Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Hysterectomy, Ovary Removal, SIJD, Piriformis Syndrome etc
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by birdlife »

Faith, have you or anyone else ever tried the SacroWedgy or similar to help realignment?
PN, possible entrapment at ischial spine -Dr.Natasha Curran, National Hospital for Neurology, London.
2 -Xray guided double nerve blocks -Dr.Baranowski - no relief.
TP self-massage reduced piriformis pressure on p nerve.
CT guided block (left) 16.7.12- success! Could sit without a cushion! On a brick wall!
06/2/13 - Sit pain gradually returned, L3. Offered further CT-guided block, or an op. Had to decline at time.
Feb '15. Applying to be referred again to Dr G.
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by Faith »

birdlife wrote:PS.
Faith, have you or anyone else ever tried the SacroWedgy or similar to help realignment?
I have not tried the SacroWedgy. I don't think very many people find it helpful for SIJD according to the Facebook Forum SIJD site. You should talk to helenlegs 11 on HOPE. She has SIJD and was diagnosed by Dr. Jenner in London (according to her signature). Maybe she could help you find a good physio? We do have Groupon in the States, but I've never seen a chiropractor appointment to buy! That's interesting.

I have been told by several PT's that I am hypermobile and that my ligaments are lax -they say from pregnancy/childbirth, but I didn't have pain like this then so I think they were over-stretched by traumatic SI manipulations I received.

It's interesting your PN block only gave 30 mins relief. I got about 3 hours with one of mine and only increased pain with my 2nd. My most recent pain doc said that with PN blocks the pelvic floor muscles get bathed in anesthetic so if your pain is from pelvic floor myalgia then it will relieve that pain too. I read somewhere that the levator ani and obturator internus are like 2nd line stabilizers for the SI joint. When the ligaments and gluteus maximus aren't doing their job the pelvic floor picks up the slack. Makes sense. But what doesn't make sense to me is why my botox didn't help :(
-11/08 vulvodynia began around conception of first & only pregnancy
-3/10 sacral/sitting pain began after SIJD manipulation
-Progressive widespread pain- central sensitization
-PT, meds, injections, botox, ESWT = debilitated.
-5/12 Potter MRI - scarring of left ST, coccygeous & posterior alcock
-12/12 - left FAI/labral hip tear surgery
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by Lernica »

Faith wrote: I read somewhere that the levator ani and obturator internus are like 2nd line stabilizers for the SI joint. When the ligaments and gluteus maximus aren't doing their job the pelvic floor picks up the slack. Makes sense.
I wonder if this would explain my trigger point on the pelvic floor if its muscles are picking up the slack from the hip muscles which aren't working properly because of the labral tear.
Athlete until pain started in 2001. Diagnosed with PN in Nov. 2010. Probable cause: 3 difficult labors, 5 pelvic surgeries for endometriosis, and undiagnosed hip injuries. 60% better after 3 rounds of shockwave therapy in Cornwall, Ontario (Dec - Feb/12). 99% better after bilateral hip scopes for FAI and labral tears (April and July/12). Pelvic pain life coach Lorraine Faendrich helped me overcome the mind/body connection to chronic pain:
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by birdlife »

Faith, I'm getting a bit concerned about Helen, if anyone has heard from her since mid December would they please post. She's likely focusing on her second tribunal scheduled this month, but still would like to know she's alright.

I googled SIJD and sacrowedgy and read through a number of forums including the facebook one. Some people seem to have been helped by using it and some definitely not. None posted how long they used it for before coming to a decision. Minefield as usual :(. Just seems to me that if the sacrum is out of alignment then this type of simple tool has a chance to gently correct? Better chance than a heavyhanded chiro? That's interesting about the levator ani and obturator internus, I'll add that to my little file. And definitely all three glutes arent doing their job properly in my case, nor the piriformis, QL, and just about every muscle and ligament down to the kneecaps.

Clair Davies comments "muscle tension maintained by trigger points can pull the saroiliac joint out of place, keeping the pelvis twisted or cocked". I've worked and worked on these muscles with excellent results, but each time I lift, push or pull something just a tad heavier than normal it all comes back. I think it was HerMajesty who said in an older thread something like 'if working on the muscles doesnt solve the joint hypermobility or hypomobility, then work on the joint instead to solve the muscle problem'. Very good point.

Lernica, as I understand it from Clair Davies' book any muscle anywhere in the body will pick up TP's either through its own misfunction or from a knock-on effect from nearby ligaments and muscles that are under stress, so yes it would explain your pelvic TP's from the labral tear :( .

I'm so sorry some of your pt has actually made you worse Faith, what a situation to be in. And with the botox, is that a known possible outcome? Were you warned by Dr. Hibner that you could be made worse from the injection?

PN, possible entrapment at ischial spine -Dr.Natasha Curran, National Hospital for Neurology, London.
2 -Xray guided double nerve blocks -Dr.Baranowski - no relief.
TP self-massage reduced piriformis pressure on p nerve.
CT guided block (left) 16.7.12- success! Could sit without a cushion! On a brick wall!
06/2/13 - Sit pain gradually returned, L3. Offered further CT-guided block, or an op. Had to decline at time.
Feb '15. Applying to be referred again to Dr G.
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by Faith »

I tried to send Helen a message through Facebook and did not hear back from her. What is a tribunal? I hope all is ok with her.

Yes, I would think a sacrowedgy would be more gentle than most chiropractors. Won't hurt to give it a try.

Vicki Sims, PT also says that muscle tightness or imbalances (due to another injury/disease) could cause SIJD so I think PN could cause SIJD, but I think more often SIJD causes PN. So I guess Vicki's comment would go with what Clair Davies says.

I don't know if I was specfically warned by Dr. Hibner that botox could make me worse, but I am a nurse and I understand that all medical procedures have risks, no matter how minor the procedure. So I do not hold him accountable for what just happened. I think it makes sense too because if my primary stabilizers of my SIJD (the piriformis, gluteus maximus, quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, rectus abdominus) are all spasmed and therefore have become weakened due to the pain and then the botox knocked out my levator ani and obturator interns there was nothing left to stabilize my SI joint so my hamstrings were recruited (worsening my sit bone pain) and all the primary stabilizers became even more spasmed. I don't have proof of this...just my theory after lots of thinking and reading.
-11/08 vulvodynia began around conception of first & only pregnancy
-3/10 sacral/sitting pain began after SIJD manipulation
-Progressive widespread pain- central sensitization
-PT, meds, injections, botox, ESWT = debilitated.
-5/12 Potter MRI - scarring of left ST, coccygeous & posterior alcock
-12/12 - left FAI/labral hip tear surgery
2014-2019 managed w/ gabapentin, massage, and lifestyle mod
2020 - big flare up
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by birdlife »

Helen had a work injury that caused her piriformis syndrome and underwent a disgraceful industrial tribunal to prove it. She went unrepresented and the panel (a judge and a doctor) tried to demolish her. Though she was reduced in her own words to a blubbing wreck, still she has since got PS (caused by trauma) officially recognised in the UK by the Secretary of State! In the light of that, a second tribunal was scheduled for some time this month. But still it isn't like her not to keep in touch. Please post, anyone, if you've heard from her since 13th Dec.

I didn't expect you to post in the middle of your Vicky Sims appointment :!: , how's it going? Will reply to your pm when I'm more able, early last night the feeling of concrete in my pelvis and pain from about 3" above the waist downwards to the sacrum meant I had to go and lay down, and stay there for hours, to take the weight from my weight-bearing joints. Muscle tightness went into overdrive, TP's increased by zillions. As usual, I can't get an appointment with my GP nor any of the senior doctors at the practice. Have asked for a telephone call back after morning surgery, though don't know what good it will do me! Felt so bad last night, also a bit shivery, I considered taking myself off to hospital. Am better this morning, can go up and down the stairs one at a time but coming upstairs I have to bend forward and use my hands on the stair above, can't walk up.

Good luck with Vicky Sims ...
PN, possible entrapment at ischial spine -Dr.Natasha Curran, National Hospital for Neurology, London.
2 -Xray guided double nerve blocks -Dr.Baranowski - no relief.
TP self-massage reduced piriformis pressure on p nerve.
CT guided block (left) 16.7.12- success! Could sit without a cushion! On a brick wall!
06/2/13 - Sit pain gradually returned, L3. Offered further CT-guided block, or an op. Had to decline at time.
Feb '15. Applying to be referred again to Dr G.
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by Lernica »

Thinking of you, Birdlife, and sending you hugs.
Athlete until pain started in 2001. Diagnosed with PN in Nov. 2010. Probable cause: 3 difficult labors, 5 pelvic surgeries for endometriosis, and undiagnosed hip injuries. 60% better after 3 rounds of shockwave therapy in Cornwall, Ontario (Dec - Feb/12). 99% better after bilateral hip scopes for FAI and labral tears (April and July/12). Pelvic pain life coach Lorraine Faendrich helped me overcome the mind/body connection to chronic pain:
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by birdlife »

Thanks, Lernica. My daughter's friend is a nurse and she's just recommended me a physio I might be able to get to see in the next few days. Also a very kind lady who normally posts on has actually sent me her unused Sacrowedgy to try out :o . People are so kind!
My surgery rang me to say the letter sent by my GP to the healthcare panel asking for permission to send me out of the London area to Dr.Greenslade in Bristol was never received by the panel! So that's 3 and a half months wasted then and we have to start again :( :evil: .
PN, possible entrapment at ischial spine -Dr.Natasha Curran, National Hospital for Neurology, London.
2 -Xray guided double nerve blocks -Dr.Baranowski - no relief.
TP self-massage reduced piriformis pressure on p nerve.
CT guided block (left) 16.7.12- success! Could sit without a cushion! On a brick wall!
06/2/13 - Sit pain gradually returned, L3. Offered further CT-guided block, or an op. Had to decline at time.
Feb '15. Applying to be referred again to Dr G.
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Post by birdlife »

A week on, and with lots of rest and no lifting of ANYTHING I am now this last day or so able to walk upstairs like a true member of homo sapiens instead of a quadruped, but have to go one step at a time. That Groupon voucher has got me an osteopath appointment for tomorrow in London (round the corner from the Queen, in Buckingham Gate -posh!). And, best of all, my referral to Dr.Greenslade's PN team in Bristol has today come through for 11th April :D. I'm astonished! Thought I'd have to wait the best part of a year. And Dr.G. also does sacral injections for suitable patients. At last, help is on the horizon...
PN, possible entrapment at ischial spine -Dr.Natasha Curran, National Hospital for Neurology, London.
2 -Xray guided double nerve blocks -Dr.Baranowski - no relief.
TP self-massage reduced piriformis pressure on p nerve.
CT guided block (left) 16.7.12- success! Could sit without a cushion! On a brick wall!
06/2/13 - Sit pain gradually returned, L3. Offered further CT-guided block, or an op. Had to decline at time.
Feb '15. Applying to be referred again to Dr G.
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Re: Sacral pain - is it torsion/SIJD?

Post by Laura »

Marvelous! I'm so happy for all your good news! :D
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