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Re: Intercourse

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:49 pm
by Karyn
deBBieW wrote:Even if I felt like having intercourse, the thought of more significant pain would get me out of the mood fast. And my hubby would feel terrible if it caused pain.
I'm with you, Debbie! I did try suffering through it for a while but eventually put a nix on it. You're right - (most) husbands would feel horrible about causing more pain. Really takes the enjoyment out of it for BOTH people. Like, my husband looking down at me and all he can see are my eyes squeezed tightly shut and my jaws clenched.
NOT. SEXY!!!!! :lol:

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:28 am
by Violet M
Penny wrote:Hi

Are there any ladies reading this who are able to have sexual intercourse despite having pn? I just want some testimonies to give me hope.
Before PNE surgery -- it caused pain flare-ups for several day. Now, after surgery -- no problems.

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:11 pm
by Celeste
Violet M wrote:
Penny wrote:Hi

Are there any ladies reading this who are able to have sexual intercourse despite having pn? I just want some testimonies to give me hope.
Before PNE surgery -- it caused pain flare-ups for several day. Now, after surgery -- no problems.
Ditto what Violet says...except to add that pre-surgery, I could go about 3 seconds before begging for the intercourse was just off the menu for survival's sake. It was a long two years, but now it's just a memory. There is definitely a reason to think you can get well.

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:16 pm
by carla10
I still try it from time to time althoughI know I will pay for it next few days. My pain is mostly located in low abdomen, right across , a burning kind of pain.Has anybody experienced similar symptoms


Re: Intercourse

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:02 pm
by Faith
Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. It takes a lot of "prep-work" if you know what I mean. But my husband is super patient. I use "slippery-stuff" lubricant (can be found on Amazon) and use a ton of it. Sometimes the pain is horrible during and if it is we stop, but other times it's not so bad. I usually have some burning afterwards, but if I ice internally (with a frozen test tube filled with 1/3 alcohol 2/3 water) then I can usually minimize the flares. Sometimes I will burn up to 36 hours after, but there have been times I wake up and don't feel too much different the next day. Of course my pain is around a 6-8 anyways these days. We usually only try a couple times a month though :( It's been like this 3 years.

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:22 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
sunil wrote:This is a very useful internet site where treatment for our condition is provided for both men and women ....

Answer the "PPOD SYNDROME SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE" this will provide you with a score to what degree you have the problem and if you can be helped .... ... tionnaire/

It appears that this doctor has 30 years experience in helping people with the types of problems we have with PN.

I hope this is helpful to all concerned, we really should have a Board dedicated to sexual dysfunction where people find it easy to find past posts. It is difficult to find topics on sexual health in here.

My score was 135.. (o_O) Eek!

I won't even entertain the idea of intercourse when I have a pain cycle.. Not worth it in the least.. When I first had PGAD I couldn't get enough, but once I found out that climaxing was only making it worse, I had to cut back.. a lot! :lol:

If it's just a "normal" PGAD cycle, I can go maybe 3 days or so without.. If there's pain, I can go for a couple of weeks, but my hubby doesn't want to cause me pain as some of the other ladies have mentioned.. and sometimes the pain is a few hours after, and sometimes delayed longer and can last a few days.

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:53 pm
by kia kaha
cripes I just got 265!

and yes this is a serious issue. been admitted to hospital twice in last 2 years with pain after intercourse, always 4-6 hours after the act, and only after the only 2 tries we have attempted it after this started
we just don't do it anymore

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:53 pm
by Lara
I tolerate penetration ,it doesn't hurt at all,my problem is that if i have an orgasm ,i have terrible rectal pain after,or the day after that usually last 24 hrs.
and this the most annoying part,i CANNOT CONTROL WHEN TO HAVE AN ORGASM ANYMORE!! it comes spontaneously, :roll: ,so i feel frustrated and mad ,because one the things that i most enjoyed before was initmacy with my husband.
Ladies,is it only me the one who is afraid of losing her husband over another woman or another healthy pelvis? please be honest,sometimes i feel like a big part of me is dead ,and there's another woman in my body.

I know Violet told me there were other "ways" ,but there are so many other women outside too!..
this is the issue of the day for me .I want my life back,i want my healthy pelvic floor back!!!!!

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:58 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Lara, I also don't control when I have an orgasm. Sometimes I have to stop eating or walking and wait for one (or several) to pass. When I'm driving and hubby's in the car with me, I get him to put his hand down there and press.. to stop what seems like a series of waves crashing on the beach! I don't want to drive off the road and die of a PGAD-related accident! :lol:

I can still have intercourse but use lots of lube. Sometimes it hurts the next day (or later the same day), sometimes not. If it does hurt, soaking in a Sitz bath helps. I think some ladies have found ice helps too, but I haven't tried that yet.

As far as losing my hubby to a healthy-pelvised woman? Naah, there's plenty to do to keep him around, and when I'm not in a pain cycle, I keep him more than busy keeping up with me! ;)

Re: Intercourse

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:52 pm
by acw
Lara wrote:Ladies,is it only me the one who is afraid of losing her husband over another woman or another healthy pelvis? please be honest,sometimes i feel like a big part of me is dead ,and there's another woman in my body.

I know Violet told me there were other "ways" ,but there are so many other women outside too!..
this is the issue of the day for me .I want my life back,i want my healthy pelvic floor back!!!!!
Lara, I can totally relate to your concerns. My issues started out with numbness, including the gradual loss of ability to orgasm. Not so much fun for me, but at least I could still "go through the motions" comfortably for my husband. Eventually pain set in, though, and it became very unpleasant to say the least. Even when I decided to tolerate the pain, I know it caused my husband distress to put me through it. It turned from a physical problem into an emotional barrier. I won't go into detail (PM me if you want) but he turned to some very unhealthy ways to satisfy his needs. It was destroying us and our marriage.

I'm not telling you this to scare you, but that I understand your fear. My husband passed away 18 months ago. I'm now at the point of thinking of dating again. It's scary enough trying to navigate the single world, but absolutely terrifying wondering how my pain could affect things. That's not exactly a subject that comes up on a first date. Honestly, I don't even know if the pain will still be there, or if some of my treatments may have helped. I'd like to think positive, but it will always be a concern for me.

Hopefully you and your husband can keep the communication open, and the emotional intimacy alive. I definitely think it's possible, but it just may take a little extra work.

Take care,