know his stuff!

Has anyone on here had any procedures done by this doctor?


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Violet M
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Re: Pudendal video

Post by Violet M »

John, Ezer and StephanieS can tell you more about Dr. Filler. Or you can do a search on their posts. I have not heard of many surgery successes from people who went to Dr. Filler.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
Emily B
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Re: Pudendal video

Post by Emily B »

Yes, please read other posts about Dr. Filler. Please don't believe all of Filler's self-serving advertising.

My experience was that he was money hungry and uncaring. He seems to diagnose everyone who has PN symptoms with piriformis syndrome and then proceeds to empty your pocket by telling you that you need injections. He doesn't accept insurance. When I went years ago, he was charging $10,000 per injection, per side. When I told the office rep that I didn't have that kind of money, she suggested I take out a loan against my house! Yikes.

Emily B.
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