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Re: Do you feel your pain in shapes?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:36 pm
by HerMajesty
[quote="Karyn"]Does anyone know why it hurts so much to use our arms? You know, that pinching, stabbing, tearing feeling in the lower abdomen and groin area? Even if there's no significant weight to reaching for or pulling something towards you?
Warm regards,
Karyn[/quote ]

Karyn, remmember I recently decided against a neurostimulator because of the reaching restrictions? There must be a kinetic compensation in the lower back / pelvis when reaching. The pelvis is the kinetic center of the body - as I know too well from having pathology from my jaw to my ankles - including migraines and neuropathy in my fingers - from pelvic joint dysfunction alone. The body is crazy that way. My husband has injured himself several times lifting weight (in the gym & on the job) too heavy for him - he has ligament damage which makes him prone to re-injury. Jerry was coaching him on whole new strategies to reach & lift which do not cause the same kind of kinetic compensations, But of course I don't remember any of it and I wouldn't be surprised if my husband ignored all the advice and doesn't remember either (knowing him), but there are ways to change your body mechanics in reaching for sure. If you shoot me an email to remind me I will try to find out for you.

Regarding the main topic, somebody was telling me a certain percentage of the population experience all kinds of sensory stimulation in shapes, such as when they taste something they think of the taste in terms of shapes as well. Are you one of those, or is it just pain for you?

Re: Do you feel your pain in shapes?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:33 pm
by Karyn
Hi Hermajesty!
Well, before I had this condition, I can't really say I equated sensory stimulation in shapes. Not even pain. Hugely facinating concept, though! I just found it interesting that with this condition, I feel the majority of my pain in lines. Very well defined, distinct lines. It's not like, my pelvis is one big ball of hurt. There I go again using a shape! :) And I brought up the using the arms thing as an example of that. Even raising my arms above my head will set off this linear pain in one area, but in several places, mostly in the lower abdomen, right beside either side of my pubic bone, under my belly button and the creases of my legs. I guess I could understand if it were some type of muscle pain, but it's not. Horrible to experience, but very interesting, just the same! I can remember trying to convince docs that didn't want anything to do with me because I didn't have ONE thing wrong with me, that my case really was facinating because I had so many different types of pain in one area. Needless to say, they didn't agree. Most people have ONE type of pain and/or problem and that's all they wanted to deal with.
Warm regards,