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Re: Marinol

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:32 pm
by Lernica
This is CRAZY! :roll: Do you live in the States, Jeanie? If so, your story confirms the view held by many that the U.S. "war on drugs" is misguided. You've done your research and have found that Marinol is in fact legal. So why doesn't the medical establishment know this? Because they're scared to death of being prosecuted for illicit drug prescriptions. CRAZY!! :o

Re: Marinol

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:27 pm
by JeanieC
I agree Lernica. I live in Alabama where there is actually a law on the books that allows medical marijuana use for glaucoma and nausea related to chemo. For some reason this law has never been used for the benefit of patients for whom it might mean a better life. Not only that, but at the PM doctor's office they collect a urine specimen which I assume is for extensive drug testing as the doctor apologizes for having to do it. It is done every 3 months at a charge to insurance of $600! I am just hoping I don't need to go there much longer, but the oxycodone does help me, but only a little. The doctor is from China and is very kind and polite but he just does not know the answers to my questions about drugs I read about on the forum. I really wish there we some PN aware doctors in this area. I may try to get my meds form a neurologist like you are doing.

Re: Marinol

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:55 pm
by Lernica
JeanieC wrote: I really wish there we some PN aware doctors in this area. I may try to get my meds from a neurologist like you are doing.

I think this would be a really good idea. They deal with other painful nerve conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and MS.

Re: Marinol

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:05 pm
by Mystoryhurts
It's ridiculous with such a condition you can't get a drug to just try and see if it will work. Nothing else out there seems to benefit people much. My wife continues to improve on a daily basis. It is a lot of work with all the therapy she does but was not possible prior to Marinol. It is relaxing the muscles causing the problem. Keep pressing your Dr. or find someone who is willing to look outside the box. Best wishes.

Re: Marinol

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:02 pm
by Lernica
Thanks for the update, MSH! May your wife continue her improvements and eventually regain her good health. Keep up the good work!

Re: Marinol

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:52 am
by make-it-stop
Has anyone else except for MSH's wife tried marinol or medical marijuana yet?

Re: Marinol

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:45 am
by calluna
I have been looking into Marinol and medical marijuana over the last few days, trying to make sure I've looked at all possible avenues.

In the UK, Marinol turns out to be called Sativex (which I had heard of, didn't realise it was the same stuff) and it is not easy to get. From what I can discover, it is only licensed in the UK for the treatment of spasticity in MS, but it can still be prescribed by doctors 'off label' for neuropathic pain or for other reasons. There would be a problem getting the PCT to pay for it, it is expensive.

The alternative is to go to the Netherlands, see a doctor there and get a prescription for medical marijuana, and then buy the stuff at a coffee shop'. Or more likely lots of coffee shops as they are only allowed to sell 5mg per person per day. This would be expensive. After having been prescribed it, it is then completely legal to bring the marijuana into the UK.

Anyway, not an easy option.

Re: Marinol

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 1:05 am
by Mystoryhurts
If you can get Sativex I think that actually might be better than Marinol. I have heard good things about it. Not here in the states yet. Here is a link to patient reviews. There was a lady somewheres that talked about it as a miracle drug for pelvic but I can't locate it right now. It has and continues to benefit my wife greatly. She is limited in dose currently because of side effects although the side effects are reducing some.

Re: Marinol

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:47 am
by ataraschimmel
This week i smoked a joint for the first time in a very long time and for the first time since this pne has taken over my life. My friends from israel spoke to me about this a long time ago and really encouraged me to go for it. Medical Marijuana is legal in israel. Anyway, i highly recommend smoking this plant. Twice it got me out of bad-i need to lie in bed and cry- pain.
What an idiotic idea to make such a natural and acessable pain-killer illegal. We can grow it ourselves with the help of the sun and water and mother earth. Instead, we have to go begging... my insurance does not cover the pill...
listen guys, it is good
it can help give us another bit of our lives back

start smoking!!!!

Re: Marinol

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:02 am
by donstore
If anybody is interested, the state where I live (California) has legal medical marijuana. It is extremely easy to get. You pay $50 for a walk in prescription at numerous dispensaries that advertise in the weekly papers and then buy your pot. I enjoyed smoking marijuana recreationally for 40 years but had to give it up because it made my PN pain worse but many people seem to find it helpful for any number of conditions.
