I recently searched on YouTube for "pudendal neuralgia exercises" and to my surprise
there are a large number of hits in both German and English.
It is not uncommon for these hits to have been viewed more than 100,000 times.
Before I delve deeper into this, I would like to ask whether anyone here in the forum
can recommend any of the YouTube pudendal neuralgia exercises?
Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
Schmerzen seit 2010 (einschleichend)
MRT Becken 2015
Endosono Beckenboden 2016
Darm OP 2017
Darm OP Fissur 2018
CT m-KM Becken 2018
Pudendus-Blockade diagnostiv 2019
TENS-Gerät 2019
Naturheilkundeklinik 2020
Osteopathie 2020
Arbeitsplatz im Stehen 2020 28 Tage
Pudendus Botoxinjektion 2021
Osteopathie 2021
Dehnungsübungen nach Amy Stein 2021
Nerven-MRT in Heidelberg 2022
Botoxinjektion an den Schließmuskel 2023
Juckreizambulanz 2023
Viele Grüße Aua.de
männlich (1957)
MRT Becken 2015
Endosono Beckenboden 2016
Darm OP 2017
Darm OP Fissur 2018
CT m-KM Becken 2018
Pudendus-Blockade diagnostiv 2019
TENS-Gerät 2019
Naturheilkundeklinik 2020
Osteopathie 2020
Arbeitsplatz im Stehen 2020 28 Tage
Pudendus Botoxinjektion 2021
Osteopathie 2021
Dehnungsübungen nach Amy Stein 2021
Nerven-MRT in Heidelberg 2022
Botoxinjektion an den Schließmuskel 2023
Juckreizambulanz 2023
Viele Grüße Aua.de
männlich (1957)
Re: Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
Are you able to provide a direct youtube link? If I search on the name of your videos, many of them have nothing to do with pudendal neuralgia -- unless I'm doing something wrong.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
Re: Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
Hallo Violet,
with the search "pudendus neuralgia exercises" one can find find pretty a lot of these exercises.
Here are three examples:
Is it worth the efforts to try them out?
There must be people here in this forum which have expirience with such exercises.
with the search "pudendus neuralgia exercises" one can find find pretty a lot of these exercises.
Here are three examples:
Is it worth the efforts to try them out?
There must be people here in this forum which have expirience with such exercises.
Schmerzen seit 2010 (einschleichend)
MRT Becken 2015
Endosono Beckenboden 2016
Darm OP 2017
Darm OP Fissur 2018
CT m-KM Becken 2018
Pudendus-Blockade diagnostiv 2019
TENS-Gerät 2019
Naturheilkundeklinik 2020
Osteopathie 2020
Arbeitsplatz im Stehen 2020 28 Tage
Pudendus Botoxinjektion 2021
Osteopathie 2021
Dehnungsübungen nach Amy Stein 2021
Nerven-MRT in Heidelberg 2022
Botoxinjektion an den Schließmuskel 2023
Juckreizambulanz 2023
Viele Grüße Aua.de
männlich (1957)
MRT Becken 2015
Endosono Beckenboden 2016
Darm OP 2017
Darm OP Fissur 2018
CT m-KM Becken 2018
Pudendus-Blockade diagnostiv 2019
TENS-Gerät 2019
Naturheilkundeklinik 2020
Osteopathie 2020
Arbeitsplatz im Stehen 2020 28 Tage
Pudendus Botoxinjektion 2021
Osteopathie 2021
Dehnungsübungen nach Amy Stein 2021
Nerven-MRT in Heidelberg 2022
Botoxinjektion an den Schließmuskel 2023
Juckreizambulanz 2023
Viele Grüße Aua.de
männlich (1957)
Re: Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
Ouch, it looks painful for someone like me who had pudendal nerve entrapment. If it didn't cause immediate pain, I think all those stretches would have caused a ton of pain the following day. But that's just my experience. I tried stretches before I had nerve relief surgery and they just didn't work, cause when the nerve is entrapped, it doesn't glide easily. But maybe, for someone who just has a hypertonic pelvic floor causing pudendal neuralgia, the stretches/exercises could be helpful?
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
Re: Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
strange, although many people are interested in the topic,
both here in the forum and on YouTube, there are no reports of experience.
strange, although many people are interested in the topic,
both here in the forum and on YouTube, there are no reports of experience.
Schmerzen seit 2010 (einschleichend)
MRT Becken 2015
Endosono Beckenboden 2016
Darm OP 2017
Darm OP Fissur 2018
CT m-KM Becken 2018
Pudendus-Blockade diagnostiv 2019
TENS-Gerät 2019
Naturheilkundeklinik 2020
Osteopathie 2020
Arbeitsplatz im Stehen 2020 28 Tage
Pudendus Botoxinjektion 2021
Osteopathie 2021
Dehnungsübungen nach Amy Stein 2021
Nerven-MRT in Heidelberg 2022
Botoxinjektion an den Schließmuskel 2023
Juckreizambulanz 2023
Viele Grüße Aua.de
männlich (1957)
MRT Becken 2015
Endosono Beckenboden 2016
Darm OP 2017
Darm OP Fissur 2018
CT m-KM Becken 2018
Pudendus-Blockade diagnostiv 2019
TENS-Gerät 2019
Naturheilkundeklinik 2020
Osteopathie 2020
Arbeitsplatz im Stehen 2020 28 Tage
Pudendus Botoxinjektion 2021
Osteopathie 2021
Dehnungsübungen nach Amy Stein 2021
Nerven-MRT in Heidelberg 2022
Botoxinjektion an den Schließmuskel 2023
Juckreizambulanz 2023
Viele Grüße Aua.de
männlich (1957)
Re: Pudendal neuralgia exercises on YouTube ???
Hi Aua,
I have the same take on this as Violet. The exercises in the first and third video are ones that I would (even today) not do. (I had decompression surgery, but I have some lingering pain, so I proceed as if I still have a small part of the nerve slightly entrapped.) The second one seemed more innocuous. I think I could do that gentle side to side shifting while standing without an issue. If you are sure you do not have an entrapment, this might be okay. But if you don't know for sure, they do seem risky. I don't think you were looking these up to get exercise ideas, but if you were, I'll mention that swimming (without a frog leg kick) and walking are usually safe choices.
I have the same take on this as Violet. The exercises in the first and third video are ones that I would (even today) not do. (I had decompression surgery, but I have some lingering pain, so I proceed as if I still have a small part of the nerve slightly entrapped.) The second one seemed more innocuous. I think I could do that gentle side to side shifting while standing without an issue. If you are sure you do not have an entrapment, this might be okay. But if you don't know for sure, they do seem risky. I don't think you were looking these up to get exercise ideas, but if you were, I'll mention that swimming (without a frog leg kick) and walking are usually safe choices.