Stem cell paste injection for pudendal neuralgia

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Stem cell paste injection for pudendal neuralgia

Post by peg »

Hello Everyone,
It's has been 4 weeks since my stem cell paste injection into my damaged pudendal nerve area. Today I woke up with no pelvic pain or injection site soreness. On Thursday I was able to decrease my intrathecal pain pump by 1mg (equivalent to 3000mg oral narcotic medications). I haven't developed a flare up since the pump decreased. I had a vaginal exam done last week. I usually had great pain with the exam. But no pain during the exam. Everything felt normal! I'm so astounded with this stem cell paste injection. The stem cells will stay at the injection site for 2years. This high concentration of stem cells will be healing and combating inflammation/ pain during that time period. There's the potential that the stem cells will heal my pudendal nerve completely! This procedure can also be repeated if necessary! If you would like more information about the stem cell paste injection, please send me a message. I feel that after 20years, I finally have my life back!!!
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Re: Stem cell paste injection for pudendal neuralgia

Post by Rockroll »

I wanted to say that if you are a man, have pudendal nerve issues, and live in Canada (Western), it is very difficult to find any support. It seems Dr's are just not up on this issue, especially if in a male. I have had this issue since March 2016 after simply bending to sit down. I had immediate sharp pains in my penis. When urinating, it was like razor blades. The next day, it was 50% better, but still uncomfortable. I started the gauntlet of urology tests for every potential infection including a scope all with no results. Urologist said sorry, I can't see any pathology; "it will go away". My pain finally settled into more classic pudendal symptoms. After doing much research, I decided to get a pudendal nerve block. I had one on a side at a time. Right side: still had pain on tip of penis / Left side: no pain. Now that I knew what side, it was time to figure out how to treat. The nerve block did settle down the symptoms for about 4 weeks, but then the pain came back. Unfortunately, the nerve block left me with a new burning sensation on a small area of the left side of my scrotum. I was told that this would go away over time. It's been 5 weeks and I still have this sensation. Hopefully this will go away as advised. I can put pressure using my finger on a specific spot on the obturator internus / sacrotuberous ligament area and irritate my pudendal nerve pain even more. I'm not sure if it is coming from the alcocks canal area or the ligament. I have had a MRI which did not show anything unusual, but I have had MRI's in the past for other issues and things can get missed. Unless the MRI machine is a Tesla 3 model, the only thing a normal MRI will verify is the whether lesions or tumours may be present. If you suspect that you have pudendal nerve issues and you are going for a MRI, try and find a Tesla 3 machine. I have researched BOTOX which if it is a muscle spasm that may be compressing the nerve, it may help. Apparently, you should know fairly soon after the injection. There is hc(high concentrate)PRP/PRP injections that some pain Dr's may recommend. It's very difficult to find a clinic in Western Canada that will even do PRP injection in this part of the body. If you decide to do PRP, make sure its at a clinic that uses fluoroscopic guided. PRP works better if injected directing into the ligament, so I have been told. There is Pulse Radio Frequency specifically for the pudendal nerve. This may give some relief from 5 - 12 months. I have not found any info on stem cell injections in males for pudendal nerve issues. Apparently stem cell injections work like a nerve block, in that they flood the area, so it doesn't need to be directly into the ligament or muscle, as long as it is close to the source based on what I have been told by Dr's. I am sharing this for all those men that are at a lost for how to deal with this issue. I will be going for stem cell injections for my pudendal issues in April. I will let you know how I make out.
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Re: Stem cell paste injection for pudendal neuralgia

Post by mitzzi »

I would love to talk to you about this if you are willing.
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