Burning Feet

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Emily B
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by Emily B »

For the past year or so, at about 9:00 every night, my feet turn bright red and get hot. Usually, my feet are ice cold, so this is a major difference for me. I have to hang my feet out of the covers when I go to bed.

Emily B.
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by saint »

Penny wrote:Hi everyone

Does anyone know if there is a link between PN and burning feet? IF so can anyone explain why?

Look forward to hearing from someone
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by AmyJackson »

Warmer than usual feet may be related to the temperature of your environment but could be a sign of complications or another condition, particularly if other symptoms are present.
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by Belinda »

Hi interesting thread, I’ve developed burning on the top of my right foot (PN all right sided) it’s like I’ve spilled boiling water on it. I have no pain running down my leg! I am wondering if this is linked to PN?
My gp has suggested blood tests to rule out any other condition that would cause this symptom. Any thoughts please.
Lori W
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by Lori W »

I am so happy to find this group. I am just starting my official fight with PN. Of course I've had many symptoms, and all sorts of autoimmune and neurological issues since 2011, and many misdiagnosis. I recently made the connection, when after years of feeling pressure and pain in my groin area, between that and my migraines. I never could put the two together prior because I lived with chronic migraines about 80% of the time for about 10 years. I literally spent that time in a dark room with no sound and ice packs on my head. So now that I get migraines much less often, I was able to notice that as soon as a migraine would start, within minutes, or even second, the terrible pressure and pain in my groin starts. Now I don't always have a migraine when I have PN pressure/symptoms, but they without a doubt go hand in hand for me. Lately it is relentless and I have PN almost everyday (kind of like how I lived with my migraines all those years. When I have good days I am holding my breath, because I know that any second it could change. The pain actually feels very similar to a migraine but it's like having a migraine down there. I truly cannot believe that this is happening to me. I was so hopeful when my migraines lessened up and I thought that maybe I would have a chance of having somewhat of dinner sort of life. Even though I have many other things, they don't completely stop me from having some sort of life on a daily basis. I have illnesses literally from head to toe and everywhere in between, so I can't believe that now this is happening. I've had neurological issues throughout which come and go. Every single thing that is a symptom of PN I have recently been to many doctors complaining of them all, but yet nobody has been able to help me with anything, because they are probably unfamiliar with this illness. I also have burning feet, crawling sensations, stabbing sensations, the feeling like I'm being burned with the old-fashioned car cigarette lighters randomly all over my legs, extreme fluctuation in body temperature off of the hook, back pain, hip pain, and more. Literally everything that is a symptom of this illness is what I've been going through for very very long time now. Not all at the same time, as I'm sure I don't have to explain to the people here, and that is a priceless thing. Prior to making the connection and finding my unfortunate answer (PN), I had already made an appointment with a uri-gynecologist for my pain, pressure, crawling sensation and extreme difficulty urinating, which is coming up mid February (I had to wait 2 months for the appointment). Now that I know without a doubt that this is what I have, I really hope that when I go to this doctor that she is at least somewhat familiar with this. I am terrified of the tests and all of that stuff. Like I have been through enough, and now I'm going to have this battle, which is just horrific. I'm absolutely exhausted. This illness makes me so emotional, kind of the same feeling like when you have a high fever, at least for me. It literally takes over my whole entire being. Anyway I know that this is a really old thread, but I just wanted to say hello. and let you know that it helped me not feel so alone. I don't even know if anybody will see this, but either way at least I got some stuff out. Also, I was wondering if it is better to see a uri-gynecologist, or should I see a neurologist for this? Honestly for the last 7 years I gave up on doctors, because going to them made me feel so much worse. I would leave every appointment crying hysterically. But recently all of this has gotten so bad that I had no choice but to stay the "doctor game" again. I absolutely DREAD going to Doctors. Anyway, recently I saw four different doctors, and nobody could figure out or even take the time to look into what is going on with me. I also have a very bad burning sensation in my perennial, and I've had more doctors have me bend over and look closely at that area (which I have never done before in my whole life up to now), and they all basically put their hands up in the air and said "I don't know" . Anyway, thanks again for this successfully site. I am grateful to have found it. Now I have a lot of reading to do around here. 🥴🫤🤬❤️
Lori W
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by Lori W »

So sorry for the typos, and also for my being all over the place, but hopefully it makes sense to whoever may read this.
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Violet M
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Re: Burning Feet

Post by Violet M »

Hi, and welcome to the forum. You are definitely not alone in the way you are feeling. I am sorry to hear that you have suffered for so many years.

How did you figure out that you have PN?

I'm not sure which would be better - to see a urogynecologist or a neurologist. It depends on the doctor as to whether they know anything about pudendal neuralgia. Before my diagnosis, I saw both a urogynecologist and a neurologist and neither one of them had a clue. I got a referral to a physical therapist who specialized in pelvic pain and she was the one who figured out that I had pudendal neuralgia. After the appointment I came home and looked PN up online and found a group like this (that no longer exists) and started reading about PN, and I knew right away that it described my symptoms perfectly. You can try going to our homepage at https://www.pudendalhope.info/ and scroll down on the left to find a doctor or PT who treats this. If you can't find one near you, you might want to try seeing a urogynecologist who is affiliated with a university medical school near you. I found that the doctors at the university medical school in my city seemed to be more up-to-date on pudendal neuralgia than some of the other doctors in town.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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