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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:59 pm
by White Falcon
I hear ya, ladies! Much of the time, I can't wear underwear at all - and it really does not make me feel sexy - I am 48 years old, and not happy to be going commando - especially when there is discharge, etc. It's just nasty. :oops: And it's cold! At least, since my hysterectomy, I don't have to worry about surviving those few days a month when one must wear undies, pads, etc.

Anyway, on a helpful note, when I can wear them, I have taken to wearing my 100% cotton granny panties (by Harvey Woods) INSIDE-OUT. Why not? No one sees it. And this way, any tags or seams are not touching me. I also wear my socks inside-out, to avoid seams bugging my toes. Fussy, fussy, huh? :P