Has been a while.......Foot Leg Pain

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Has been a while.......Foot Leg Pain

Post by JackieOUCH »

Was a regular poster here years ago. Pain was better the last 7 years I believe from lifestyle modification and menopause (history of endometriosis).

Had my second Anterior Cervical Disc Fusion in my spine last November and it has stirred everything up. Trying to sift through what is pudendal and what may be of another origin (lumbar, Lyme disease, rheumatic disease...etc....) Of course you are altering your spine after a surgery like this, and you alter your movement to accommodate your new alignment and that puts stress on other areas. For instance, couldn't use my arms to push off from my chair like I normally do, and I had to sit more and of course there is not a doctor in my area that has a clue about pudendal issues. Had more constipation from meds, but only for a few days.

So my new symptoms...... neuropathy in my feet and ankles....manly on the top and outer left foot and sometimes the calf and shins, but sometimes back of heel and inner ankle and sole, and sometimes a little on my right side as well. It is not constant, but the nerve zaps are quite severe. My Lumber MRI shows slight bulging discs, but nothing pressing on the nerves. Emg of legs and lower back OK. I am having overall muscle pain, especially in the upper and middle back, thought the surgery would take care of that, but no luck. Occasional nerve zaps in the abdomen as well.......So here's my question......

Do you think the foot symptoms are pudendal related? Does anyone else have symptoms resembling mine?

Thank you in advance for any feedback.
Started with severe burning sacral pain to R hip/pelvis, bladder, bowel
History Endometriosis
Antolak Diagnosed PN--1 PN block made pain much worse & more widespread for a year
PT 2 yrs--Did not help physically, but was educational
Potter MRI: Symmetric thickening Sacrotuberous ligaments/scarring ischial & Alcocks canal.
Posts: 685
Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:07 am

Re: Has been a while.......Foot Leg Pain

Post by stephanies »

Hi Jackie,

First, I am glad you had a good 7 years! Second, I think issues at the spine can contribute to PN. I think EMGs test peripheral nerves and if the problem is a nerve root or spine issue they will come back normal. Have you had an MRI of your sacrum/tailbone? Maybe since the PN originates at S2, S3, and S4 along with the sciatic nerve there is something going on there. Can you get another opinion on your lumbar MRI? I have found that sometimes different doctors see different things as significant. Keep us posted.

Stephanie S.
PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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