Electro acupuncture

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Electro acupuncture

Post by Melgator44 »

Hi. I have had mild PN over last 5 years. Mainly clitoral pain and some tingling bilaterally inner butt cheeks. I hurt my lower back so tried electro acupuncture. He placed like 20 needles along sacral and lumbar spine and then did 3 waves of electro stim on needles. Later that night I had some electrical zaps through front of groin. Then I had pins and needles on both sit bone areas and perineal area. Worse when sitting. Sitting is hard now. So of course I freaked out. Thinking he did something permanent to the pudendal nerve. There is a language barrier so reached out to an old acupuncturist I used and she told me she doubts he did anything permanent but that he WAY overexcited my sacral nerves by placement of needles right where back pain was along spine and then adding electricity to it. She said to try to remain calm and take vitamin b12 and said it may take weeks but will calm down. I want to believe her bc makes sense but hard to when I am scared and feel really uncomfortable to sit when never had that problem unless sat on hard surfaces. Has this happened to anyone else? Any thoughts? Thank you! It will be a week tomorrow.
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Re: Electro acupuncture

Post by April »

I don't have any experience with that. I think acupunture is supposed to create a small amount of pain so that healing agents in your body go to the area and help reduce pain, so perhaps that is what happened. Are you feeling any better now?

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