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Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:05 am
by Chex
So the Wasser pain clinic has had my patient package for a few weeks now. Would you know when I will hear from them as to when I am booked...even if it is a couple months away?

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:12 pm
by Lernica
Now that they have your package, you could start calling them about a date. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:46 pm
by Chex
Ok thank you. I will!

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:10 pm
by Chex
So I have had my appointment with Dr. Gordon. I found him to be very knowledgable and he gave me so much hope for the future. He is referring me to other drs of course to have nerve testing done and so on. He is also changing my meds. His internal exam caused me soooo much pain though. But he definately found an offending muscle that no other dr. did. I almsot jumped off the table when he poked it! And he kept going back to it I guess just to make sure I hope. :\ I cried a big cry after that examination, I've never been manipulated or touched like that before. Ouch! But I knew it was all in helping me get a diagnoses.

So I'll be going for pelvic floor physio again. I had stopped going because it caused flare ups. But he has a different physiotherapist in mind. He also suggested and reffered me to a sex therapist. I guess he is he dr and knows best but I don't really want to go. I had a healthy sex life before this...I just need it gone and then everything should be ok. And the sex therapist is quite expensive!!

My only thought is that I wish I could have gotten in to see him sooner! Bless those who are still waiting. xo

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:36 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
I'm still waiting but at least I know my appointment is October 1st now.. I'm getting a bit tired of the 'Jeopardy' theme song, tho! :lol:

What sort of things should I expect going there? Do I need to prepare a list of questions, or won't there be time to ask them? How long is the appointment?

Looks like he does a pelvic exam.. What if I'm on my period? :shock: That would be my luck..

If anyone can shed some light on this for me, I'd be very appreciative! Thanks so much!

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:04 pm
by Lernica
The initial appointment is one hour long! (That's why it takes so long to get your first appointment.) Yes, he does a complete history, even with all the paperwork you have already submitted. He will do a pelvic exam which is the worst part of the visit. He does the q-tip test to check your vulva pain (this usually sends patients through the roof), and he will also palpate your internal muscles. He's not a gyno, he's a neurologist, so unfortunately he's not that gentle during his pelvic exam.

I always bring a long list of questions/requests for prescription repeats, so I don't forget during the appointment. Be prepared to wait 1 to 1 1/2 hours for your appointment as he always runs late. I usually bring a yoga mat to lie on as the waiting room chairs are hard and uncomfortable. You can also check in with his secretary, Debbie, and ask how late he's running. If it's an hour or more, go down to the hospital cafeteria where there are benches you can lie down on while reading a book.

To my knowledge Dr. G has not treated PGAD before, so you may be a first. (I stand to be corrected, though.) You may know more about your condition than he, thanks to PudendalHope. However, as Chex said, he usually has alot of ideas for treatment, from pelvic PT to pharmaceuticals to botox injections. Please make sure to bring a current list of your prescriptions as that will help him decide what might be best for you.

Chex, I'm so glad that you found your appointment helpful and DES, I sincerely wish the same for you.

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:53 pm
by Chex
Sorry you are still waiting double edge sword. October will be here real soon though. And yes, Dr. gordon took his time with me. I did not feel rushed at all. And yes I waited about 3 hours in his waiting room that is not comfortable at all. I have been informed today that he has booked me to see dr. december. December 20th. So I am back in the waiting game with you. :)

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:52 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Gosh, Chex, I hope your appointment with Dr Peng goes well. Is Dr Peng the one who does the nerve blocks?

I saw my doc today and let him know my appointment is Oct 1st..

So Dr Gordon runs behind schedule, his waiting room isn't comfortable and he takes his time with his patients.. Well, one out of three isn't bad! :lol:

I should start prepping my survival kit.. A yoga mat, a good book, my ipod, a list of questions.. One month today, one month today.. ;)

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:23 am
by Chex
To tell you the truth, I do not know if my appointment with dr. Peng is for nerve conductive testing or a nerve block. Maybe I should call.

Re: dr. Allen gordon

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:03 pm
by Lernica
It will be a consultation about a nerve block. Dr. Peng doesn't do nerve conduction tests. Depending on how your appointment goes, you will then be able to set up a future time for the block.

Before your appointment with Dr. Peng, please read up on pudendal nerve blocks on this forum. There are many pros and cons (mostly cons, though). It is quite an invasive procedure and given your recent improvement in pain you may want to delay any decision about it. I decided not to have one (after reading through the discussions on this forum) and am thankful about that decision.

Good luck with Dr. Peng. He's a very nice doctor. He speaks very very fast so don't hesitate to ask him to slow down if you are not understanding everything.