Today I am..........

Here is a place for social chats with special attention to support and non medical discussions. We need a place to chill out, where we can distract from our pain and enjoy lighter moments, share a joke or funny moment with others.
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Re: Today I am..........

Post by Amanda »

Today I am catching up on household chores, we have builders outside and the dust is terrible....maybe I need a cleaner!
Im also thinking of my holidays which are in 32 days time.....oh to be under a palm tree basking in the sun!
PNE started 2003 following Vaginal Hysterectomy, pelvic floor repair and right oophorectomy; eventually after many tests had BilateralTG surgery Nantes 2004; following this tried many other treatments including 7 day epidural, ketamin infusions to no avail; Trialed and was implanted with a Neurostimulator in 2007- Dr Van Buyten Belgium, this has enabled me to manage my pain much better.
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Re: Today I am..........

Post by Positivepoppy »

Today I am lying in bed next to my lovely snoring husband unable to sleep. Thank goodness for this forum when the mind is racing but body unable to keep up!
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Re: Today I am..........

Post by bikelover »

Today I feel hopeless. We traveled to my wife's folks. 1 hour flight yesterday and I had one of the worst flares ever. My boy was sitting besides me watching. I just hugged him and try hard to pretend everything was normal.
Just getting fed up with everyone asking how am I, of explaining what is wrong with me, of hearing suggestions, you should try this, you should try that.....
Sold my motorcycle not long ago... having it there and not being able to ride it was killing me...

Another baby is on the way. That sure brings some happiness, but it worries me.....Don't know how will I manage to stay strong for now the 6 of us.
Having a hard time to cope with realizing that I might never be the way I was before...

Re: Today I am..........

Post by Laramarie »

Today I am ...... In pain (what else is new)? Wishing I was the mother and wife I used to be 3 years ago. Wondering if my four children miss their "old "mom? I remember shopping and biking and skiing and laughing and enjoying a sunset. Now I just want my old life back before PNE. It's ironic because my surgeon told me I developed prolapse from giving birth to 4 large babies, including a set of twins and this led to my surgery which in turn led to PNE.... And now here I am with a lovely family that can't enjoy me??? Maybe soon..... I am still recovering..... Hopeful.
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Re: Today I am..........

Post by alangcreech »

it is really glad to read this thread.
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Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:01 am

Re: Today I am..........

Post by Simon94 »

Today I am hell tired and looking to sleep somewhere in the office. Today I will sleep and Today nobody can stop me from sleeping.
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