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Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:01 pm
by Pelvis Stressly
AliPasha1 wrote:It doesn't measure numbness or burning sensation.
That's exactly what it tests actually... "the pssd can identify nerves that are causing: • numbness, tingling, or pain" (from the following article... ... esting.pdf)
AliPasha1 wrote:THe PSSD just determines how much presssure is being applied from the base of the Penis to the tip of the Penis.For a normal person,it is 1 GM/MM^2 .Mine is was 34.3 on the left and 22.4 on the right.That means that is badly compressed.
But isn't the point that, in order to determine how much pressure is required for you to feel the probes, the test is reliant on the patient's feedback (which is based solely on sensation...therefore, if more pressure is required for you to feel anything, doesn't that, by definition, imply some degree of numbness?).

Anyway, sorry the test was so painful for you (at least it seemed to confirm your suspicions).

Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:11 am
by Charlie
Yes thanks for the report back about Dellon ,Ali.

Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:32 am
by AliPasha1
You are welcome Charlie.

I guess that's what I meant to say.However,one thing that bothers me is what if the pressure felt at the base of the Penis and the tip of the Penis is coming from entrapment in the Alcock's Canal/Falciform process of the ligament. :?:However,the awful burning at the tip of the Penis is a very good indication that it is the dorsal nerve.It was indeed a terrible burning sensation. :evil:

I think the Aerospace Engineer mentioned in the paper could possibly be Dr. Dellon's son because he told me that his son was a mechanical Engineer. :)

All the best,

Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:59 am
by ezer
Thanks for the update. It seems that your plan is well thought out and you proceeded very logically.

Neurolysis is to free the nerve from adhesion.

Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:34 am
by Pelvis Stressly
AliPasha1 wrote:one thing that bothers me is what if the pressure felt at the base of the Penis and the tip of the Penis is coming from entrapment in the Alcock's Canal/Falciform process of the ligament.
Well, I think that was one of the main points of Dellon, Aszmann, et al's studies...that these more 'penile symptoms' aren't caused by entrapments at the more 'traditional' sites (as previously believed), but are actually more indicative of dorsal entrapment.

And interesting re. Dellon's son...didn't know that (or that Dellon was so old! He's looking good for a 68 year old, based on the videos of him I've seen!).

Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:24 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi PS,
Those are his pictures from about 20 or 30 years ago.He is an old guy. :D

Take care,

Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:34 pm
by Mulan
Hi PS,
I have the same impression of him.


Re: Penile Pain - Update

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:21 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi PS and Mullen,
He is almost my Dad's age.
