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Post by Slg0325 »

Have been suffering with misdiagnosis after misdoagnosis for for more than 20 years. About 4 years ago, after many new tests, I received a confirmed diagnosis of bi-lateral pudendal nerve entrapment. Since then, I have spent more than 50K on every treatment available, tried every medication available, spent years in pelvic physical therapy, and have flown across the country to meet with PN specialists and try new treatments; trying to find any relief from the pain. Some things have helped a little but nothing has provided enough relief for me to even sit in a chair for 10 minutes. Fast forward to two months ago when a friend told me about a chiropractor who specializes in chronic pain relief. I thought “why not?!?!” One of the first things this chiropractor did was put me on a machine that assesses the pronation of your feet and it turns out I have SEVERE over pronation. She ordered me custom orthodics and two months later, I am feeling better than I have in over a decade. Turns out overpronation can cause pressure to be put on your hips and pelvic floor which can then trap and/or hurt your PN. I started a new job and didnt wear my custom orthodics for a week and my PN pain gradually started to increase. I have learned my lesson. I live in my orthodics, even when I am at home.I am still baffled that in 20 years, not one doctor (orthopedics included) recommended checking my feet. If you suffer from PN, do yourself a favor and get your feet checked.
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Violet M
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Post by Violet M »

Wow, I have not heard if this before either. Thanks for sharing your experience and hopefully it will help some others to avoid what you have been through. I wonder if your chiro would be willing to write a a short paragraph about this so we could post it on the main website. If so, you can private message me.

All the best,

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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Post by jon »

I believe that's what caused my left sided PN. I was using a knee cart for 6 months after surgery on my right foot

I've read that using your foot in a pronated position can cause your piriformis muscle to shift. And it's right next to Ithe pudendal nerve.

Eversion means having your toes pointed outward, which is how you pusIh off when using a knee cart. I used to think this was pronation, but I suspect eversion of my left foot started my pudendal neuralgia.

It can definitely cause issues with bulging disc's in your spine.

"Weakness of ankle inversion (where the sole of the foot turns inward), plantar flexion (the foot pounted down as in pressing down on a gas pedal), and foot drop are the main clinical manifestations of the sacral plexus lesion".

By sacral plexus lesions, I believe they mean damage to the area where the nerves meet the spine that causes pressure on nerves, like bulging discs do, which obviously puts pressure on the sacral nerves that innervate the groin area.

Fantastic paper on the subject:
Left testicle pain since 2008. Left sciatica 2010-2012. Failed left epididectomy, orchiectomy, botox injections, nerve blocks and internal physical therapy. Genital branch of genitofemoral and perineal branch of pudendal nerve cut. L5-S1 microdiscectomy cured sciatica. Dorsal Root Ganglion nerve stimulator failed to help and was removed. I have had 4 pudendal nerve blocks, two from Dr. Poree worked for 2 hrs. The ONLY break from pain ever.
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Post by Pain_Darren »

Violet you are very very gullible.
You know there's alot of crooks on here trying to scam people suffering right?
You sound like you believe anything said on here.
First of all, pudendal issues cause pronation due to muscular spasm.
The ligament structure in pelvis effects the structure from top to bottom
I wore custom orthotics in the past with this and ended up worse up
Needed major decompression surgery
People please stay away from quackpractors they will milk you worse then a cow.
Majority of people with this issue have ligament congenital defect as told to me by a top specialist!
Chiropractors can get lose, scam artists
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Post by Pain_Darren »

There are millions of people all over the world with pronated feet who wouldnt even know what pudendal nerve is since it does not cause pudendal issues!
Majority of my friends have badly pronated feet and do not have any nerve issues.
Good gawd al mighty!
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