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Re: Surgery

Post by ezer »

Do you mean 4 out of 6 on the Facebook group where people appear with their pictures, full names, get lectured for criticizing medical providers, and where Dr. Erdogru himself is an active participant promoting his own prowess?
2002 PN pain started following a fall on a wet marble floor
2004 Headache in the pelvis clinic. Diagnosed with PNE by Drs. Jerome Weiss, Stephen Mann, and Rodney Anderson
2004-2007 PT, Botox, diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Sheldon Jordan
2010 MRN and 3T MRI showing PNE. Diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Aaron Filler. 2 failed PNE surgeries.
2011-2012 Horrific PN pain.
2013 Experimented with various Mind-body modalities
3/2014 Significantly better
11/2014 Cured. No pain whatsoever since
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Re: Surgery

Post by FFSeth »

This topic is really worthy of it's own section (the mind body topic) but I will ask here as to keep it more visible. How did you learn to stop thinking about your symptoms? To me not thinking about symptoms and ignoring pain are 2 different things. So when I say not thinking about symptoms I mean not constantly evaluating them, what makes them better or worse, am I better today than yesterday?, when will the pain stop? Those kinds of obsessive thoughts are the ones I am talking about. I believe learning to limit or eliminate those thinking patterns would greatly help everyone regardless of the cause of the symptoms. Did you find this was an issue you needed to deal with? How did you overcome it? Thanks.
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Re: Surgery

Post by ezer »

What I did was pretty radical (that was 18 months ago). It is extremely hard to not think about your symptoms. So I tried to not think at all. Not think about anything.

Please note that it is separate from the emotional work I described before. In my success story, I describe 4 points. #3 was the emotional work and #4 is this.

I got the inspiration from Eckhart Tolle's Power of now (he was himself inspired by Alan Watts). You don't need to think for the most part. You only need to think for very short periods of time. 90% of our thoughts are negative and irrelevant. We just worry or get upset.

Analyze your thoughts right now. Your mind does not want to stay in the present and constantly jumps back and forth in time. But you can perfectly follow a conversation without thinking. Try it. You understand perfectly without your incessant brain chatter distracting you.

Your unconscious mind is always ready to react (fight/flight mode) and is being assailed by those never ending negative thoughts.

Little by little you can calm down your mind.
"The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly—you usually don't use it at all. It uses you."

The pain that you create now is always some form of nonacceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind."

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear — are cause by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence"

The PON Eckhart Tolle
2002 PN pain started following a fall on a wet marble floor
2004 Headache in the pelvis clinic. Diagnosed with PNE by Drs. Jerome Weiss, Stephen Mann, and Rodney Anderson
2004-2007 PT, Botox, diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Sheldon Jordan
2010 MRN and 3T MRI showing PNE. Diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Aaron Filler. 2 failed PNE surgeries.
2011-2012 Horrific PN pain.
2013 Experimented with various Mind-body modalities
3/2014 Significantly better
11/2014 Cured. No pain whatsoever since
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Re: Surgery

Post by lightmail »

Ezer. Obviously, you haven't been on that site from your comments, or at least for some time.. Dr. Erdogru hasn't posted there for a year and a half or so. I've been there for almost 4 years. Do they talk of the pros and cons of Drs, yes just great in my book to get info before surgery or any other procedure. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism. Get lectured for criticizing medical providers, haven't seen much of that. Do they disagree on drs? Of course that;s why it's called a forum. I am not a fan of Dr Erdogru or endorsing him . Just say'in. I do think surgery helps some, maybe even you for all we know.. Chronic pain has been around since the dawn of time, and now all of a sudden somebody's figured out how to kick our brain's into submission. Go figure.
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Re: Surgery

Post by ezer »

lightmail, oh yes surgery cured me. The supreme argument. Thanks for diagnosing me.
If I did not have surgery you would have said that my case was mild PN and that I got better with time probably.

Listen, I had 2 PNE surgeries. I spent $50K out of pocket. I think I have gained the right to discuss what a nonsense that was. The absurd PNE diagnosis. How one of the surgeons completely ignored his own MRN diagnosis (alcock's canal) a few days before surgery (to address the piriformis instead), How I was tricked into giving good news afterward.

But try it for yourself. You'll love it.

Where did I say mindbody is for everyone or the only path to healing?
Last edited by ezer on Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2002 PN pain started following a fall on a wet marble floor
2004 Headache in the pelvis clinic. Diagnosed with PNE by Drs. Jerome Weiss, Stephen Mann, and Rodney Anderson
2004-2007 PT, Botox, diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Sheldon Jordan
2010 MRN and 3T MRI showing PNE. Diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Aaron Filler. 2 failed PNE surgeries.
2011-2012 Horrific PN pain.
2013 Experimented with various Mind-body modalities
3/2014 Significantly better
11/2014 Cured. No pain whatsoever since
Posts: 121
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:58 pm

Re: Surgery

Post by molly »

I had surgery with Dr Erdugru three years ago. I made a small amount of improvement. This was not the vast advance That he was talking about.

However I have subsequently made further advances with different approaches. Life is much more comfortable for me than it used to be.

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Re: Surgery

Post by ezer »

Just to clarify, this is from Dr. Schechter MD which is one of the main points for determining if a mindbody approach is warranted. I have posted the following several times:
Ask yourself the following: Has the pain significantly changed or gone away while on vacation, away from home, or while distracted?.

The first person that told me about the mindbody connection is an MD. He was the team physiatrist for the 49ers, the Oakland Raiders, and the San Francisco Giants.
He is completely mainstream and offers nerve blocks, trigger point injections, facet injections, or will refer people for Ketamine infusions etc. But if he feels that you may be receptive and not offended by the idea, he will mention the mindbody connection.

He referred me a few years ago for a study of chronic pain using functional-MRI of the brain at Stanford.
He also witnessed that top athletes would recover quickly from injuries but would suffer for months simply twisting an ankle on a sidewalk during a rough personal stretch in their lives.

I am not sure he wants to be associated openly with the mindbody connection so I won't mention his name but it is easy enough to find out as he is a popular sports doctor in the SF Bay Area.
2002 PN pain started following a fall on a wet marble floor
2004 Headache in the pelvis clinic. Diagnosed with PNE by Drs. Jerome Weiss, Stephen Mann, and Rodney Anderson
2004-2007 PT, Botox, diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Sheldon Jordan
2010 MRN and 3T MRI showing PNE. Diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Aaron Filler. 2 failed PNE surgeries.
2011-2012 Horrific PN pain.
2013 Experimented with various Mind-body modalities
3/2014 Significantly better
11/2014 Cured. No pain whatsoever since
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Re: Surgery

Post by AliPasha1 »

Hi Violet,

What do you mean that the complications I had from Tibet Erdogru weren't PN part of surgery.Could you elaboate more on that.The guy literally butchered me.I have pain on both sides of my PSIS and pain radiating down both my legs which I never had before.My dorsilexsion of my right side footis limited.

I will never be normal again thanks to the butcher of Istanbul i.eTibet Erdogru.

It is also a shame that he is on your bored of directors which just shows how desperate you are to get any dick and Harry on your forum.SHAME.

Diagnosed for PNE by Dr. Jerome Weiss in June 2007.Started PT with Amy Stein in NYC.
PT for almost 3 years now without any results.
Pudendal Nerve blocks in August,2007 by Dr. Quesda left me with sitting pain.
Unilateral TIR approach with Dr. Bautrant on 18 Febuary,2010 with no major improvements and sitting is much worse.
MRI By Dr. Potter reveals nerve entrapment in the ST,AC and DN.
Dorsal Nerve Decompression surgery on April 8,2011
Redo surgery by Dr. Hibner on July 18,2011
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Re: Surgery

Post by Violet M »

Hey, Ali, how are you? Haven't heard from you in awhile.

I was referring to your post in this thread. ... =44&t=4191 in which you described a bunch of complications when you had surgery in Turkey.
AliPasha1 wrote:Dear friends,

It has been almost three months since my Laparoscopic PN decompression surgery with Dr. Tibet Erdogru.I was operated by on the 24th of September, 2012 at Memorial Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey.

The surgery was seven hours long and was filled with Complications right from the beginning. I developed severe thrombosis in my lower right leg and foot. Besides thrombosis, I had damage to my tibial nerve, sural nerve (branch of the tibial branch) and sensory peroneal(fibular) nerve in my right leg and foot. In addition, Hemoglobin level fell from 12 to an 8 gr/dl after the surgery. My whole stomach, intestinal and testicular area were covered with internal bleeding.Dr. Tibet wanted to do a redo surgery, but the MRI showed no major pathologies according to them. I was given 5 units of blood transfusion after my mother intervened and was really concerned that these were my last moments. I have never endured so much pain in my whole life and I really thought that my life was over.

After three days, It was determined that the dropping of my hemoglobin and internal bleeding was due to heparin, which I was put due to thrombosis. It seemed that I am allergic to heparin and on the 5th day of the surgery, my hemoglobin level rose again to 11.6 gr/dl and I was discharged on the sixth day on a wheel chair. Heparin was replaced with Coumadin.

Ironically, Dr. Eduardo Quesada gave used heparin in my PN injection back in 2007 which led to the sitting pain on both sides. Before that fateful block by Dr. Quesada, I never had any issues on my right side and no sitting pain at ischial tuberosity on either side.
I left Istanbul after 12 days with major pain, complications, disappointment and a complete state of shock. I wanted to flee Turkey. I was unable to travel back to the USA .instead, it was decided that I would fly to my parent’s house in Islamabad, since it was only 4 hours flight and I was in no condition to fly back to the USA in such a state.
Dr. Tibet and his associates never figured out in Istanbul that I also developed major nerve damage in the foot and leg. My foot was completely numb and thrombosis never causes numbness.

It was only later when I had a clear thrombosis Ultrasound that the doctors became concerned In Islamabad that I had foot and leg neuropathy. A Nerve Conduction Velocity, EMG test and physical examination clearly determined that I had tibial nerve , sural nerve and sensory peroneal nerve damage in my right leg and foot. I have sent those results to Dr. Tibet and he has a hard time acknowledging nerve damage. Ironically, a female patient from Utah developed similar peroneal nerve damage ten days after my surgery in both legs. She is still trying to recover till this day.
I got my detailed surgical report about a month ago from Dr. Tibet Erdogru and it said that I had no complications.

I haven’t seen any improvements in my PN symptoms. Unfortunately, I have developed SIJD on my right side as well. The thrombosis is totally gone, and I am off Coumadin (blood thinner).Although, I am off crutches, it is still difficult and painful for me to walk because of the pain in the calf of my leg, Achilles tendon and the sole of my foot. I was able to put on a shoe on the right side about three weeks ago, but it’s very uncomfortable and very painful.My right hip also tenses up when I walk Sometimes, I get electric shocks in the foot and they are terrible. This foot and leg pain is ten times worse than PN PAIN.I have never endured so much pain in my whole life.

I also suffered from insomnia and was unable to sleep for more than two hours during the night for about a month and a half because of traumatization. Even 10 mg diazepam didn’t help. Reluctantly, I was put on 25 mg of anti-depressant and I was finally able to sleep like normal people. I am doing PT, but further foot surgery may be required if the situation doesn’t improve. I am not sure whether I can walk normally again. Neither can I walk properly nor can I sit now.

Dr. Tibet came on Facebook forum to defend himself, accusing me of being overweight and writing my whole Medical History on Facebook. He also said that he doesn’t want to communicate with me on email but rather on Facebook. I am very disappointed with his unprofessional attitude. Since it has become apparent that he caused me so much damage, he has stopped communicating with me.

Most of these complications were caused by negligence because I was kept in the lithatomy position for about seven hours and the patients aren't supposed to be kept in that position for than four hours. ... _page4.htm

I had one failed PN surgery with Dr. Bautrant in 2010 and another dorsal nerve surgery with Professor Oskar Aszmann in Vienna, Austria in2011.Both were without complications and I had an excellent experience with both of them .Both are very professional,sophisticated,kind and had excellent bed manners regardless of the outcome. I have been left with a major foot and leg complication to deal with now and it was a total nightmare in Istanbul, Turkey.

Kind Regards,


The total cost of the surgery was US $10,000,but I had to pay another US $1,200 for the blood transfusion.Any complication during the surgery has to be paid by the aptient.

It was a very sad and unfortunate situation for you and I hope you have improved since we last talked.

How are things going for you now? Are you able to work yet?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Surgery

Post by desperate »

So much for the only promising sounding surgery "laproscopic surgery". Toss that out in the garbage too. Sorry for your experience Ali. Don't give up. Focus on the mind body like ezer. Calm your NS down. Thats the best advice I can give. From what other successes on this forum undergoing surgery mind body is the next option. Or try these restorative exercises that someone mentions in the success stories section. You still may be able to correct this. HOPE- Hold on Pain ends
Pudendal pain started in Feb 2014. Potter MRI- useless findings (dont waste your money), tried pelvic floor pt, ART, Trigenics, Osteopathic treatment, fascial work, Massage, Shockwave, world renown chiros, osteopaths and PTs, stretching bla bla. Nothing helped but shockwave (which was short lived) and one world renown chiro that is a douchebag because he cant treat me again. All in all, God is the only one who can lead your path.
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