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Re: update

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:29 am
by calluna
So glad to hear that you are home. I have been wondering how you were getting on.

Yes exact same surgery - LVMR plus I have just looked up what sacrocolpopexy is - he told me he had done that too. And similar time.

Mr D is right about things being a bit stirred up afterwards, certainly it was that way for me. Please please if you are not finding your pain relief sufficient, do tell them. Do not wait to see if it settles, do not be noble. Ring up the ward, or talk to your GP, if it is the middle of the night then call NHS Direct. I found the week after I came home to be quite difficult in terms of pain.

Take it easy, rest, and heal! Sending get-well vibes your way!

Re: update

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:23 pm
by chillijava
hi calluna
really cant do much more than rest, feel just like i did after my hyst as though i had been kicked by a mule and boy do i feel weak.
i am hoping that in time i will know if all the "facelift" surgery will have stopped everything pressing on the pn nerve and therefore resolving my problems and maybe then i will be able to get back to normal, whatever that is
thanks for your concern


Re: update

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:13 pm
by helenlegs 11
Best wishes andrea, Get well soon.

Re: update

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:20 am
by Geraldine
Glad to hear you are home and that all went well with surgery. Hope you feel more comfortable each day and fingers crossed that your pain level decreases.

Re: update

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:39 am
by chillijava
what lovely ladies you all are!
i am struggling at the moment with my stomach griping and diarrehhea sorry if this is too much info, but i think surgery has upset my ibs D and also my bile acid absorbption problem so definately no movicol for me :o
imodium has been my friend for the past 2 years and continues to be so, never know maybe this will get a bit better soon as well
bruised and battered but hopeful


Re: update

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:23 am
by calluna
Oh poor you! I have no advice to offer, just sympathy.

It did take quite a while for my insides to adjust to their new positioning and settle down. I have, however, got used to my new 'normal' now.

If you are having abdo pain, maybe talk to the ward? - I had this, Mr D said it can happen after lap surgery. Different pain killers required and my GP was able to help there.

Re: update

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:18 am
by chillijava
hi everyone
well a week since my surgery, it really seems to have flown by. last night was a nightmare. really bad back pain aching thigh pain even tramadol only just took the edge off!
i am still suffering from excess gas which i think is what is causing the problem, trying everything to get it moving you dont realise how much pain trapped wind can give you and of course it doesnt help when they blow you up :mrgreen:
taking wind settlers so will see if that works


Re: update

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:15 am
by calluna
The back pain is from where the mesh is fixed, I was told. Not nice, poor you.

Could I just mention again that you might benefit from seeing your GP, when we added diclofenac in alongside the tramadol it really made a difference. I waited a week before I went to my GP, hoping that the pain would start to settle and thinking that I ought to be able to cope, afterwards wished I had gone along there much sooner.

The gas in the abdomen will not be affected by wind settlers - this gas is not inside the gut, remember. It is unfortunate but it can take a while to be absorbed. It can all quite painful because a lot of work has been done in there and things are sore to say the least. I did find that adding diclofenac helped - not with the gas, but with the abdo pain.

If things are not moving along through as they should, then again best speak to your GP, Movicol was what was suggested for me. I remember you had the opposite problem earlier.

I do hope you feel better soon.

Re: update

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:05 am
by chillijava
well i feel slightly more comfortable today and have opened the proverbiable bowels, i am a little downhearted today as yesterday the original problem of pn burning issues of the the vulva and anus seem to have come back with a vengeance. my husband says i am being premature in expecting everything to be sorted in a week! i think i am now so desparate to get back to normal that i expected it quicker.
i know i am probably still quite swollen inside which could be pressing on the pn nerve, i am so frightened that i have gone through major surgery for it not to be ressolved although there were never any guarantees.

any words of encouragement whould be nice


Re: update

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:49 pm
by janetm2
Hang in there! I always hope others will be the one with the quick recovery but even if that is not the case it does not means the surgery was worthless just may take a bit longer to get there. The dr said I should be up and going to work at one month (you still could be that case) but at 3 months it was a struggle but I did return to work. I still do not make the full work week but am able to do enough to stay a full time worker using Family Leave Medical Act . I am able to sit with cushions up to an hour. It can certainly get better for you. Hugs and take it slow.