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Re: Do I Have PNE?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:28 pm
by Steve
Hello All, Just wanted to say the PT in Edinburgh Bill Taylor has worked wonders on my symptoms. I have been seeing him about 5months now and am nearly totally better. I am drug free and have days when back to normal. My burning pain is no where near as intense and I can sit for periods as long as i'm careful sometimed need to stand a few times over a long period. I can highly recommend him and if anyone is suffering like I was, find a good PT. Thanks to all for your advice. Steve.

Re: Do I Have PNE?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:54 pm
by helenlegs 11
Excellent news Steve,
Thanks such a lot for posting this, it's always good to hear positive news :)
I have heard good things about this guy before although I am convinced that my pelvic floor muscles are fine. Do you think that is where your problem lay? keep up the good work.
Take care,

Re: Do I Have PNE?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:17 pm
by birdlife
Brilliant to hear your success story, Steve. Can you detail what kind of physio work Bill Taylor did to achieve this turn around for you. Did he do internal pelvic floor massage, did he work on external surrounding muscles and fascia. . were you able to do some of this yourself at home? Spill the beans please! :)

Re: Do I Have PNE?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:00 am
by Steve
He did both internal and external works and gave me stretching to do. The first appointment I nearly hit the roof when he started the internal work, thats how tight everything was. Basically he worked down through the muscle layers (this takes time quite a few treatments) until all muscles have been reset. Everything was tight, pudendal nerve, sciatic everything. No wonder I was getting pain. After each treatment I felt better, this took a few days though because you feel like you've been beat up right after treatment. He said in the last 5years he's seen 600men with this. He also see's women. Hope this helps. I don't think my pain was as bad as many I have read on this forum but this certainly has helped me.

Re: Do I Have PNE?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:08 am
by Violet M
Steve, it would be very interesting to know what percentage of the men he's seen improve with PT. Do you know what his thoughts are regarding PNE?


Re: Do I Have PNE?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:36 am
by seanpualion
I have just joined and I hope I will learn a lot of new information here.
I admire the valuable information you offered in your article. Excellent submission very good post.Keep posting thumbs up.

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