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Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:47 pm
by Violet M
Hibner was going to start dorsal nerve surgeries but I'm not sure if he has yet.

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:52 am
by Torbjorn
hi had ic for 13 years. I have chronic pain. tries meds instills. I have had an MRI but no one mentioned the PUdendal nerve. is this a special mri, do they have to put dye in. My doc says there is no MRI that can tell if the PN is damaged as it lies to deep. MY email is the reason I put this in ,is im so sick sometimes I cant even write or read.IM also chronically affected by foods, smells,THis brings on the pain. Is that a PN symptom or only IC. Thanks God Bless Helen

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:43 pm
by Krisssy

Call Dr. Hollis Potter at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NY. No dye is used. Check out the part of this site which lists physicians, and it will tell you exactly how to go about getting an appointment with her including her phone number and what the prescription must say.

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:32 pm
by wendy7
Wow, it has been such a long time since I have been around. I haven't even heard of Dr. Dellon. Violet, what does Dr. Dellon do, that is different from the other PN docs, that helps with the dorsal nerve of the clitoris?


Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:19 pm
by Violet M
Wendy, great to hear from you! Actually, I'm not an expert on Dr. Dellon but I know he does an anterior approach to release the dorsal nerve and he's also doing release of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. Some people are having great success with this -- others not so much. But it's still early to draw any conclusions.

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:09 am
by quilter
Is there anywhere in California to get a test of the same quality as Dr. Potter's? It's extremely frustrating that there are so few places to go for answers and all require so much time, travel, and expense. Not to mention more physical, emotional & financial pain.

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:32 pm
by Krisssy
I just returned from an appointment with Dr. Conway. When he saw my Potter MRI, which tells of lots of scar tissue on the pudental nerve, he said that this would only mean anything to him if research was done where people without pain had the same MRIs and were compared to the people in pain. He believes that the people without any pain may show the same scar tissue as the people in pain. So to make a long story short, my Potter MRI meant nothing to him. Krisssy

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:07 pm
by StarGazer
Krisssy wrote:I just returned from an appointment with Dr. Conway. When he saw my Potter MRI, which tells of lots of scar tissue on the pudental nerve, he said that this would only mean anything to him if research was done where people without pain had the same MRIs and were compared to the people in pain. He believes that the people without any pain may show the same scar tissue as the people in pain. So to make a long story short, my Potter MRI meant nothing to him. Krisssy
I would like to make an appointment with Dr Potter for an MRI, but am a little worried about where to go from there to see a specialist/surgeon, when I read what Krissy has written above about the MRI seemingly not being acceptable to Dr Conway, as an example. Are there others who do not accept Dr Potter's MRI? I am happy to travel anywhere in the USA or overseas for that matter, but would like to have an idea of who to make an appointment with after having the MRI - or while waiting to have it.

I have been in near constant pain for nearly two years, and just want to find a solution and be rid of it all. :x :D

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 5:56 am
by shana
I know this is an old thread but mayb I can get some help.

According to what I've ready here it seems everyone is saying the potter MRI can be really helpful. I'm seeing Conway in July my question is should I get a potter MRI bfr I see him? Wld that b helpful with a diagnosis and/or treatment plan. I'm currently not treating w/ any pelvic pain specialist so I'm not sure who I can get to write the script. Does anyone know if Conway wld write a script fr potter MRI bfr I see him? I've wanted and thought of getting it done in the past but I never had a dr who can write me a script...


Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:50 pm
by Karyn
Hi Shana,
It probably would be helpful to have the MRI before seeing Dr. Conway, but I don't know if you have time for that, now. I've heard it can take up to a few months to get an appointment, now. Only way to find out for sure is to give HSS a call. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't write you a script without seeing him first. Is this something your PCP could do? I realize you're not under the care of a pelvic pain specialist yet, but what about a physiatrist or PM doc?
I can't comment on Krissy's post, but I do know that Dr. Conway works closely with Dr. Potter on behalf of his patients.
Kind regards,