Pudendal neuralgia from 12 years

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Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:14 pm

Re: Pudendal neuralgia from 12 years

Post by Patty »

I'm sorry to read your still in pain. I live in an area where we have an abundance of medical doctors who are pudendal and pelvic pain aware, many pelvic PT to choose from but I continue to have pain on a daily basis. So realize you are not alone.
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Joined: Mon May 02, 2016 5:03 pm
Location: Siracusa, Italy

Re: Pudendal neuralgia from 12 years

Post by Gabriel81 »

In the section "Associated disorders" I posted my experience in Zurich with dr. Marc Possover.
The title is "Dott.Marc Possover says: No Pudendal Neuralgia"
2004 Urethral burnings, chronic prostatitis diagnosis, unuseful drugs. Lately added chronic pelvic contracture.
2011 Pudendal Neuralgia diagnosis, nerve blocks and oral drugs.
2013 Two neuromodulation surgeries.
2016 Possover negate Pudendal Neuralgia (no pain elicited on rectal exploration), says problem is more central but MRI- neurography show nothing.
2017 De Bisshop found Oedema/hyperpressure and neurological abnormal response on intrapiriform area, most on sx.
Failed injection blocks.
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