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Re: MR Neurography question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:21 pm
by helenlegs 11
Hi Dean,
Welcome to HOPE. You have got a good way along under your own steam, it's great that you do have a diagnosis. People are usually struggling to get to that point.
Has Mr Wong mentioned physiotherapy at all? If you haven't tried this it is definitely worth a try. Success with physio may be down to how the problem started in the first place. If there is no history of trauma there is a fair chance that physio can help alleviate symptoms and sometimes cure. Here is a list of physio's who are PN aware .
I have had one of these scans, from Medtel now UME diagnostics. ... al-imaging
Mine was so long ago I'm sure things will be different now so best to make your own enquires if you are interested. I was no longer in BUPA when I had mine but I know they did take insurance when it was Medtel.
Dr Filler will not take insurance tho'. Well he definitely doesn't in USA so little hope in UK, although always worth asking.
They are contactable here Below is the last clinic date in London but of course that is passed now, although there should be 2 this year.
London Clinic with Dr. Filler September 1-4, 2012
The Institute for Nerve Medicine is pleased to announce our next London Clinic, this September 1-4, 2012, at our...
24 August 2012

The cost of a Filler MRN is going to be more than UME but again you will need to make your own enquiries. Dr Filler has a tendency to (too??) often diagnose a piriformis element to pelvic neurological pain. (Just a heads up on that one) He did with me (no scan from him to view but he did look at my Medtel one) but then my piriformis is the reason for my nerve problems so I can't complain about him at all. I only had a consultation with him and got a report on his findings, actually he wasn't offering scans back then.
My Medtel scan did show pudendal nerve signal intensity btw. Dr Blease asked 'is there any pudendal nerve pathology?' as my enquiry was about a piriformis pathology. . . .I didn't know anything about pudendal then but it made such sense when I found out more.
A couple of people on here have had surgery with Mr Wong. Hopefully you will here something from them too.
Good luck,

Re: MR Neurography question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:26 am
by Violet M
Dean, it's common to have a flare-up after a nerve block. Hopefully things will calm down for you soon. I agree with Helen about checking out PT before heading for a major surgery. Just make sure it's with someone who knows what they are doing.



Re: MR Neurography question

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:12 pm
by frodofish
Hi Dean,

I am relatively new to this, have SIJ issues, it doesn't want to stay aligned, numbness which was thought to be Cauda Equina, but MRI showed not. Am now getting sharp genital/pelvic pain on and off and severe buttock pain, which may suggest pirformis is involved. So far GP useless, is hoping neurologist will sort out. Neuro man has totally rubbished SIJ and piriformis and thinks I have inflamed nerves that will settle in time. Lumbar puncture showed no inflammation. Since made myself worse with an anxiety disorder, any weird symptoms can be assigned to that. I would like to know how you got your diagnosis,

Best wishes,

Re: MR Neurography question

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:56 am
by Florence
Has anyone had, or heard of a clinic in London offering a scan for Magnetic resonance neurography. I was due to have an investigative operation to confirm if I have pudendal nerve damage, as I've been in pain as soon as I woke up from prolapse surgery in February 2009. However, at the pre op assessment they picked up a heart abnormality. I've had 3 ecgs, and ex ray and a heart echo and all show I do indeed have an abnormality, so I'm having to have a heart angiography to find out what it is. Once my heart is sorted, the London hospital where I was due to have the investigative operation said they can then go ahead and operate, to see if they can confirm if I have pudendal nerve damage, or what it is that is causing this pain. How much easier a MR neurography scan would be.

Thank you.