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Re: confused about what to do with mri results/scar tissue?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:49 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi Helenlegs,
After my PN blocks with Dr. Quesada back in 2007,I developed bilateral sitting pain as well as I had blisters for 3 days at the ischial tuberosity.Before the blocks,my right side was perfectly normal and I had no sitting pain on either side.

My symptoms were mostly on the left side which didn't include sitting pain and bowel issues.I had a horrific flare on the right side for almost one year,but the bilateral sitting pain never went again.

I believe he nicked the Pudendal Nerve pretty badly or I was allergic to the steriods which he used.The block was given at the ischial spine.

His reply was that the symptoms that I developed had nothing to do with his PN block and it was just a myofascial reaction and I needed Physical therapy.When I told me that I am already having PT with Amy Stein in NYC since the last two months,he then went quite.

The PN block was the worst day of my life and made me far worse than I curretly was at that time.Even after my surgery with
Bautrant,the sitting pain never went away.

Kind Regards,

Re: confused about what to do with mri results/scar tissue?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:13 am
by helenlegs 11
All in the persuit of just trying to get a life back, I hope the re-do does the trick.

Re: confused about what to do with mri results/scar tissue?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:13 am
by Violet M
AliPasha1 wrote:Secondly,if Dr. Potter MRI's were not there,we would have never found that the dorsal nerve entrapment or any of it branches can be entrapped other than the PN itself.I guess it has opened "Pandaro's box",because it amazing that none of the PNE surgeons ever paid any attention the respective branches.
Don't forget, Ali, there was at least one publication on dorsal nerve entrapment before we ever heard about Potter's discovery of this on the MRI -- so there were physicians out there researching this already. Hopefully, the inferior rectal branch will start to get some attention also.

When Wendy was gathering info from PT's for our PT list, there were some PT's (and don't ask me which ones) who believe that nerve blocks can cause scar tissue to form next to the nerve. I don't know what evidence they have and I'm not saying they are right -- just that some of them think that.

Re: confused about what to do with mri results/scar tissue?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:57 am
by ezer
Both Dr.Jordan and Dr.Weiss told me that the steroid blocks leave a crystal like residue that can irritate the nerve later on. It is why Dr.Weiss is (was?) offering Heparin nerve blocks instead of steroid nerve blocks as those could be repeated indefinitely.

Re: confused about what to do with mri results/scar tissue?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:48 am
by LottaNerve
I guess I should jump in here too with my experience with Dr. Jerome Weiss in 2007.

I had a nerve block (2 injections actually) through my left buttock - with my legs held up by his assistant. A HUGE needle was used to penetrate all the way through to my pudendal nerve. It hurt like heck, and on the second one, which was supposed to go to the Alcock's canal, felt like it hit something. I don't know what - but I was in so much pain at the hotel I spent hours in the bathtub, with hot water, taking extra pain medication and being comforted by my sister.

I spoke to Dr. Weiss the next day and he said that the extra pain was a good indicator of a positive result - that it meant I was in a subset of patients who experienced pain with the pudendal nerve block. (?) He said to give it a few days to a couple of weeks for results. I never felt any sign of a block (Now that I know what a nerve block feels like, I realize he did not get anywhere near the right location.. I I didn't feel any numbness or relief at all. Only more pain. My left side, including my left leg, which had never hurt before, was actually worse ever since the block.

I have also read about another patient who felt they had been made worse by a Dr. Weiss block.
These were unguided blocks, not done with a CT scan. Dr. Weiss uses his finger to locate the anatomy.

Re: confused about what to do with mri results/scar tissue?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:29 pm
by Lernica

I am so sorry about your horrendous experience with the nerve block. The pudendal nerve block was presented by my doctor as a simple diagnostic procedure and as a natural stage on the PN journey. He stated that in the 160 blocks he has done, only 2 patients got worse. But I do not want to become one of those patients! And I seem to be making progress in my pain with medication and PT. So I will continue on this conservative route for now, and I thank you (and others) for sharing your experiences about nerve blocks on this forum as it helps us newbies to make informed choices about our treatment.

Warm regards,
