Doctor Bautrant experiences please

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Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2020 1:03 pm

Doctor Bautrant experiences please

Post by jchappers »

I've just joined because after 20 months of rectal/sitting pain, pgad, burning and stabbing pain in vagina, sort of 'back' of pelvic floor, I have decided to get a surgical assessment. After reading around I am seeing dr Bautrant. Is there anyone who has had treatment from him, that can offer me any hope please? It is so hard to decide what to do. I've tried pt, chiropracter, osteopath and I am in so much pain every day I basically want to throw the towel in. I am housebound now and used to love my exercise and running and walking hobbies. I have lost my job, my income and my life. I just lie in the house in pain every day. If anyone has had success with dr bautrant please give me hope, and any insight into his procedure once I get to France, would really help . THank you so much
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Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:49 pm

Re: Doctor Bautrant experiences please

Post by Milly »

Did you decide to go for assessment and surgery?
I had been suffering all the symptoms you describe and decided to have surgery by Dr Bautrant in January. I have no regrets about the surgery as I don't think I had any other option as the test proved I had entrapment on the right side.
However I was told the recovery would take time as the nerve has to heal so I am trying to remain positive.
Hope you are feeling better.
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