Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?

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Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p

Post by kathyd »

I Have not been on this site for a few years, but was reading cases similar to mine.. This reply is to Antonia. I really hope you've gotten relief by now ,but have you tried the valium suppositories Violet suggested? I use a combo of Valium and Baclofen suppositories, and they do provide some relief ...I use them rectally. The only thing is that sometime for me they cause the urge to defecate when I'm upright, but its different for everyone. Just thought I'd suggest these (mine have more Valium than Baclofen,) if you haven't tried them yet. BTW I also had Labral tear surgery back in 2009. It was useless. I don't know if it hurt me, but I will say my sitting pain was very mild, barely a problem then, but increased in increments after that..Be very careful about surgery! I feel in my case surgery did more harm than good. ( I also had another surgery with Dr. Dellon and my pain became brutal anal pain within 3 months of surgery.

Good luck!..I understand this awful pain.
Kathy D
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Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p

Post by nypain »

Thank you all for sharing your stories although this thread is old and I doubt you will see it. I had an MR Neurogram of the pelvis today which showed « Small field of view imaging of the right hip demonstrates a nondisplaced right anterosuperior quadrant labral tear. Subtle asphericity and subtle fibrocystic change along the right femoral head neck junction offset suspicious for small right CAM deformity»

So now, based on this and your testimonies and the links you shared, I decided to ask my pain management specialist if we should proceed with a hip injection rather than Botox first.
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Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?

Post by nypain »

Update: it has been over a year since my hip injections and arthroscopy and my pudendal neuralgia is as flared as ever, and despite a ton of physical therapy and work on my end, I am also less mobile to boot. I felt I HAD to know if it would help, so I don’t regret the surgery per se.
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Violet M
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Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?

Post by Violet M »

Hi NY,

Sad to hear the surgery didn't work for you. Have you had any new imaging recently, such as MRI/MRN of the pelvis using the Hollis Potter protocol?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?

Post by Chamois »


I had labral tear surgery last year and it did not help reduce my pain. To avoid creating confusion doctors confirmed I do not have PN but still haven't been able to give a proper diagnosis, although this is most probably a nerve issue in the area (obturator, ilio-inguinal or ilio hypogastric).

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