my pelvic floor PT evaluation

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my pelvic floor PT evaluation

Post by frigator »

I am so tired of just waiting around for appointments to come along. So decided to go to a recommended Pelvic floor PT provider. They dont take insurance but will give you the forms if you want to file as an out of network providers. The large PT places that my provider sent me to made me worse, ,but that was regular PT. Here is her page:

http://www.barbaragreenphysicaltherapy. ... _Page.html

So this lady could tell I am a high strung individual just from looking at me she said. She took a very thorough history and some outside massage but spent most of her time up the rectum. And she found some painful spots and said my muscles are extremely tight. So is that where most Pelvic PT take place, up the rectum?

She gave me a bunch of stuff to do, keep a peeing log, relaxation excercises. She gave me a sheet to give my doctor, if I can ever find one, showing her finding and her recommendation for 10mg valium suppositories. I know my pcp will not prescribe me that....his rule is if you are on opiod pain medicine they will not prescribe benzos or any type of sleeping pill except amitriptyline. So maybe I can ask my pain pa to prescribe them. Hoping I can get some as I have tried Flexeril and Baclofen and they help some but she said these suppositories will work the best.

I am going to give her a try and have my appointment with Dr Dellon on April 2 and have decided to try to fly there rather than be driven like I had planned. I have found I get carsick riding laying down in the car. I need to be able to see out the windows to prevent car sickness. So I kinda have to half lay-half sit and its not a comfortable thing being driven long distances. I just hope I can stand most of the flight, maybe in the back of the plane. Its only 90 minutes gate to gate. So that's my status. Still bad pain and am having to ice most of the day to get relief.
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Re: my pelvic floor PT evaluation

Post by April »

Hi Robin,

The location of the pelvic work usually depends on where the pain is. It makes sense that she would work on the rectum since she found that the muscles there were tight. Sometimes it can be helpful to have pts just work on the surrounding muscles too (e.g., piriformis, glutes, adductor).

Flying does sound like it would be easier for you. One of your doctors or your pt may be able to give you a note that lets the airline know that you have a health problem and may have to stand for much of the flight.

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Violet M
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Re: my pelvic floor PT evaluation

Post by Violet M »

Yes, the best way for a PT to access the pelvic floor muscles in a guy is via the rectum. Valium suppositories are very helpful for a lot of people so I think the things she is telling you make sense The real proof will be whether or not the treatment works for you. How are you feeling after the myfoascial release of the pelvic floor muscles via the rectum? Did it cause a flare-up in symptoms or did it seem to help? When she presses on the pudendal nerve via the rectum, is it painful at the ischial spine or along alcock's canal? That would be significant because the pudendal nerve runs between two ligaments at the ischial spine and through Alcock's canal.

Was this PT able to point you inn the direction of any good docs in your area who treat PN?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Re: my pelvic floor PT evaluation

Post by frigator »

Thanks for your replies April and Violet. The PT lady has been practicing for decades and said there is no doctor here in Charlotte that really treats PN, that I need to go to the University Hospitals either in Winston Salem, UNC or Duke. So I am trying to get into Baptist in Winston Salem, they said a Dr Evans treats PN there. But she said the urologist here can treat your pain and get me a nerve block hopefully. She knows the urologist I am seeing and says he is good.

So I am seeing that urologist next monday that may be able to help. That urologist has cancelled my appointments twice before and now I am in a horrible position of having his new appointment at 8:30 am next monday and my pain doc appointment at 10am, same day. That was only time the urologist had with next available in May. But I know I may be late for my pain appointment which means I may miss out on my medicine. They are super strict appointment changes, if you miss it, tough, see you next month. If I didn't need them so much I would file a complaint with the medical board on their appointment practices.

One thing my PT told me to do is take hot baths twice a day. I know you Violet had success with hot sitz baths. Well just these regular hot baths seems to help so I am doing them twice a day in the big tub upstairs. I had to turn the heat up on the water heater as it wouldn't fill the whole tub. I find I can stretch out in the tub enough so its more like laying down than sitting. Works better than the heating pad I been using. So its nice to find something that does help.
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Re: my pelvic floor PT evaluation

Post by April »

Hi Robin,

Sorry about the conflicting appointments. When I was desperate to see a doctor asap a couple of years ago, I called every morning shortly after they opened for several days in a row to see if they had a cancellation and eventually got lucky and got a same-day appointment. So, you could do that this week with both places in case you could get in this week to see one of them.

Glad the hot baths are helping!

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