Seeking help for my husband

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Seeking help for my husband

Post by Paulab »

Hi. I am new at the forum and i’m seeking help for my husband, a 45 years old male, tall and thin completion, since he has been suffering for many months from a set of strange symptoms that no doctor was able to understand what it is.

The symptoms are:

1 – Tingling vibration in the penis and also in the area form the perineum to the penis – Frequent, daily , almost

2 – Pain in the penis, particularly in the gland and the frenulum. Frenulum painful at touch. Very sensitive and he complains that sexual arousal or erectile behavior is very easily produce without any mental involvement. Almost as if part of the irritation of the frenulum - Frequent , daily. Some days worse than others. It increases with tiredness and lack of sleep

3 – Vibration or tingling along the line that goes from the central pubic area to the point just below the belly button – occasional

4 – Vibration sensation in the chest – Occasional but weekly

5 – Heat waves coming to the chest, arms, head. Sensation of thermal masses or zones moving inside the head. Heat in the back of the head. Almost feels like electricity and itchy feelings travelling inside the head

6 – Almost every night after 2 hours of sleep he wakes up with sweats and internal heat on his body. Sometimes other symptoms progress during the evening and he feels he is going to fall down every time he is starting to sleep and awakes very nervous and scared

7 – Mental sensation of death of control loss. When the symptoms get very strong, he complains that the pelvic and penis pains mess with his nervous system and brain and he develops scary unknow sensations that add up to the body and head heat and drive him to the verge of feeling almost wanting to not be alive

He presents a general state of high anxiety and obsessiveness with the lack of understanding of what is happening and at the same time he cannot stay away from the problem as it is overwhelming in his daily life.

He has bem to more than 30 specialists, made all types of exams including several CT Scans. Many ideas came along, from hidden viruses, prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, pudendal nerve problems, multiple sclerosis, etc.etc. All exams were, according to local doctors, excluding all of the hypotheses. He took several types of medications and none seem to clearly alleviate the symptoms.

Some doctors even told him to see a healer of suggested that this was a “kundalini” energy disturbance.

At the moment he is mentally broken down, very fearful for his life quality, very anxious and with constant pains and strange body sensations. This appeared studently in his life.

I hope someone could make a sense of all of this.

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Seeking help for my husband

Post by Aristocat »

Hi Paulab,

Yes, everything you write sounds like "Kundalini activities", or better said, how you write, like "Kundalini disturbance".

I have been researching for myself in this matter for years because I have been suffering from PGAD for years and have sensations all over my body up to my head.

To understand the sensastions and philosophy of Kundalini Yoga, you need to know some things. We have to look to the East and to Yoga because the West does no research and puts it in the esoteric corner. So we don't have a western word for "Kundalini". I am a bit surprised that there are doctors who see what is really going on and called it Kundalini. Maybe something is slowly changing after all. This is the right way, but still a difficult one.

1.Kundalini is a real energy that races through the body. That's why your husband feels vibrations up to the heart and heat in his head.
2. Nobody knows why this energy "awakes", activates. When this energy becomes active, it is often very suddenly and overwhelming because people do not know this kind of energy.
3. to speak in a Western scientific way after years of research, I have come to the conclusion that an active Kundalini energy is a mega - hyper - traumatization of the whole body (the nervous system, the hormonal system, the immune system).
4. An activated Kundalini is not reversible.

There's a big problem with Kundalini Energy. It is always associated with spirituality. It is the energy that transforms the nervous system. This is necessary to reach altered states of consciousness and perhaps at a certain point the state of enlightenment. This is not a mystical thing or fantasy or any mental illness. This is the reality that our nervous system and brain are able of.

There is a lot of literature about Kundalini and a lot can be found in the internet. In all descriptions the Kundalini way is described as a process, a long process over years, a hard and sometimes terrible process. But if you know what happens, you can live with it over time, things go better and somehow the process calms down and the good sides of Kundalini become clearer. I haven't found a book that describes that there is another side of Kundalini where the process doesn't progress and gets stuck in the difficult, sometimes unbearable state.

Kundalini Yoga calls it, there are blockages in the different chakras. If the sexual area is affected in such a way, then blockages are in the 1st, the Root Chakra and in the 2nd, the Sexual Chakra. Maybe you have a look at the Chakras. Knowing where these energy centers are in the body gives a better understanding of why there are sensations in the different areas of the body.

I had an email contact with Bonnie Greenwell a famous Kundalini therapist. She has written a book and you can find her on youtube. She was very nice, but she couldn't help me. The "spiritual Kundalini" experts do not know that there is another side of Kundalini, the "disturbing Kundalini".

Kundalini Energy has a lot to do with non-consciousness and it shakes the boundaries of life until she has completely changed our being and staying in this world.

In Eastern Yoga Kundalini is compared by a snake, rising up the spine. During her rising she burns all the old stuff and cleans the Chakras. That's why she is also called the „Fire Snake“. And that's why your husband feels heat in his body and his head. Of course the endocrine system is challenged absolutely. Over the Chakras she has an effect on the endocrine system and the different glands. There is a lot of Biology in Kundalini but you can't prove it medically because all happen in an energetical way. That's so difficult to understand for medcine.
I also know the heat, the pain in my head and the vibrations through my whole body, especially at the Heart Chakra. I know the fear to dy and to be no longer able to live in this way anymore.

All this has nothing to do with a mental illness. That is important to know! All people with a Kundalini rising are absolutely clear in their minds. Your husband can describe so exactly what happens to him that you can write it here. With all this confusion in the body, the people can observe themselves objectively and can take distance from all these sensations in calmer phases. In this context it has to be said that it is correct that the intensity of the sensations changes and its strength is also connected to a lack of sleep. Sleep is the most important thing.

If you are looking for a Kundalini therapist please note a few points:
Don't look for any healer, that's wasted time but look for a Kundalini therapist.
The therapist must have an activated Kundalini. He must know what it means to have a Kundalini rising. No one else can understand and comprehend this.
He/she needs to know something about a difficult running Kundalini processes and be able to guide this process together with your husband.

There are many charlatans and the Kundalini Yoga hype is great. They all believe they activate the energy, she runs along the spine and then they are enlightened. None of that.

Maybe you are looking at the German RGS (Restless Genital Syndrome = PGAD) forum. Some years ago I wrote to some scientists to explain my knowledge about these sexual problems. I would write it differently today because I have become smarter. But I have written something about Kundalini and there is an overview to better understand the issue. Unfortunately I didn't get an answer. Scientists can't see beyond the body and they know only a little bit about sexuality. ... sh-version

I wrote "she" when I spoke about Kundalini. This is no mistake. Kundalini is the female aspect of our universe and therefore the creative part.

If you have questions, tell me and will try to answer.
Best wishes
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Re: Seeking help for my husband

Post by wendy7 »

Hi Paulab,

I'm sorry to hear about the issues that your husband is having. It sounds like he is getting depressed over not getting the answers that he is looking for in his current issues. I do no know where you are from, but if there is a pudendal nerve issue, there are some things that I would suggest that may be helpful in trying.

You may want to look into getting a pudendal nerve conduction test. It can tell if there is any latency in electrical conduction of the nerve, which can be presumed as damaged. I would do this first, before trying a nerve block. I would also suggest seeing a physical therapist, who is trained in treating PN symptoms. These two may give you a more accurate idea of what is going on with him.

The other thing, used for diagnostic testing, is a pudendal nerve block. If the nerve conduction test is slow and physical therapy does not help, then this may be something to try.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
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Re: Seeking help for my husband

Post by Nashcj »

Hi PaulaB

I have been experiencing exactly the same symptoms as your husband for the past 1.5 years. I am curious if you have made any progress or gotten any more information.

I’ve done extensive testing, and recently was diagnosed with Pudendal neuralgia, but I still feel it’s only part of the story. With the Pudendal pain, when it spikes, I have severe night sweats, intense hot flashes and heat sensitivity, weakness and tremor throughout the body, intense and sudden feelings of fear/panic, vertigo and balance issues. These episodes have declined in frequency since they all came about, but I am not satisfied or confident that this is all caused by some compressed nerve in my pelvis. It just doesn’t add up.

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Re: Seeking help for my husband

Post by April »

Hi Paulab,

Like Wendy, I think a diagnostic nerve block would be a good idea if he hasn't had one. Has he seen a pelvic physical therapist? That can also be useful for diagnosis. Also, it is, of course, always possible to have multiple ailments, so he may have pn and other unrelated problems. Or, as Wendy suggested, the inability to get a diagnosis could be affecting his sleep and mental health. All of that seems possible.

Chris, I had the same thought when I read about your vertigo and other symptoms---those sound separate from the pn.

Take care,
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Re: Seeking help for my husband

Post by Violet M »

Hi Chris,

Sounds disconcerting to have those symptoms and not know what is causing them. Have you seen a neurologist or cardiologist yet? Have any of your doctors ruled out dysautonomia? I haven't heard of some of the symptoms you described being linked to pudendal neuralgia so I can understand why you would be skeptical that a diagnosis of PN satisfies the explanantion for the other symptoms you are experiencing. Since your other symptoms seem to occur when your pain levels are high, I don't know, maybe the pain is causing your nervous system to go into overdrive?

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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