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Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:59 am
by AliPasha1
Hi Graceunderfire,
Unfortunately, the insurance won't come through and that's the reason that I had to go to Vienna,Austria to save a few cents left in my bank account.I am am in the same boat as you are? ;)

Kind Regards,

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:03 am
by donstore
As Charlie said. hope you find some relief. Thanks for posting.

Best Wishes.


Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:19 pm
by Griff522
AliPasha1 wrote:Hi Graceunderfire,
Unfortunately, the insurance won't come through and that's the reason that I had to go to Vienna,Austria to save a few cents left in my bank account.I am am in the same boat as you are? ;)

Kind Regards,

Ali, how do you know that Grace's insurance won't come through? My insurance is going to pay for a large portion of the surgery.

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:36 pm
by pianogal
Have you had the option of someone scoping you (dr. hibner did it for missingmylife42) to remove any debri left from the hysterectomy? I am so sorry about all your pains and I know that despair. Praying for you right now.

To the person who got worse after surgery with ST repair, Oh I am so sorry. Man I wish we had a better way. Have you considered doing strengthening of surrounding ligaments for support via prolotherapy? Could help if everything around gets more stable ligamentously, to alleviate the overarching pain from the instability. And muscle strengthening too.

In general,
And my two cents worth is Dellon is just learning how to do PNE surgeries and is flying by the seat of his pants. Most of what he learned he learned via emails with patients like me and Ali... he is better at the dorsal surgery which he pioneered, but as far as his opinion on ligaments, he is as new to this as a new pne'er... and I do not put my trust in his answers until he does some serious research.

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:59 am
by Pelvis Stressly
pianogal wrote:Dellon is just learning how to do PNE surgeries and is flying by the seat of his pants. Most of what he learned he learned via emails with patients like me and Ali... he is better at the dorsal surgery which he pioneered, but as far as his opinion on ligaments, he is as new to this as a new pne'er
You're saying he spent years researching and developing a surgical procedure that targets what he identified as a new site of compression (not to mention creating a new method of testing for said compression), yet has no more than a pedestrian knowledge of the anatomy of the very nerve involved?! Sorry, but my two cents is, that simply doesn't make any sense!

And he absolutely did not learn most or any of what he knows through e-mails with any of us! The guy's a Professor of Neurosurgery, who's studied and researched the pudendal nerve specifically for at least 6 years, and also has multiple decades of peripheral nerve decompression surgeries (at sites all over the body) under his belt!

I don't really want to get sucked into the whole ligament debate here, as it clearly never gets anywhere (obviously no indisputable evidence yet to support either side). However if Dellon is offering his opinion on the question, whether or not you agree with him, you still have to accept that he's doing so from the perspective of an experienced doctor/professional, who's dedicated years to this field...not a layperson posting on a message board (which I think we sometimes have to remind ourselves we all are, regardless how much research we've put in).

Sorry if this maybe came off as a little heated, but I just think it's irresponsible to claim that he's "flying by the seat of his pants" when performing surgeries, when the facts simply don't support that claim.

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:04 am
by AliPasha1
Hi Pionogal and others,
I or others don't mind sharing information with Dr. Dellon or any other doctor for that matter,as long as we get a solution to this problem and he should be kind and generous enough to take insurance to help all of us out.PNE doesn't discriminate and he shouldn't discriminate either whether somebody is rich or poor. :)

I believe that it's an issue between Dr, Dellon and the insurance companies and the poor patients are sufferring because most of us don't have the means to pay upfront.US $30,000 for bilateral PNE surgery and US $ 24,000 for bilateral dorsal Nerve surgery to pay upfront is just unrealistic.

Dr. Dellon has the talent,experience and probably the resources to make a difference.He is one of the pioneers of Peripherial Nerve surgery And I sincerely hope that he does makes a difference and shares it with all other PNE doctors as well.

Knd Regards,

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:19 am
by AliPasha1
Hi PS,
Doctors aren't gods either and they have to learn it from one source or the other.Secondly,PNE has eluded many doctors so far and there is no magic stick.Dr. Dellon has a handful of PNE surgeries under his belt and time will tell whether he will be successful in finding a cure.

No doubt,he has great experience with Peripherial nerves,but PNE is something new to him.The reason that he charges such inflated rates is because he believes that his success rates are higher than 80%.That is yet to be seen in his PNE surgeries and ligaments do play an important part because they were created for a purpose to provide stability to the structure of the Pelvis.Decompressing the Pudendal nerve is one thing and maintaining Pelvic stability is another.It's a very delicate balancing act.

All the best,

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:42 am
by Pelvis Stressly
AliPasha1 wrote:he should be kind and generous enough to take insurance to help all of us out.
The insurance issue isn't the debate here.
AliPasha1 wrote:Doctors aren't gods either and they have to learn it from one source or the other.
At no point did I say Dellon, or any other doctor, was a God. I said he's a doctor, with years of experience in the field, and as such it's untrue to say he came by his PNE knowledge by way of e-mail exchanges w. forum members (he came by it through medical school, years of research, and practice in the field!).
AliPasha1 wrote:ligaments do play an important part because they were created for a purpose to provide stability to the structure of the Pelvis
As I said in my earlier post, I don't really want to get embroiled in this debate. I think by now it's clear to everyone how you feel about the subject. But I still haven't seen indisputable evidence yet that severing the ligaments causes pelvic instability (there are some anecdotal reports, but that's not the same thing). If it makes you any happier though, personally I wouldn't let anyone cut my ligaments, just to be on the safe side.

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:48 am
by Pelvis Stressly
AliPasha1 wrote:The reason that he charges such inflated rates is because he believes that his success rates are higher than 80%.
Also...this is speculation. Unless he told you that specifically, you have no way of knowing why he charges what he charges (maybe he's got high rent, maybe he has a large staff, maybe he's in debt to the mob, etc.).

Re: Dr Dellon's Opinion on STL During Surgery

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:55 am
by AliPasha1
He said so and he also said that he won't operate if the success rate is 33%.That is a fact.As far as the ligament issue is concerned,I believe that you ditched Dr. Beco because he started severing the Sacrospinous ligament.What brings such a change of heart. :D

Indebt to the mob.I like that comment. ;)