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Re: newcomer

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:12 pm
by carolynm
Greg, there is much discussion on the fb group about Dr. Tibet Erdogrus surgery. He himself is a member of our forum. He does laparoscopic decompression of the minimally invasive. He also uses an omental flap to wrap around and protect the nerve from re-entrapment. I think he is a genius.


seeking info on Dr. Tibet and then some rambling

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:45 pm
by GregT
Thank you, Cari. Is he indeed getting good surgical results? Also, where does he work? I'm strongly pushing anyone who writes directly to me to go to this forum/website because I am not keeping up with "the latest". But sometimes I give out some advice of my own, so I need to find out some about what's going on.

I looked up on this website's members section and it seems that you all are having people join about every day or every other day. That is so wonderful. And, the forum/website is being run very, very well from what I see. It's how we'd envisioned it a long time ago before Richard started playing God/dictator. You all have given me the comfort to be able to finally back off (over the past few years) knowing that everyone will be taken care of and given both support as well as good information. My site will not be continuing past February (Feb 7, 2013) of next year, so if anyone ever wants to grab any information that they find useful on it please feel free to do so.

Any more information on Tibet would be helpful from anyone, especially where he works and if we have people on the forum who have had surgery from him who have done well. I don't seem to have the dedication any more to keep up with all of the posts that would keep me informed like I did years ago, but I am interested in this Dr. Tibet.

Thanks again.


Re: newcomer

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:52 pm
by GregT
I would like to add an apology to Dr. Tibet for insinuating that he might be leading people on regarding his success rates. Obviously didn't know that he was a member of this website. With many doctors over the years, I've seen far out stated or printed success rates that did not corroborate with actual patients who we knew from the different websites.

I hope everyone understands, especially Dr. Tibet.


Re: newcomer

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:30 pm
by molly
Hi Greg,

Sorry for the delay, I,ve got a new pc, so I,m having a bit of bother.

It is as Cari said, a new technique, using the body,s own tissue, to protect the decompressed nerve and keep it lubricated.

The other major advantage is because it is laparoscopic and uses robotic ,s it is much less damaging to surrouding tissues.

only know of one lady living in London who had sucessful surgery with a swift recovery.

Dr Tibet, works in Istanbul,so it was along way to go and quite dauting.

Let me know if I can give you any more info.



Re: seeking info on Dr. Tibet and then some rambling

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:15 am
by Violet M
GregT wrote: My site will not be continuing past February (Feb 7, 2013) of next year, so if anyone ever wants to grab any information that they find useful on it please feel free to do so.
Greg, we really owe you a huge thank you for all you have done for PNE patients over the years. You were one of the first to welcome me and answer some of my questions when I came on the forums. You deserve to "retire". ;)

As with all new PNE surgeons who come on the scene I think it remains to be seen what Dr. Tibet's success rates are. My guess is there will be successes and failures just like there have been with all of the other surgeons. (Molly, I hope yours is one of the successes!)
For more info, you can view his bio here: ... e%20CV.pdf


Re: newcomer

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:50 am
by Malt
Hey!!!I am new comer on this forum and i welcome to the already member on this forum.
I just found this forum at google and I think it will be a great use if we can share knowledge.
I'm looking forward to sharing experiences and making friends with the members of this forum.

Re: newcomer

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:23 pm
by GregT
Thank you Violet for the information and for your kind words, and Molly for responding.

Instanbul, wow! I wonder, he must have had some surgeon to teach him a form of the surgery to begin with and then put his twist on it. A lady who I do gardening for is just now going on a cruise that begins in Instanbul. It's a shame she doesn't have PN (kidding!!!).

Molly, you've got to be careful about the desire to compare your recovery to someone else's, especially someone you know who had the surgery with the same doctor. You may have had more damage and thus have a longer recovery. Just stay positive and try to keep the pain down as you're going through the recovery. Make sure you're on an anti-depressant to deal with any depression you might be having. I've found that cymbalta works well both with the depression as well as pain. At first it was just advertised as an anti-depressant but after a while they realized that it had some pain component to it and I can attest to the fact that it does address my pain as well.

Good luck.


Re: newcomer

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:55 pm
by molly
Thanks Greg,

I,m on a good cocktail of drugs including anti depressents, so I cannot do much more than wait and see and hope.

Very glad to help anyone who would like info on Dr Tibet, or thinking of going to Istanbul.


Re: newcomer

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:21 am
by lightmail
Hi Greg. Dr Tibet is not on this site but on Facebook. (I stand to be corected if I am wrong about this site) If you are not signed up go there to do it. Wonderfull helpfull people there. Lots of ideas there, It's under pudendal neuragia. Dr tibet posts quite often there....Robert

Re: newcomer

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:29 am
by GregT
Thank you, Robert. Maybe this will be an actual legitimate reason for me to finally get a Facebook account. :oops: