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Re: freezing the pudendal nerve

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:32 am
by river133
Nor do I know what generic botox is. As I told Karyn and Helen,the nurse did call back and told me what they do as far as helping pm patients. They inject the sensory nerve ,they freeze it block it or burn it.
Asked if it helped on patients,she then said''well if one does not work we try another,:as if the freezing does not help they try to block etc'' I then asked if you have really helped pm patients,and she said yes,we have helped a number of them. So we have that all straightened out now. I do believe I will stay away from there. This tablet will not accept the initials pm. See it changes it to pm. :lol:

Re: freezing the pudendal nerve

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:18 pm
by Karyn
:lol: Aaaaah ... Don'tcha just love the modern technology, Ell? :lol: Yes, I knew you were trying to type PN. ;)
But anyhoo, this may be your time to give things a rest so you may heal from your surgeries. Although we all want to be out of pain as soon as possible, some times it's better to just do nothing (as far as "treatments" go).
This is a tough time of year for a lot of us, too, with not being able to get out much because of snow/ice. Please try to find small things to do around the house and simply putter around and rest. Enjoy your puppies! But get someone ELSE to walk them for a while. The last thing you need is another fall. I'm think you'll be feeling much better and stronger this spring.
Much love,

Re: freezing the pudendal nerve

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:43 am
by Meliora
Hi Ellie....I wonder if the doctor meant he would freeze the small fiber pain nerves, not the pudendal nerve. My pain doctor mentioned something about (phenol maybe?) that would make small pain fibers stop causing pain, but would not affect motor/sensation of the pudendal nerve. Perhaps that is it? I would double check though, so you are doing something that would help, not hurt.

Re: freezing the pudendal nerve

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:00 am
by river133
Well, I believe I am going to just leave it alone for awhile. I would like to speak to the Dr and get some more info on this ,not now though.
When I was unable to sit about 5 years ago,I started doing abstract paintings. Some really horrible, some quite nice. In my opinion only. Good or bad I love doing it and makes me relax. How are things going with you Mel. We are in a deep freeze here in Mn..
I said to my son yesterday ''I will have this forever'' He said''Do not ever say that again Mom'' If you believe you can get better you will. Hope ,it is all about hope. :D

Re: freezing the pudendal nerve

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:06 am
by river133
Now that I am off of the oxycontin and muscle relaxers, I asked for valium ,and it is helping tremendously. Today has been a good day.

Re: freezing the pudendal nerve

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:00 am
by Meliora
Good for you taking up painting! That does sounds relaxing. I agree with your son, have hope (what else can we have but hope, right!) No deep freeze here, in fact I am thinking Spring arrived early in my area. I love true winter weather, makes me happy. I am sure a deep freeze is not as great though. Sounds like you are making progress that you were able to come off some of your meds. I just started vaginal Baclofen suppositories, ick I know....but hey whatever works! I cannot take valium or I would sleep all day (got to take care of kiddos!) I see a pain doctor next week about Botox for the pelvic floor, I am very nervous about side effects. I am trying to keep an open mind though! Enjoy your painting! :)