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Re: Success Story

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:18 am
by Violet M
Layla, you can contact Dr. Erdogru -- see this link:

Re: Success Story

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:34 pm
by lilo
i operated the nerve in 2007 , chu nantes , prof robert , severe pain before surgery , pain started in 2003, bilateral pain , with sciatica , after surgery
the pain disappeared in 6 month , i am good , so good right now , i feel 90 % amelioration , prof robert is person very clever , so nice , humanitarian ,
he cut the ligament , transposed the nerve , no side effect in this operation , no one in this world can say that prof robert is not good .
without this prof i have no life , so thanks to him !
take care and never try Eric bautrant procedure , use only the way described by robert !
no one in this world should say that prof robert is not number one in the world
i hope this post can change something , we should not doubt !
i will nerver post any message again , so remember plz what i said , goodbye

Re: Success Story

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:19 pm
[quote="Ozlemmm"]My Success Story after a Pudental Nerve surgery

for OZLEM from Iris (french girl)
Since I read your message (we are the 29th of February, 2012, a little hope is in me.
I had PN diagnosis in 2005 with an inflammation of my bladder and uretrea and did surgery with a French doctor as I live in France but no successful results.
I ned to go to the toilets every hour even at nights and when my bladder is full the pain is stronger.
I would like to have information on your operation in Turkey. how the doctor did operate, how long did you have to wait before having an appointment with him ? how much did the operation cost ?

I am so desesparate.
Please do answer me
Sincerely yours
Iris the french girl
Have you fully recovered now ?
As I was diagnosed with IC I became involved with COB(The Cystitis&Overactive Bladder) Foundation for 3 years.They have recommended me Toni Tucker who does acupuncture .Which had reduced my pain up to 40%.But I was still in pain and unable to live my life.Even though I am such a positive person I have thought of suicide but my husband kept me going.

On top of all my pain my husband had a sky diving accident and he is currently in the hospital for the last 5 months.

Finally God smiled on me!

My parents live in Turkey.Health Care is very advance in Turkey due to the medical connection with europe and USA also the size and the ability of private health sector.There is a program called Doctors in our main TV channel. And Prof Doctor Tibet Erdogru was on the program many times explaining about this treatments and wrong diagnoses of pelvic and bladder problems.

He is the head of Da Vinci Robotic surgery in one of the best and high thec hospital in Istanbul.
I have had many doubts before I went and had the surgery but I had no other choice.He did tests and examination on me and said I had prudental nerve problem not IC. So I was shocked !

He gave me contact details of 4 different patients who had the same surgery.Oldest one had the surgery 2.5 years ago and had been pain free.
They have all been pain free since their surgery.

Since I had my surgery I am also pain free my urgency my IBS are gone too.But I still have some light post surgery pain which I am told will disappear after 6 months.

Now that I know my illness I joined this forum . As I had been through hell with it I wanted to spread the word and help people .
Here is my Doctors details if you would like to contact him for advise:

I wish the best to you all


for OZLEM from Iris the french Girl
Since I read your message (we are the 29th of February, 2012, a little hope is in me.
I had PN diagnosis in 2005 with an inflammation of my bladder and uretrea and did surgery with a French doctor as I live in France but no successful results.
I ned to go to the toilets every hour even at nights and when my bladder is full the pain is stronger.
I would like to have information on your operation in Turkey. how the doctor did operate, how long did you have to wait before having an appointment with him ? how much did the operation cost ?

I am so desesparate.
Please do answer me
Sincerely yours
Iris the french girl

Re: urinary problems

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:50 pm
by layla
I have bladder burning, frequency,urethral burning during urination and post urination and poor flow rate as well as pain/burning in the perineum/pelvis.

Could the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve be affected? Any suggestions?

Who would be the best surgeon to access the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve - Professor Aszmann or Dr Tibet Erdogru?

I would appreciate any advice


Re: Success Story

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:39 pm
by carolynm
Both sides can be done. He is charging USD$ 10,000. About $2500 more for seeing specialists and a nerve block. I thought the price was fantastic. I looked into it earlier in the summer and corresponded with his secretary. I've had such good luck with prf that I am postponing surgery at this time.


Re: Success Story

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:07 am
by janemail
could you please explain and tell me about PRF? thank you