Hello from Slovenia

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Hello from Slovenia

Post by Barboletka »

My name is Barbara and I'm coming from Slovenia. Sorry for my english, because it's not my first language :)
I will share my story and I need help, because nobody believes my pain and frustrations...

On August 9 2019 I went to chiropractor for full body alignment... she rotated my spine so I was in so much pain For over a month

On September I went to someone who will align me back, but than it all went down... my scapulas went out, my neck was rotated and i was suffocating because muscles were wrong. And all my body hurt.

On October 20 I started cranio-sacral therapy and I can say upper body is better fo 70%. In mean time me and my boyfriend had sax in the car :oops: and I think there something went wrong, maybe some move with my hips or I dont know, because next day I had feeling like my anus will fall out or that something is inside. I told my therapist and she said the problem is with my sacrum S2,S3 and position of my pelvis and sacrum and even my lumbar spine. So she did therapy (from october till now I am going twice a week on this therapy) and I had pain while passing gas or bowel movement and pain in perineum and all the way to coccyx. But I could sit normal and having sex...

2 weeks ago We went to the pool for a swim, but all I did was walk, I didn't swim...than I was cold and got uti and my ischiatica on right side started to hurt. In next days my vagina started to hurt too, got some tingling and crawling sensations from anus to vulva, on the side. But we couldn't have sex, it hurts. I thought I have vaginal infection so I treated that. And still going to the cranio sacral therapy I told the problem and she said its because of my muscles and till than I found out about pudendal neuralgia, so I told her and she said that it is not damaged but it is trapped. But I don't know if I should believe her or not?
After therapy 1 week ago I got burning in my vagina and clitoris and up, and the feeling I have urinary infection and I need to pee all the time and my bladder hurts on the touch in abdomen, and when I pee it is a feeling like i can't squeeze enough, sometimes. Went to doctor and even with negative urine she gave me antibiotics, so i ate those... nothing better. I told this to my cranio sacral therapyst and she said it is all because my weak pelvic floor muscles and not aligned lumbar and sacral part and pelvis and that she will help me. On this monday I had therapy and she worked on my pelvis and sacrum and than started to burn even in my lower legs and feet, why?
Doctors dont believe me, paracetamol and diclofenak (naklofen) dont work. I will go to neurologist, but now are holidays so after new year. :(
I dont know what to ask my doctor for pain, because nobody believes me that something is wrong. It hurts wen sitting and lying, pain and like some ball is in my anus, and than burning around my vagina and clitoris and legs and feet. Standing is a little better but vagina still burns. I cant sleep, a little helps if i got pillows under my thighs but still feeling if ball in rectum and burning vagina. We dont have sex and even he doesn't want to try, because he doesn't want to hurt me.

Why is getting worse even if I go to this therapy, it wasn't this bad till now. Can somebody help me what to do and if this can be treated. Will craniosacral therapy help? What pain medications should I ask from my doctor and what should I do. I didnt find any success stories here and I am scared this will stay all my life and i will not have pleasure of having sex and I will never work as a veterinarian. I am very depressed and I am losing hope. :(
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Re: Hello from Slovenia

Post by janetm2 »

Hi Barbara,
Welcome to the forum. There is a large amount of information on the home page. The frequently asked questions guide you through how to diagnose and adjust to the condition. Also, under treatment options medication management gives you a list of medications to try. Good luck
2007-08 pelvic muscles spasms treated by EGS. 6/27/10 sat too long on hard chair- spasms, EGS not work Botox help, cortisone shots in coccyx help, still pain, PT found PNE & sent me to Dr Marvel nerve blocks & MRN, TG left surgery 5/9/11. I have chronic bunion pain surgery at age 21. TG gave me back enough sitting to keep my job & join in some social activities. I wish the best to everyone! 2019 luck with orthotics from pedorthist & great PT allowing me to get off oxycodone.
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Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:42 pm

Re: Hello from Slovenia

Post by Petruska16 »

Sem tudi iz Slovenije, si dobila moje privatno sporocilo tu?
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